28| Addicted

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"If I say I love you. Will you say it back? The younger whispered looking right into those brown orbs which were staring back at him.

Jimin didn't know what to feel at the moment. He was happy but he was a lot more nervous as he didn't know what to say back. His heart was beating furiously inside his chest and his face was heating up. Butterflies rushed inside his stomach while his cheeks held a tint of pink. He immediately broke the eye contact and looked at everywhere but Jungkook.

Jungkook frowned at that. He could feel the latter tensing up. He didn't want to pressure the latter into doing or saying something that he didn't want to. He sat up from his laying position turning to face Jimin as he held his hand in his own. making Jimin look at their hands but still didn't look at Jungkook.

"Jimin.." Jungkook called as he held Jimin's chin with his free hand to make him look up at him while his other hands still held Jimin's in his. Their eyes met for a second but Jimin immediately drifted his gaze from Jungkook's eyes.

"Beautiful.. Look at me." Jungkook said softly caressing Jimin's cheek with his thumb who hesitantly met his gaze with Jungkook.

The younger could see Jimin's cheeks still held a hue of light pink, but couldn't tell the reason was the confession or the nickname that Jungkook called him with. He smiled lightly at that.

"J-Jungkook.. I.." Jimin trailed but couldn't find the right words to say. "I am-" He was saying but got cut by Jungkook who shushed him by placing his thumb on his lips that was caressing his cheek before.

"Shh.. Don't say anything." Jungkook said, lightly squeezing Jimin's hand that was in his, in order to assure him it was okay. "It's alright if you don't wanna say it just yet.. I know it's very early for you. I understand." He smiled in assurance making Jimin relax.

"But.. You know I have been liking you since the first day I saw you. I had never thought I would ever feel like this towards anyone." He said diverting his gaze towards their intertwined hands as he caressed Jimin's hand with his thumb.

"I didn't know what to name this feeling. It just happened. I don't know how to explain but.. It's like.. You make me happy just by your presence. My heart always beat faster whenever I am near you and Even Your small actions make me feel butterflies all over." He said chuckling at his own choice of words, making Jimin smile lightly.

"But Now.. I think I know what this feeling is." Jungkook said looking up at Jimin.

All the words made Jimin feel so special. His heart beat was going insane. Those words were about to leave younger's mouth and he just wanted to engulf those words in his heart.

"I love you... I love you Jimin." The younger said and let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. He felt as if he had just crossed another hurdle of his life.

On the other hand, Jimin just stared at the younger for a whole minute, not saying anything making the latter nervous.

"Jimi-" Jungkook was saying but got cut by the pair of lips attached to his.

Jimin moved his lips on latter's who was still in surprise. His arms slowly wrapping themselves around Jungkook's neck as he settled himself on Jungkook's lap. Kissing the younger's lips slowly as his fingers intertwined themselves in his back locks.

Jungkook hummed in the kiss as he wrapped his arms around latter's torso, kissing him back. To his dismay, the latter broke the kiss too early, pulling back to look at him.

Jimin looked at Jungkook in his eyes before diverting his gaze to his lips. He pecked the younger's lips once before leaning his face in crook of Jungkook's neck. "Thank you Jeon." He whispered as he placed a light kiss on Jungkook's neck making the younger close his eyes and lean in the touch.

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