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{ Kemper }

We were in San Diego because the band had a show tonight. Although I love seeing my dad perform, I kinda want to go see my friends. But that's a battle I'm going to have to have with Dad.

I woke up before my cousins, slowly getting up without waking them, especially Hunter since he was the one I was next to.

I walked out to the front of the bus, finding that Dad was the only one up,

"Good morning princess" he smiled, lifting his arm as I sat next to him,

"Good morning" I yawned, "Can I ask you something?"

Dad shifted and nodded,

"Can I hang out with my friends today? And I'll come back before the show ends"

My dad took a breath and closed his eyes,

"I-I don't know Kemps" he sighed,

"Please, Dad! I haven't seen my friends in months. Please" I begged,

"Fine. But I want to meet them. And I want you back before the show ends" he gave in. I grinned and hugged him then grabbed my phone and texted my friends.


We walked inside the venue and the band got set up. Dad and I were waiting out front for my friends.

Soon I saw my four friends skating down the sidewalk. I grinned and dropped my board to the ground.

My friends embraced me and we hugged for what felt like forever before finally pulling away.

"Oh, Dad, this is Lanie, Maddie, James, and Matthew" I introduced,

"Nice to meet you all" Dad nodded, "I gotta get back in. Have fun" he told me. I nodded and he kissed my head, handing me some money, and letting me go off with my friends.

The first thing we did was go get lunch. We went to one of our favorite places. We came here often. All the workers know us. We often got free food considering our parents didn't feed us and we didn't have any money.

"How's living with your dad?" James asked as our drinks arrived,

"Just like when I was little. Less fighting since my mom isn't there" I shrugged, "How's life here?"

"We're still in the middle of our parent's mess" Lanie sighed.

You see, we kids are the ones that are in a mess. We have to drug deal for our parents. We get told where to meet the dealer or buyer. We completed the deal. It's amazing that we haven't been caught or killed, considering most customers are gangs.


After we ate, we went to the park. We spent a lot of time at the park. It was our go-to to escape our horrible home lives. We used to sneak out at night and meet here.

We are all friends because we are similar in many ways. We were all abused at home- I was the only one lucky enough to have a weekend a month to escape the pain. We also are the ones who have to run drugs as I said earlier.

The five of us settled at a picnic table, watching people skate across the way. Then we saw five large guys walking up. We knew these guys. We had sold drugs to them and taken drugs from them for our parents.

"Look here, boys. It's the five kids we've been looking for" the one taunted. James grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him,

"You know I do believe your parents owe us. And the last thing I heard, little Kemper here had her stepdaddy arrested so he definitely can't pay us back" another spoke,

"Grab a kid" the third laughed. I didn't even have time to think before I was grabbed and was being dragged away. All five of us were fighting, but it was no use.

We were taken to a work van. James was in front of me, the others behind. A needle stabbed my arm and things started to get dizzy. I should've just stayed with my dad. I shouldn't have begged to go out. Dad had a bad feeling- I should've realized it.

{ Ashton }

The whole time on stage, I was worrying about Kemper and whether she made it back safely or not. She was supposed to be texting me updates, but I never received a text.  I was relieved when the show ended.

I ran off stage and saw the girls and the kids, but no Kemper,

"Ashton, she never came back," Sierra told me. I ran back to the dressing room, grabbing my phone. I had no messages- so I texted her,


[ Kemper! Where are you?
Are you okay? ]


"Any texts?" Crystal asked walking in with the kids. I shook my head,

"Maybe she's having fun and just forgot" Caleb shrugged,

"Can you kids text her?" I panicked. The three of them nodded and did so.

The boys came in and they saw how worried I was.

"Can't you track her phone?" Michael sat down next to me. I had forgotten about that. I quickly went to the app. It showed she was at a park. Why was she at a park at 11:30 at night?

I didn't even bother changing out of my stage clothes. I took off to the park she was at, Luke, Michael, and Calum following me.

I followed my phone to where it said her phone was. It led us to an empty picnic table where five phones sat along with five skateboards- Kemper's being one of the five phones and one of the five skateboards,

"Where the fuck is Kemper!?" I yelled as two police cars pulled up with their lights on,

"Excuse me, what are you all doing here?" the one asked,

"I'm looking for my daughter. She never returned. Her phone and skateboard are sitting here" I told them. They looked at each other and sighed,

"We got a report of five kids being abducted. That's why we're here" one told me,

"Do-do you know the kid's names?" Luke questioned,

"Maddie, Lanie, James, Matthew, and Kemper"

That's when I lost it. I was on the ground sobbing.

My daughter was missing.

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