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Headache. That was the first thing that Harry woke up to. He woke up feeling like he got punched over and over again. Except instead of feeling like he got punched in one place, it was all over his body, especially his head. His eyes were hard to open and they were red like he was stoned out of his mind.

The second thing he noticed was that he was alone in bed. Apparently Louis had woken up before him and left him. It was already a rare occurrence when both men woke up together instead of one of them alone in the cold bed, but today it was particularly bad, since Harry felt like he was hit by a truck. And since Louis was equally drunk yesterday Harry wondered why he wasn't in bed with him.

The man dragged his body out of bed, feeling dirty and disgusting all together. He was surprised that neither of them threw up yesterday. His insides were burning like a nuclear bomb went off in his intestines. He sat on the edge of the bed, contemplating if he should just go back to sleep, but he ended up deciding against it.

The third thing he noticed was when he looked into the mirror in the bathroom. He didn't look at his messy hair or red, tired eyes. No.
The third thing he noticed were the slightly purple and red love bites on the right side of his neck. They weren't necessarily huge, but definitely an eye-catcher.

"Fuck." Harry breathed out as his fingertips ghosted over the marks on his neck. With that he slowly started to remember what happened last night, though he didn't know how everything ended. He started to question if they had sex and Harry was just too hammered to remember. That was probably also the reason why Louis left him this morning.

He put both of his hands on his forehead, holding it and pulling his hands back, his fingers running through his hair. His own reflection stared back at him. Confused, frustrated and with one hell of a headache. Harry quickly washed his face with cold water and brushed his teeth before going downstairs.

"Hey." Louis greeted him when he arrived in the kitchen. Harry couldn't look at him, the sight of him made him feel hot, not to mention that his dick twitched when he took Louis' scent in.

Harry suspected that Louis probably forgot everything because of his hangover, otherwise he wouldn't be in a good mood right now.

"Morning." Harry said as he hesitantly sat down on a bar stool next to Louis.

"I made coffee." Louis informed him without looking up from his phone.

Harry nodded to himself and got up to pour himself some of it.

"Oh also..." Louis added and Harry turned around to look at him for the first time this morning. Louis' eyes immediately fell on his neck and his breath hitched as he took in the sight of Harry's abused neck.

Louis remembered yesterday as faintly as Harry did, yet vividly seeing what he had done made him cringe with self-disgust. Harry didn't consent to anything and Louis wanted to punch himself for forcing himself on Harry.
Yes, Louis was drunk and he knew that, but now that he wasn't anymore he expected better from himself. That was such unusual behavior coming from him.

Harry stood there uncomfortably in front of Louis, fidgeting with his rings as Louis stared at him, his right hand wrapped around his phone tightly. Harry mentally begged for him to keep talking.

"...The doors are still locked. Could you..."

Harry didn't even let him finish his sentence, he just wanted to leave as fast as possible. "Oh, yeah yeah." He mumbled as he walked away to enter the code into the security system. Almost immediately after he did, Louis stood up and went outside to smoke. Harry poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down in the living room.

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