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Gemma was right.

It was too late. He couldn't tear his eyes away anymore. He starred at the figure standing in the doorframe.

A man who looked nothing like anyone Harry had ever seen before. His face was beautiful. That kind of beautiful that made your heart ache when you look at it.

In other words he looked like an angel. 

Harry was scared of his own thoughts. This was nothing like him. He never let anyone take him over but the longer he starred the more he got lost.

The man was wearing a white hoodie and a pair of yellow joggers.

He watched him greet his family and that brought him back to real life

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He watched him greet his family and that brought him back to real life. He had to go over there.

So he shook his mind clear and tried to put on the best "I am fine whatever face" that he could come up with. He made his way over to the door.

He kept his head down as he entered the main entrance area. He could hear everyone go still for a second. He was way to nervous to look up but he had to at some point.

He went with his hand through his hair and looked up at Mark.

"Ah Harry, right on time." Anne said to break the silence.

Harry mentally thanked her.

"Hello sir, it's nice to meet you. I hope the car ride was okay." Harry said to Mark.

He reached his hand out to shake Mark's.

"Oh please call me Mark. The car ride was actually quite peaceful. Thank you." He replied with the same big smile he had on his face since he had entered the house.

Harry individually shook everyone's hand while greeting them. He hadn't looked at Louis yet still he could feel him starring holes into his side.

There was no point in looking away anymore so Harry gave in. He turned to look at him.


All of a sudden he was drowning and found himself in an ocean.

With each and every second passing by waves would hit him and pull him deeper to the ocean floor.

He needed oxygen.

Everything was overwhelming and suffocating.

Still he couldn't look away so for the first time in a long time he let himself go.

Now, actually standing in front of him he could see him better. He was shorter than Harry and his body figure was quite petite, however he felt like he was drowning in his presence.

He felt intimidated by him and he couldn't bare that thought.


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