I, H2O Delirious

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Sorry if I'm taking forever to get a chapter in. I'm trying my best. Plus I'm working on my other stories.

- Ghost of Tsushima x Horizon Zero Dawn
- The Dark Knight

You can check them out on my profile.

There's also a little something at the end of the chapter.

After the whole sports festival, the squad went back to base and chill for a while. As they were going back, they were met with a lot more fans in the street. To the point that they were about to get surrounded by hordes of people.

They just quickly high-tailed out of there. Until they we're just on the outskirts of the city.

Wildcat: "Holy fck that was a lot of them." He said breathing heavily.

Terroriser: "No kidding."

Delirious: "I know someone tried to steal teddy bear."

Moo: "Yeah and that was a kid. You threaten her with violence."

Delirious: "No one tries to steal Teddy and gets away with it."

They rested for a moment to catch a breath. Once they got their bearings,  one of them had an idea.

Basically: "How bout we race to who can make it back to base."

Delirious: "Oh ill beat you in the dust. Let's go."

Wildcat: "Wait we allow to use anything."

Basically: "Yes, as long as you make it back to base."

Vanoss: "What about knocking each other off or like trying to block each other."

Moo: "You just trying to aim for Delirious huh."

Vanoss: "What no...... Maybe."

They got into a line and instantly spawned in their vehicle of choice. Most were ground vehicles while Terroriser chooses a flying motorcycle. Nogla, for some reason, decides to spawn in a stupid moped. He hopped onto the seat and put on his helmet which made him look more stupid.

Basically: "Nogla why did you choose to drive that stupid moped."

Nogla: "Why you hatin? This ride gets the job done."

Terroriser: "Alright someone start the countdown."

Nogla: "Whore!"

This made everyone laugh and giggle at Nogla's sudden countdown.

Wildcat: "No it's pronounced four. Fck it, I'll do it."

Wildcat: "Ready everyone. 1!"

Everyone revved up their engines as they had looks of determination on their faces. While Vanoss had a look of mischievous.

Wildcat: "2... 3, GO!" He announced quickly.

He ended off the countdown very rapidly. Soon all of them booked it to base. Leaving a trail of dirt and smoke behind them. Their yelling and hollering echoed in the distance as they sped off.


Timeskip brought to you by

Wildcat and Vanoss 1v1 with marksman pistols and brass knuckles. Wildcat was winning until Vanoss ran up behind him and socked him in the face with brass knuckles.


The class 1A was coming up with their hero name. Along with receiving internships from pro hero agencies. This ked to the students creating their fun and easy to remember hero names.

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