30| Love in the air

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Let's get this ride started!


The mall wasn't that crowded. Jimin walked as he eyed the beautiful clothings hanging at both of his sides. All the clothes were branded. One of them caught his eye. It was a white fluffy sweater. He usually only wears button up shirts like now also he was wearing a black button up shirt with black jeans but he knew how he used to love such fluffy clothes in his high school.

He moved his hand up feeling the fabric of the sweater. It was so soft. He chuckled at the memory when he wanted to buy a sweater in his middle school so badly but that sweater was already sold. He literally whined at the store that he want that sweater for himself otherwise he was not gonna leave the place.

But than his expression saddened a little. Some bad memories were also linked there. Why he stopped wearing such fluffy clothes? He just didn't want to dig in those bad memories so he just let it go.

He came out of his daze when he felt someone's body pressing against his from the back. He flinched at the sudden contact but relaxed once he realized it was the younger back hugging him. Jungkook wrapped his arms around the older's waist from the back, nuzzling his nose in crook Jimin's neck, a habit of his that Jimin noticed.

The older felt warm as all the tension washed away from his mind. He put his hand on the younger's that were resting on his lower abdomen. He felt younger's breath on his neck and a small kiss that he planted there.

"What were you looking at?" Jungkook almost whispered because of how close they were.

"N-Nothing.." Jimin said as he managed not to look at that appealing sweater.

"Did you find something for yourself? I told you I would buy it for you." Jungkook whispered again as he peppered more kisses on Jimin's neck making him let out a breathy whimper as he closed his eyes at the feeling.

"I.. don't want anything." Jimin replied eyes still closed.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked as his breath lingered over Jimin's bare skin. The older only hummed in response.

"I thought you like that sweater." Jungkook said making Jimin open his eyes in an instant.

"W-What sweater?" Jimin asked as if he didn't know what the younger was talking about.

Jungkook's one hand moved to touch the sweater right in front of Jimin as he was still back hugging him.

"Don't you like it?" Jungkook asked his head resting on Jimin's shoulder as he eyed the piece of clothing.

"I don't want it." Jimin mumbled but the younger heard it clearly.

"Why? I think it'll look good on you." Jungkook said as he pecked the older's cheek shading them in a pink tint.

"You think so?" Jimin asked as he turned his head to his right, facing Jungkook. Their faces only inches closer making older scan through younger's beautiful face features but stopping at his lips.

"Hmm." Jungkook hummed eyeing Jimin's face.

Jimin leaned closer pecking Jungkook's lips. He pulled back. His eyes than looking right into Jungkook's.

"I love you.." Jungkook whispered out capturing older's lips on his own, kissing them lovingly before pulling back and smiled at the latter who gladly returned it.

The younger pulled away from the bag hug making Jimin miss the warmth. He really liked the feeling the Jungkook's arms around him. Subconsciously, a small pout rested on his lips.

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