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The next day, Seraphina, Roni, Rogers and Daniel were at the bar waiting for Henry when there was a knock at the door and Roni opened the blinds of the door to see Henry.

The next day, Seraphina, Roni, Rogers and Daniel were at the bar waiting for Henry when there was a knock at the door and Roni opened the blinds of the door to see Henry

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Roni closed the blinds and opened the door, "Come on in. Our one-handed detective and Danny are already here," Roni said.

"Danny?" Daniel said.

"Yes, I will now call you that," Roni said as she and Henry walked over to the table.

"It'll fade, when she's decided if she likes ya," Seraphina noticed the box in Henry's hands, "What's that?" Seraphina asked.

"Wasn't sure what was appropriate for a gathering like this, so I picked up some doughnuts," Henry said.

"Right, 'cause the key to bringing down Victoria Belfrey is a bear claw," Seraphina said.

"Much appreciated, mate. And you'll have to excuse Phina, she's a bit ornery," Seraphina said.

"Yeah, well, you're new around here, Henry, so soon, you'll be ornery, too. Just give it time," Seraphina said with a smile.

"You two brought us together because you said you had something," Daniel said.

"Yes. Last night, we had a customer who worked for the building commission. He got pretty drunk,  Roni said.

"Started spouting off about how he was going to make some real money off Belfrey. She needed him to do her a favour. Heard him say they were meeting this afternoon in Hyperion Plaza, across the Belfrey Towers," Seraphina said.

"Bribes, public officials, redeveloping the neighbourhood at the expense of the new guy this is good. This is really good," Henry noticed the others looking at him confused and frowning, "I-I mean, it's bad. It's bad. It's a good story. It's a bad thing," Henry said.

"Well said," Daniel said.

"Thank you," Henry said.

"I'll go and stake it out. If I can get to the guy, maybe I can get him to give us info on everything Belfrey has her dirty little hands on," Rogers said.

"Like your missing girl case?" Seraphina said.

"Aye, love," Rogers said.

"A stakeout, huh? That sounds pretty cool. Always kind of wondered what one of those was like. Mind if I, uh, tag along with you?" Henry asked.

"Sorry, mate. I think I'll be less conspicuous alone. Even Daniel isn't coming with me," Rogers said.

"Yeah, if they see two cops there, they're gonna know something is up," Daniel said.

"Why don't you stick to your expertise and try and do a little research? Figure out who our target is," Rogers said.

"So, I'm research guy, fun," Henry said.

Finding His Way To Her [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || The Crocodile's Love #7]Where stories live. Discover now