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{ Ashton }

"So, how'd it go with Kemper?" Luke asked as we sat around the studio,

"I've never seen her so worried. She's scared to death for her baby brother" I sighed, "I talked to KayKay. We're both going through fostering and adoption classes and getting approved if it comes down to it"

"You're gonna be starting over practically" Calums eyes widened,

"I hope we get approved. I don't want that poor kid to go into the foster system. Plus he's Kemper's little brother and I don't want them to not know each other"

"So Ash" Michael spoke as all the boys looked at each other, "We're all taking the classes too. Kemper won't lose her brother"

I felt my heart burst. They did that for us,

"Yeah. Hunter was telling Grace and me about it. He told us about the house and everything. Hunter was so upset that Kemper had to live like that"

"Caleb was pretty upset about it all too"

"It's just crazy" I sighed, "Honestly, it's not a what-if situation. I know Jessica and Brian will lose custody so I know I'm going to be raising this little boy"

As soon as I said that, it all hit. I was most likely going to be raising my ex-wife and her husbands- the man she cheated on me with- child.

KayKay was on board. As soon as I told her what was going on, she was online and getting paperwork and classes done.

Kemper and I have already been cleaning out a room for Oliver. That's how certain I am that this going to happen.

"If you ever need anything, let us know" Michael patted my back,

"Thanks guys"


I got home and walked inside and tossed my keys on the counter. I was expecting noise but the house was quiet, except for the tv but even that was down low.

I walked towards the living room and stopped. Kemper was asleep on the couch. She was wrapped up in a blanket but her cheeks looked a little red.

I leaned down and kissed her head but noticed how hot her head was,

"Kemper" I gently shook her, "Kemps"

She slowly shuffled awake and whined,

"Are you sick?" I asked, pulling the blanket down just a little. She just nodded,

"Why didn't you call me?" I sighed and sat on the edge,

"Didn't want to bother"

"Baby, you will never bother me. You could've called KayKay too"

She shrugged and went into a coughing fit,

"Hunter, Logan, and Caleb are sick too" she choked out, "I think we got sick at Mom's"

I mentally groaned,

"Let me check your temperature"

I went and got a thermometer, taking her temperature. It came up at 101,

"Have you taken anything?"

She shook her head no,

"Alright. Let's take some medicine and get this fever down"

She nodded and sat up as I went and grabbed water and some pills. She took them then laid right back down,

"Did the boys go to the doctor?" I asked, rubbing her back,

"Logan did. He has the flu" she croaked out.

I nodded and kissed her head,

"Let me go change and I'll come back down"

She nodded and I headed up to my room, grabbing my phone and texting KayKay since we had plans tonight,


[ hey, I'm gonna have
to cancel our plans. Kemper is sick ]

Kay: [ oh no! That's perfectly fine! ]

[ I'm sorry :( ]

Kay: [ don't be. I hope she
feels better ]


I sighed with relief. I'm glad she's cool with everything.

I quickly changed my clothes and went back downstairs. I sat down with Kemper as she rotated and laid against me, pulling the blanket over us,

"Do you want anything?" I kissed her head,

"Sprite and soup" she mumbled,

"I'll have to go to the store" I warned,

"Oh then no. Don't want you to leave"

"I can see if KayKay can bring it" I suggested. She nodded and I texted KayKay again. Thankfully she said she could.


About an hour later, I heard the door open and KayKay appeared,

"Hey" she whispered seeing that Kemper was half asleep,

"Thank you" I smiled,

"Of course Ashton" she pecked my lips before I got Kemper up.

Kemper ate quietly. I could tell she felt horrible. And of course, she got sick at her mom's house. Never fails.

Once Kemper finished up, KayKay stayed around so I could go shower real quick and got a couple of things done around the house before I settled down with Kemper,

"Christmas is in four days and Grandma gets here in two. This sucks" Kemper whined as I switched KayKay spots once I finished,

"I know" I sighed and kissed her head,

"But at least if I'm sick I can't go to Mom's. That's a plus" she mumbled. KayKay sent of small frown. Since Kemper heard her mom say that the baby is only to get Kemper again, she's been so against her mom and everything. But she's staying strong because she knows she has a little brother on the way and wants to be the best big sister she can be.

I just kissed her head, letting her lay against me and fall asleep- which I then carried her to my room and laid her in my bed before returning downstairs to KayKay,

"She's really upset about her mom" she sighed as she settled into my side,

"I don't blame her but what sucks is that she has to see her because that's what the custody and court papers say" I groaned,

"You're a really great dad, you know that"

"I'm doing my best. I don't know how I'm going to do it when we end up with Oliver too" I ran my hands down my face,

"I'll be here to help. I already told you that. I can help out with Kemper when you or her need it too"

I smiled and turned to her,

"You're the best, you know?" I grinned, "I love you"

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