34| Motherfucking piece of shit

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Jimin was thrown harshly on the floor by some men hired by Taemin. Jimin cursed under his breath at that. Taemin guestured the men to go out of the room and they did as told. Jimin watched as Taemin went towards the door and locked it with a smirk as he turned to look at him.

Jimin somehow sat up from his laying position and supported himself by leaning his back against the wall. His wrists were paining due to the tight grip of rope around it but thankfully his foot were free but still bruised because of the previously tied ropes.

Taemin slowly made his way towards him and crouched down in front of him. Jimin just glared at him as if he wanted to beat the shit out of this demon in front of him.

"Don't look at me like that, babyboy. You really pushed me to my edge that lead me into doing this." Taemin said with a slight smirk still playing over his lips as he eyed Jimin's face. He slowly raised his hand to caress Jimin's cheek who harshly moved his face away from the touch making Taemin to raise a brow at him.

Taemin harshly and forefully grabbed Jimin's face to make him look right at him making Jimin whimper due to how hard the grip was. "Don't show this attitude to me. Just obey me peacefully otherwise you don't know the consequences." He warned.

Jimin wanted to fire something back but couldn't because the fucking piece of cloth tied around his mouth wasn't letting him. "Babyboy wants to say something. Hm?" Taemin asked teasingly with a smirk, loving how Jimin was under his control.

"I will let you if you want to. I miss hearing your voice anyways." Taemin said as he untied the piece of cloth from Jimin's mouth.

"Are you fucking insane? What the hell is wrong with you?" Jimin yelled as soon as his mouth was free to speak.

"Shh.. I didn't untie your mouth to hear you shout." Taemin said calmly. "My ears are gonna bleed." He said as he caressed his own forehead.

"Taemin I am telling you.. Whatever you are doing is wrong. I know you weren't like this. When did you even become like this?" Jimin asked as he couldn't believe that this person was once his boyfriend, whom with he used to spend his all day.

"Is everything a joke to you? Do you understand what you're doing?" Jimin asked. "You are committing a crime, Taemin. You shouldn't be doing this." Taemin let out a sarcastic laugh at that.

"I am committing a crime? Then what are you doing? Dating your own student? Isn't that a crime?" Taemin asked.

"T-That.. That is different." Jimin said making Taemin to let out a bitter chuckle.

"What does he have that I don't? Why don't you just leave him? How about, you be mine and I'll leave him alive?" Taemin offered making Jimin scoff.

"That's never gonna happen." Jimin stated sternly.

"You really want me to force you into this. Don't you?" Taemin asked with a dark gaze setted upon Jimin as if he was his prey. "But it'll be more fun like this." He added with a smirk as he eyed Jimin with a lascivious look. His hand travelling to Jimin's thigh giving it a squeeze.

"W-What are you doing?" Jimin asked even though he knew where this was going. "S-Stay away." He stuttered as Taemin started leaning closer towards him. He was scared as hell. He didn't know what to do to save himself.

"Just let me have you Jimin and I'll try to be gentle on you. Otherwise you know how rough I can be." Taemin said with a slight smirk making Jimin shook his head rapidly in a 'no'.

"T-Taemin.. You can't do this. Please don't." Jimin said as he tried to free his wrists that were tied with a rope behind his back and thankfully he could really feel it loosen lightly.

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