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"They both drugged me and Brian hit me"

We all spun around...

{ Ashton }

"Shut up!" Brian yelled, going to take a step towards her, but I blocked him,

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her" I gritted as the doctor came back in,

"What's going on? Do I need to kick you all out?" He spoke, pushing past us to Kemper's side,

"She just told me that they are the ones that caused this" I spoke. The doctor looked at Kemper,

"Sweetheart, is this true?" He asked her, even though she could barely keep her eyes open,

"Yes" she croaked.

"I need all of you out. Now" he stood and pushed the three of us in the hall, then he called security,

"Even though you didn't do anything, I can't have you in there" he explained to me. I nodded. I completely understood.

The doctor went back in Kemper's room and shut the door as security walked up and stood between me and Brian and Jessica.

We stood there for a long time. Suddenly three cops showed up, one going in the room and the other two staying with us.

I leaned back against the wall. I was worried about Kemper,

Her door opened and the officer stuck his head out,

"Dad? She wants you" he looked at me. I nodded and walked in. Kemper was crying but she also looked like she was in pain,

"D-daddy" she reached for me. I quickly knelt down next to the bed,

"Hey, you're okay. I promise" I moved the baby hairs from her face,

"She wanted you in here. She didn't want to tell the story twice. But she's also in a lot of pain from detoxing so it may take a little while" the doctor explained and pulled a chair over for me to sit in.

Kemper relaxed and took my hand, holding it in both of hers,

"Okay. Can you tell us what's going on?" The officer asked. Kemper nodded and squeezed my hands,

"I got home from my weekend at my dads a-and they were mad. T-they took my phone and wouldn't let me talk to my d-dad. Then Brian started hitting me and was trying to force me to do sexual things with him and his friends. I-I refused so h-he started drugging me and so did my mom" she spoke, looking at the wall,

"Has he or your mom ever hit you before?" The officer asked,

"H-he's a-always hit me" she looked down. My jaw dropped,

"Princess, why didn't you tell me?" I asked, making her look at me,

"I-I couldn't. H-he'd hurt me more" she mumbled. I just kissed her head,

"C-can, d-do you I get to stay with my dad?" She then asked,

"Yes honey. There is no questioning it. Your dad has full custody" the officer spoke, making me relive the breath I didn't know I was holding.

Then Kemper yelled, curling into a ball and letting go of my hands,

"I'm going to put more pain meds in her IV. The drug she was addicted to isn't close to what we use, so she's okay" the doctor told me.

I nodded and watched my daughter, crying in pain.

"Can you tell me what hurts?" The doctor asked Kemper,

"Lungs" she said,

"Does it hurt to breathe?"

Kemper nodded and the doctor ordered a scan. The officer finally left and was taking Brian and Jessica with him.

Two hours later, I was laying on the hospital bed with Kemper, who was asleep, holding my arm to her.

"The poor kid. Not only is she going through a drug detox, she's got pneumonia" the doctor entered with tons of medicines.

"I want to keep for for a week. She needs lots of rest" he explained and messed with her IV.

< four days later >

Sleep became nonexistent for me. The last four nights Kemper was up all night. But now, the puking, the coughing, and the pain has stopped and she's just relaxing.

Kemper ate all of breakfast this morning, and now we were watching The Vampire Diaries on my phone.

About halfway through, there was a knock on the door. It slightly pushed open and Luke's head popped in,

"Hey" he whispered, "Can we come in?"

I nodded and he pushed the door wider, him, Caleb, and Sierra walking in. Caleb ran to the bed and hugged Kemper. I smiled and got out of the way so he could lay down next to her.

"Hey Kemps" Luke kissed Kemper's head, "We didn't want to bug you but I don't think Caleb could last any longer"

"I'm glad you came. I missed you" Kemper smiled and Sierra kissed her head too,

"I'm so glad you're okay honey" Sierra spoke. Kemper is for sure a daughter to Sierra, Crystal, and Grace. They had boys so they'll take Kemper out to do girl stuff all the time.

"When she coming home?" Luke asked me,

"What about now" the doctor walked in, hearing Luke's sentence. Kemper's face lit up as he handed me discharge papers,

"Now she's pretty weak still so she's gonna need help changing" he told us,

"Aunt Si, can you help me?" Kemper barely spoke. Sierra nodded and shooed us guys out.

"She's okay right?" Caleb asked, leaning into his dad's side,

"She's okay bud" I nodded.

The door opened a few minutes later and Kemper came out with Sierra, grinning from ear to ear,

"Let's go home baby girl" I picked her up and she hugged my neck,

"I'm so glad I get to finally live with you"

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