16| detention

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"Jeon.. Why don't you take a seat? Hmm?" Jimin says in a seductive voice as he made Jungkook sit on the chair, pushing him down by placing his hand on his chest.

Jungkook was startled by the sudden action as he looked up to see Jimin, who was standing in front of him, with his hands in the pockets of his pants.

"So.. you did all this to make me jealous? Huh?" Jimin asked with a raised brow, looking directly at Jungkook who didn't say a single word, but his eyes fixed at Jimin.

"Answer me, Jeon!" Jimin said angrily as he stepped near Jungkook who gulped down the lump in his throat and subconsciously moved a little back on his seat, making Jimin smirk.

Jimin bended a little placing his one hand on the upper edge of the chair, next to Jungkook's shoulder making the younger subconsciously lean his back against the chair, staring at the older with his big doe eyes.

Jimin started leaning in his face, without breaking the eye contact with Jungkook, who now tried to look away but Jimin stopped him by placing his index finger of free hand under his chin, making him look up at him again.

"If you don't know, Jeon.. Let me tell you! I really don't like repeating myself." Jimin says in his husky voice, sending shivers through Jungkook's veins.

Jimin's eyes travelled to look at Jungkook's forehead as he removed his hand from under his chin to pull a strand of hair out of his eyes and tucked it behind his ear. Jungkook's heart beat rose by every action Jimin did. He could feel his heart furiously beating against his chest and his breathing getting a little heavy.

Jungkook felt a tingling feeling in his stomach when Jimin leaned in to his ear where he could feel Jimin's breath by then. Jungkook closed his eyes unconciously. His breath hitched when Jimin tugged his earlobe between his teeth slightly and then releasing it seductively, giving it a lick afterwards.

"Do you really think you can make me loose just like that? Hm?" Jimin whispered in Jungkook's ear as his free hand travelled to rest on Jungkook's nape, caressing it's way down to his shoulder and then down to his chest and rested it just on where his heart lies.

"Are you alright, Jeon? Your heartbeat doesn't seem normal." Jimin said, showing fake concern as he leaned back to look at Jungkook, their faces being really close, making Jungkook's heartbeat increase than it already was.

The words were stuck in his throat because of the close proximity they were in. His mind really wasn't working at that time. But he somehow managed to say. "I-I am." He gulped again.

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