Chapter 14

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It was late at night as Tilly ran down the street to the stone troll, she looked up at it, "Oh friend I'm in quite a jam. They think I killed that poor woman, but I didn't, I couldn't. You know I don't have that kind of malice in me," Tilly said.

At that moment, Rogers pulled up in his car and he stepped out of the car, "Tilly! Get in the car," Rogers said.

"No... Nuh-unh, you didn't believe me before and now someone is dead," Tilly said.

"I know, I should've listened to you, I'm sorry," Rogers said.

"But you believe me now?" Tilly asked.

"I do," Rogers said.

"I didn't kill anyone really, I didn't, I swear," Tilly said.

"Tilly, you can trust me. I just want to help you, just please, get in the bloody car," Rogers said as the sounds of sirens came from the distance and the two got in the car and he drove off.

At the bar, Regina and Naomi sat opposite Lucy and Regina gave Naomi and Lucy walkie-talkies.

"What are those?" Lucy asked.

"Uh, Regina, these are the right ones..." Naomi said.

Regina chuckled, "Come on, really? You can't have an operation without walkie-talkies. Where's your investigative spirit?" Regina said and she turned on the walkie-talkies and they started screeching.

"Ooh. Ooh. Ooh," Regina said.

"Ugh," Lucy said.

Naomi turned off the walkie-talkies, "Gosh, I told you they were the wrong ones... We used police ones in Storybrooke," Naomi said as her phone and Regina's dinged.

Both Naomi and Regina looked at their phone to see a text from Lucy Maybe we should just text.

Naomi and Regina looked at Lucy who was smiling at them, "Okay, smarty, we'll do it your way," Regina said.

"So, where do we start?" Lucy asked.

"Okay, first we need to find out everything we can about my friend Mr Samdi," Regina said.

"Wait. You're friends with Dr Facilier? That's genius. He's a voodoo doctor, of course, he'll know a way to cure my dad," Lucy said.

"He... He might. But first, we need to find out what he's really doing in Hyperion Heights," Naomi said.

"Okay," Lucy said.

"This has to stay between us. Kelly can't know," Regina said.

Zelena walked up, "Kelly can't know what?" Zelena asked.

"Uh, nothing. We were just thinking of adding a kids' menu," Regina said.

"Really?" Zelena said.

"Yeah, you know, during the day, when people pass through," Naomi said.

"In a bar?" Zelena said.

"You see, and that attitude is exactly why we didn't want to tell you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna walk Lucy home. Lock up, will you?" Regina said as she kissed Zelena on the cheek.

"Bye," Zelena said.

"See ya," Naomi said.

Regina and Lucy walked out and Zelena looked at Naomi with her arms folded.

"Don't drag me into your sibling fights," Naomi said and stood up.

Mr Gold walked up, "Naomi, ready to leave?" He asked.

Finding His Way To Her [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || The Crocodile's Love #7]Where stories live. Discover now