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{ Kemper }

Since my last therapy appointment, my brain won't stop. I can't stop thinking about my mom's house and what all her, and mainly Brian, did to me. It was my second appointment and I had to tell every single detail about living there. I had to tell about every time I got beaten or drugged. I had to tell how I wouldn't eat for days.

I haven't slept since the appointment. I'm just in my head. I haven't told my dad. He worries enough as it is. I've put him through enough these last two months.

I was home alone today. Dad was at tour rehearsals and I was at home finishing up school online.

At noon, I got a text from my dad telling me to eat. I won't do it if he doesn't tell me. I just became accustomed to not eating at my mom's. Now when I do eat, I can't eat too much or I get sick- but we're working on it. But right as I was about to make a sandwich, Dad called me,

"I'm eating!" I immediately answered, hearing Dad laugh,

"I was going to tell you, eat something quick because Sierra is coming to pick you up. You guys are going shopping. I know you need clothes but hate going with me" he told me,

"Really! Cool!" I was smiling big,

"You have one of my credit cards. Just use that and get whatever you want or like. Don't hold back Kemps" he spoke,

"Thanks, Dad"

"You're welcome, princess. I gotta go. I love you and I'll see you later" my dad finished and hung up.

I quickly ate then ran up to my room to get ready. I tossed on shorts and a T-shirt, before sliding my shoes on and going back downstairs to wait for Sierra.

A few minutes later, I got a text from Sierra, telling me she was here. I grabbed my keys and headed out, locking the door behind me and climbing into the passenger seat,

"Hi honey" Sierra smiled and began backing out,

"Hi" I grinned. I was excited to go shopping. I haven't been shopping for new clothes in two years. Dad was always the one that would take me to get new things,

We got to the mall and started walking around. Sierra told me that where we went was up to me. Soon Hollister came into view and I took her in there,

"Do you have an idea what size you need? Your dad said you grew" she asked as I looked at a rack of jean shorts,

"Probably whatever the smallest size is because I just got out of kids clothes" I mumbled, a little embarrassed,

"Hey, I was in kid's clothes until I was 16" Sierra comforted. I nodded then she pulled out a pair of shorts, "Try these on. They're a size 0"

I took them from her and went into the dressing room. I tried them on and they fit perfectly. I changed back then met back with Sierra,

"They fit" I grinned,

"Awesome. Let's find you a few more pairs" she smiled.

By the time we left Hollister, I had four pairs of shorts and quite a few shirts. We hit American Eagle, getting a few things, then we had to leave because we had to pick Caleb up from school

"I'm glad I got to take you out today. Makes me want a daughter. Caleb would never go shopping with me" Sierra spoke as she pulled into the pick up line,

"My mom never did anything like this with me. Dad always did" I shrugged. Sierra sent me a soft smile.

My door flung open and Caleb jumped when he saw me,

"Kemper!" he grinned,

"Get in the back C" Sierra laughed.

I ended up going back to their house. My dad was going to pick me up on his way home.

As soon as Caleb and I were out of the car, we grabbed his skateboards and took off to the park down the street from his house.

"How's therapy going?" Caleb asked as we lightly swung on the swings,

"Okay. It's just hard to talk about what happened at my mom's" I shrugged,

"I understand" Caleb nodded, "What about those pictures you drew? Do they know what they mean?"

"They're scenes of what happened to me while I was out of it. I don't remember them happening, but my subconscious does and that's how the pictures came about" I explained,

"Well, if you ever want to talk about anything, you can call me" Caleb offered. I smiled a thank you,

"So tour.." Caleb changed subjects, "You excited to come? You haven't gone with us for a long time"

"My mom never let me" I sighed, "But I'm excited. The last time I got to go was when I was 6"

Caleb was about to say something when a car slowed by the street. The window rolled down and it was my dad. Caleb and I hopped off the swings and grabbed the skateboards. We hopped in my dad's car and went back to Caleb's, dropping him off and picking up the stuff I bought, then headed home.


After dinner, I went up to my room to pack for tour. We have to leave in two days and I have done nothing.

There was a knock on my door then my dad entered, taking a seat on my bed,

"Princess" he sighed, "I really need you to get packing"

"I don't know what to pack" I mumbled. He smiled softly and got down all the floor, looking at all my clothes scattered around. He started folding them and put them in my suitcase.

"I have a toiletry bag so give me all that kind of stuff. Then you need to pack a backpack. Put your laptop, iPad, chargers, stuff like that in it" he told me and stood, walking to my door,

"And a pillow and your comforter" he added then walked out and towards his room.

I smiled and got all of it together. I took my suitcase downstairs, leaving my backpack in my room, then grabbed my toiletries and went to Dad's room.

I slowly walked in and found him passed out in bed. I quietly sat my stuff by his bags then made my way back to my room, hopping in bed and going to sleep.

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