21| Drunk in love

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The loud music echoing through the whole club with lightenings here and there. Dancing figures and people making out. Everyone being in their own world. While Jimin passed through the crowd, his eyes searching for only one person he was worried about. He was hoping Taemin didn't do something foolish again and was not again beaten up by Jungkook, even though he deserved it but he didn't want Jungkook to end up in police station again.

But he knew how Taemin was. He may probably be planning to take a revenge from Jungkook and He was worried if Taemin tried to harm Jungkook someway. He really had to find the younger no matter what! After wandering his eyes all around the club, his eyes landed on the figure sitting on the barstool with a drink in his hand and..

Wait! What?!

A girl sitting on his lap?

Even though lightening was very low, he could easily tell, it was the same bunny face he was searching for. He was sippimg from his drink while the girl on his lap was peppering kisses on his neck. Without thinking once, he stormed towards them.

The younger was busy in drinking, not giving a fuck about the girl on his lap, who now tried to kiss Jungkook's lips. Jungkook pushed her face away with his hand as he muttered a 'Fuck off' when the girl abruptly stood up from his lap or you could say had been pulled away from his lap by the fuming figure that just came into the picture.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" The girl blurted out as she looked at Jimin who just pulled her off Jungkook's lap.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?!" He repeated sarcastically. "The fuck that's wrong with you? Didn't you just hear what he said? Just fuck off!" He fired back.

"Why should I? I can do whatever I want to. Who the fuck are you?" The girl asked with a pissed look.

"It's doesn't matter who I am. The thing you should know is that.. This guy right here is MY MAN!" He said pointing at his own chest. "Now, Fuck off before I forget your gender." Jimin blurted out coldly. The girl gulped at Jimin's scary tone as she immediately walked away leaving the two alone.

Jimin diverted his attention towards Jungkook who probably didn't care about whatever that just happened. He just sat there, drinking his beer. Jimin could easily tell he was completely wasted yet he was still drinking. Jimin immediately snatched the glass away from Jungkook's hand.

"The hell? Give it back!" Jungkook grunted out as he stood up and tried to take back the drink but Jimin turned the glass upside down as the beer in the glass drained down on the floor of the club.

"My beer~" Jungkook whined like a child as looked at the ground with half opened eyes. Jimin pursed his lips in a thin line trying not to laugh but couldn't help it so he let out a chuckle.

Jungkook finally looked at the figure in front of him who just spoiled his drinking session. He leaned closer to get a clear look of the person's face as a pout rested on his lips. He blinked rapidly to see the face clear. Jimin gulped at the close proximity. A wave of smell of alcohol hit nose. It was so strong. He scrunched his nose up at the smell.

How much did he drink?

Jungkook tilted his face in confusion as he just shrugged it off before turning towards the counter as called for the bartender.

"Hey.. You!" He said as he let out a hiccup.

"One more.. bottle of beer." He said as he showed his index finger to the bartender, guesturing one with it.

The bartender nodded, giving him another bottle. Jimin eyes widened when he saw Jungkook drowning down the beer from the bottle itself. He immediately snatched it away getting an annoyed groan in return.

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