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"Passengers for flight GA 642 to London, please, go to gate 26."

They were the firsts in line. All because of Harry's constant complaining. Literally dragging Louis out of the house that morning.

"See, good thing we came early." Harry said as he eyed the line of people behind them.

"Yeah, by like three hours." Louis mumbled clearly a bit grumpy.

Harry nudged him a bit which led to Louis stumbling and giving him a look of annoyance. He probably would have said some snarky comment, but he was genuinely tired.

They quickly checked in and got onto the plane, making themselves comfortable.

Harry put on his headphones and chose a movie to watch on the little screen in front of him. "Hey do you want to watch..." He turned to look at the man next to him, who was already sound asleep. Harry rolled his eyes and pulled out a blanket out of his bag, covering their legs with it.

After about one and a half hours or so Louis woke up and Harry had already started the next movie, this time however Harry didn't get to see the ending, because he fell asleep. Louis however did watch it, even though sometimes Harry's light snoring distract him.

The flight was about 10 hours long and when they finally made it to London they were literally dead inside.

"I fucking hate plane food." Louis complained

"I feel sick." Harry commented and Louis hummed in agreement.

They walked out of the airport and Louis was about to call a cab, when Harry stopped him.

"Louis can we get some tea there?" He asked, pointing to a small coffee shop.


They made it to the shop and almost immediately they were hit by the smell of coffee and baked goods.

"I have to use the restroom, I'll have whatever you're having." Harry said before he ran off to the toilet.

When he was done and washing his hands his mind wandered to the plot of one of the movies he had seen on the plane. As he walked out of the restroom he held the door open for an elderly person and looked over to Louis. Surprisingly he had company by a tall, mysterious man, that Harry had never seen. They were talking, laughing even and Louis had a smile on his face the entire time. Harry wanted to know what they were talking about so he went over. Louis' eyes never left the man and they were shining with something that Harry couldn't quite put his finger on. And before he could reach them the guy patted down Louis' arm twice and left with a coffee in his hands.

"Hey. Who was that?" Harry asked.

Louis looked back once. "Just...someone I used to go out with." He said with a pause.

Harry then realized what was going on. They dated, that's why they were acting like that. That's why Louis was smiling the entire time. But then it all came crashing down on him.

That's what it was supposed to look like. Happy faces and smiles. That's what Louis deserved. Someone to make him light up. All Harry ever did was cause problems and make him unhappy, to the point where he even flew back home. Louis wasn't supposed to end up with him. He was a shit person. A shit husband.

He felt like crying in the middle of the coffee shop.

"Here are your drinks, Sir." The woman behind the counter said as she handed the drinks and Louis payed.

They called a cab and Harry turned awfully quite, staring at his tea the whole time.

"God I'm so tired." Louis said as they were waiting. "You alright?"

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