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(January 2, 2021)

Saying the situation was awkward would be an understatement. It felt like taking one step forward and then taking fifty steps back.

Well maybe that was an exaggeration, but ending up in a dispute with someone before even getting to know them, let alone before bonding with them was definitely not the way to start off a friendship. The situation is even worse when it's not just starting off a friendship, but also a whole fucking marriage with your future spouse who happens to be a fucking stranger.

Exactly, a fucking stranger.

Maybe Louis shouldn't have pushed him, thinking about it he might have broken a rule.

4. The spouses aren't forced into a real relationship. One spouse can not force the other one in a romantic or sexual relationship. When one spouse feels uncomfortable with the situation the other one has to come to a halt.

Did he make Harry feel uncomfortable?

That wasn't his Intention at all, but their marriage would not work out if they didn't talk to each other. As if Louis was so desparate to know what was going on in a strangers life, but that said stranger was going to be his life long partner, so it definitely wouldn't hurt to know.

Also there was a rule for that as well...

5. The spouses have to talk about their feelings and be honest with each other.

Harry was not honest. In fact he straight up lied into Louis' face telling him that there was nothing to talk about. Louis didn't know Harry like that, for all he knew he could be a murderer.
Or rather a pathological liar since it was so obvious that he was lying. Maybe he did have a habit of lying.

However there was no reason to snap at Louis like Harry did, he was only a little concerned and wanted to be nice, maybe also get to know him a little as well. Louis thought it was appropiate since everything seemed to go pretty well.

He just didn't want to accept the fact that he had did something wrong, because to him he didn't.

In total Harry had broken two rules whilst Louis only broke one.

1. The spouses have to treat each other with respect at all times.

Snapping at Louis like that wasn't nice nor respectful at all, but since Louis practically didn't know anything about the green eyed man he decided to let it slide. Well maybe not completly, but he wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

He didn't want to cause a fight and risk everything before it had even properly started.

It had been roughly two days since the small dispute and they both kind of ignored each other. They weren't particularly mean, they just didn't talk or really pay attention to the other's presence.

There was one small incident this morning where Anne had asked Harry to go to the bakery and take Louis with him. Harry however answered with a stony "I'll be fine on my own." before going out the door.

Louis wasn't going to lie, it hurt him a little and the feeling exponentially increased when he saw Anne's concerned and pitiful face.

Other than that Harry had stopped looking at him which was kind of weird. He went from basically staring at him to not even breathing in Louis' direction. Louis however looked at him sometimes, examing his emotionless face. The way his well structured face was looking like a sculpture with a rather blank expression and his green eyes kind of lost their spark. Also he had slight bags under his eyes, but Louis only saw those after a couple of times of looking at him.

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