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"I didn't mean to be so harsh, but I was just really angry with you."

They were still in each other's arms and Harry had eventually stopped crying. The smell of smoke on Louis brought him back to his senses making him immediately cringe at his own actions. His arms loosened around Louis' torso before he stepped back and looked away. Louis simply stood there watching him.

Harry was sure that his emotions were just so messy because he felt so out of place with this whole situation. He was usually always alone, but now he also felt alone, like no one on earth could relate to his situation.

Except there was one person and that person was standing right in front of him with just as much uncertainty in his eyes as there was in Harry's.

Harry rubbed his face, feeling the dried tears on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry for what I said."  Louis spoke up again.

"No. Don't. My actions were inexcusable." Harry admitted with guilt streaming through him.

He was still avoiding Louis' gaze and Louis wasn't having it. He thought they already crossed the line of being unable to look into each other's eyes.

"Harry." Louis' voice was serious, indicating to Harry that he wanted him to look at him.

Harry forced his head up. Louis paused for a second. He was so done with this argument and he just wanted to forget everything that happened in the past 12 hours.

"Come on. Let's eat breakfast." Louis said, not wanting to drag this whole dispute out any further.

He walked passed Harry to go back into the house, but he slowed down and furrowed his eyebrows when he didn't hear steps following him. Then a quite and weak voice spoke up which made his heart clench.

"Do you forgive me?"

He turned around, meeting Harry's eyes. They had lost their spark, but that had already happened when Louis started yelling at him yesterday. The spark in Harry's eyes was gone and instead they were filled with fear and self-hatred.

"Yes. I do." Louis said as softly as he could. Even though he still felt disrespected by Harry's actions he had already forgiven him when Harry had thrown himself on him, crying uncontrollably.

According to Gemma this wasn't like Harry at all, at least not like the Harry everyone got to see. So Louis was pleased to find out that Harry was actually sorry and not just to stop the argument.

Harry cared.
And Louis did too.

Louis turned around again and this time Harry followed him into the the house and then to the kitchen.

They made breakfast for each other in silence and also ate it in silence. There was silence pretty much throughout the whole day, neither of them knew what to say.

Around noon some 90s TV show was playing on the TV and they both sat in the living room, pretending to watch. Harry was looking at his hands and fingernails.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Louis finally spoke up breaking the defending silence.

Harry snapped his head up to look at him as if his voice startled him.

"Oh, I was just thinking that I should paint my nails again." He answered looking back at his nails.

"No, I mean what have you been thinking about the whole day long. I hardly think that you were thinking about painting your nails the entire time." Louis rephrased.

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