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"Ok. We are going to head out. You'll just follow us when you are ready, right?" Desmond asked as he grabbed his car keys.

"Yea yea. See you guys there." Louis waved Desmond and his father goodbye.

They were going to the same event however him and Harry were driving separately, to fit the narrative of a married couple.

Louis was wearing a black-and-white semiformal suit. It was simple, yet easy on the eye. He was currently waiting for his husband to get dressed.

After another awkwardly uncomfortable night in the same bed together they just decided to completely ignore that part of their lives and focus on becoming better friends.

Well they didn't talk about it, but since they were only ignoring each other in the bedroom Louis thought Harry also didn't want to talk about it either.

That was okay. They didn't have to talk about everything.

Besides Louis didn't want to make Harry feel uncomfortable or put himself in an uncomfortable situation. That's why he also kept his promise of not touching him at night, not wanting to make him feel uneasy and disturbed. He didn't want to disrespect him or break a rule, aside from that there was absolutely no reason to touch him. So he also made sure that he didn't do it accidentally.

Harry's footsteps were echoing through the foyer as he walked down stairs and Louis immediately turned around looking at him.

"Took you a while there." Louis mumbled whilst checking Harry out.

He was also wearing a simple suit, only his was a sober navy-blue. Neat and expensive. The dark blue being a nice contrast to his vibrant green eyes. Lips pink and puffy.
His chocolate brown hair styled perfectly, except for one strand of hair which was loosely hanging down. Almost too ideal for the hair to have fallen down by accident.

He looked marvelous.

"What can I say I like taking my time." Harry snapped him back to reality, giving him a prompt response.

He then turned around and looked at the mirror which was hung next to the coat rack. His hands slightly shifting in his hair, barely touching it, but it seemed like he was fixing it at the same time. He looked at himself in the mirror, straightening the soft material of his suit.

Louis couldn't blame him. He looked rather ravishing. Who wouldn't want to stare at him? However he had to be reasonable.

"Yes, you look good. Can we go now, because we are already too late for it to be fashionable." Louis teased the man in front of him who turned around and stuck his tongue out.

"What a fucking child." The older man mumbled under his breath, covering it with a chuckle as he slightly shook his head in amusement.

Harry grabbed his keys and they got into his Range Rover. The car ride was filled with comfortable silence. Silence they would relish in, knowing that the second they leave the car everyone's eyes would dart on them, trying to catch them to hold a conversation with them. Like they were the most wanted.

But then again this was a pretty big deal.

As they drove up to the gates of the big mansion Harry slowed the car down whilst Louis looked around curiously. The mansion was way bigger than Anne's house however it wasn't the biggest mansion he had seen.

Harry rolled down his window, eyeing the intercom. A voice rang out from it.

"Name, please."

Harry looked at Louis, shrugging. He then turned to the intercom.

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