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"Is something burning?"

"Just get inside you knobhead." Louis grumbled whilst maniacally waving a kitchen cloth around, intentionally whacking him on the head. Harry stumbled into the kitchen cackling and standing in front of the burnt, pathetic excuse of muffins.

Ever since they flew back from London two days ago both of them craved some muffins. On the way to the airport they hurriedly passed a bakery, which in Harry's words looked like "Every kid's dream".  

During the whole flight, with the muffins being their main conversation topic, Harry managed to provoke Louis, saying that he most definitely couldn't bake some. Louis being the competitive person he is took the challenge upon himself.

Thus for the past two days the trash can was full of burnt, dry muffins. One batch even turned out fine, until Harry bit into one and quickly figured out that Louis had mixed up salt and sugar. At first he decided against telling Louis to not hurt his feelings but Louis found out shortly after biting into one.

Harry tried to convince Louis that it was fine and they could just go and buy some, but he just wouldn't let up.

So here they were, looking down at the monsters that Louis created. Harry placed down the flour that Louis had asked for.

"I'm guessing we need more flour now."

"I give up. Fuck you and fuck your goddamn muffins. I'm done!" He threw his hands in the air and dramatically plopped down on the floor in front of the hot oven. The warmth coming from it made Louis realize how tired he was and his eye lids became heavier.

"Louis it's fine, honestly. I'm also not going to say I told you so." Harry assured, the mocking tone never leaving his voice. His hand came down to rest upon Louis' head, slowly petting his hair.

"Careful, I could easily bite you in your knee." He answered and leaned forward wanting to prove his point, but ended up leaning his head against Harry's leg. His eyes shutting and relaxing for a second.

With is free hand Harry tried to grab one of the muffins, not considering that Louis just pulled them out of the oven, letting it fall back on the tray. It created a loud thumb as it landed back on the tray, proving that they were in fact burned to death and hard as stone. Harry grunted, pulling his fingers into his mouth, trying to help against the burn.

"I even set a fucking timer this time." Louis slurred his words, pushing his face further into Harry's leg.

"You need to rest, come on." Harry stepped aside to go to the living room and Louis, who didn't expect the movement, landed one the floor, yet still managed to brace himself with his arms. The man turned on his back and called out "You go, I'm going to wallow in self pity. Remind me to never set foot into this dammed place."

Harry huffed out a breath and bend down to pick the man up in bridal style. "Stop damming our kitchen and come on." He carried him out of the kitchen and Louis swung his arms around his neck. " Don't you think you are a little late with this? You should have done this on our wedding night."

"If you think about it like that I should have done a lot of things different on our wedding night." Louis slapped his shoulder right before Harry dropped him on to the couch, following shortly after landing on top of the man. Louis tried repositioning, his face smushed in Harry's chest.

"No Harry, get off. This is not me resting this is me suffocating to death." Louis tried shoving him off, but without success so he pinched his sides instead.

"I'm tired too, okay, so stop it." Harry's hands gently took a hold of Louis' wrists.

"I'm will scream for help just so you know, you are literally holding me hostage."

"Love." Harry rasped.

It took Louis a good second to understand that he was talking to him.


Harry lifted himself up a bit to look him in his eyes. "Sleep." He pressed a soft, lingering kiss on Louis' lips. In a sense it was way to sweet, but Louis had no time to think about it because Harry lowered himself again, laying pressed on top of him.

Louis waited and with each second that he waited panic rose up in him a bit stronger, hitting him like a wave and making him feel dizzy. He waited for Harry's next move, but it never came. He feel asleep instead, not moving.

Exactly that was the problem, they don't just kiss. Something always followed, why isn't anything following?

They don't just kiss, at least they didn't use to do that.

Now they do apparently.


Author's note:

I know it has been some fucking time but here I am again. I will finish this fucking fanfic and if that's the last fucking thing I do. I'm kind of losing interest in this ff (clearly) but I will finish it. Now, how is everyone??
(Very much very aware of the fact that it is a short chapter, I'm sorry luvs)

Kisses to everyone ᵕ̈

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