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"Yes, yes I will. Lou- Louis I- oh my god. Please stop." His phone dared to slip from in between his shoulder and cheek, his hands occupied with the magnets on the fridge holding the grocery list and several opened and never finished letters.

Louis never bothered to finished them and Harry always ended up sticking them to the fridge where they eventually would be forgotten. Some of these letters were still congratulations from some distant family friends who didn't attend the wedding or even from some companies congratulating them on becoming one business. Louis always said that they were just „kissing ass" but Harry found the designs of the letters pretty, keeping them because they were "aesthetic".

Harry's hand slipped and a magnet fell out of his hand, dragging down a bunch of letters. Harry barely managed to catch the grocery list but the other papers fell to the ground like a bunch of confetti.

"Fuck me." He groaned and reluctantly bend down to pick up the papers. There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"You are asking me this now when I'm gone?" Even though Harry couldn't see him he knew Louis had a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Please shut up." He huffed out, dumping the papers he picked up on the kitchen counter.

"Okay but promise me to not destroy the house and please eat something proper." Louis told him for the third time now.

"Says the one who leaves a trail of clothing behind wherever he goes and only eats takeout." He argued back as he took his coat of the rack and tried putting in on with one hand, the other holding the phone now.

"Harry you know what I mean."

"You can't even cut tomatoes." He crumbled the grocery list into his pocket and slipped his right foot into his left shoe.

"I hate you." Louis groaned on the other side.

"I know you do." He finally successfully put on both shoes, tapping the front of his right boot on his left heel. "Okay I'm going grocery shopping now, please text me later and have fun."

"Will do. Take care, okay?"

"Will do." Harry repeated after him and hung up, going out the door to his car.

With Louis leaving to hang out with a couple of friends for a few days Harry wanted to clean up a bit, take care of the household and all. Louis had asked him multiple times if it was okay for him that he'd be gone, he even asked if Harry wanted to join but he refused, wanting to give Louis some free time alone. After all it sure wasn't easy to put up with Harry's shit.

His trip to the grocery store took a bit longer then he had expect, the store being full of people on a friday afternoon. Harry had went through the vegetable and fruit aisle, planning to force Louis to eat something healthy once he came back (very well knowing that if he suggested it, Louis would rather shove them up Harry's-).

After his trip he tried to carry the groceries in one go, dropping various things, his fingers almost turning blue due to the pressure. "Fucking plastic bags." He cursed, setting the bags onto the kitchen counter and going back into the hallway to collect the lost items. When Harry trotted back into the kitchen he took a second to look at the mess in front of him.

The kitchen counter was packed with grocery bags, one fell over and some oranges rolled out. Next to it the pile of letters staring back at Harry that he chose to ignore, which was pretty unlike himself. The sink was full of dishes and he realized that he didn't even properly shut the fridge. He sighed unnecessarily loud and rolled up the sleeves of his sweater (Louis' sweater).

Five mental breakdowns and three playlist later the house looked like he had licked ever crevice and every surface clean. Harry was currently sitting on the kitchen floor, gulping down a bottle of water. He had thought about texting Louis yet he didn't want to annoy him so he decided against it and made his way into the bedroom.

forced destiny // L.S.Where stories live. Discover now