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{ Kemper }

It's been four weeks since I went to my dad's. These four weeks I've been back here with my mom have been absolute hell. I don't think a day has gone by that Brian hasn't hit me or drugged me to do whatever he does to me when I'm passed out. Of course, I can't tell my dad because Brian and my mom will kill me- literally. It'd be hard to tell my dad anyway, considering Mom and Brian took my phone, only letting me have it to say 'Good Morning' and 'Goodnight' so he doesn't get suspicious.

I haven't gone to school this week at all. Brian hit me pretty hard the other day and the bruising around my nose and eyes has yet to go away, and no amount of makeup will cover it. So that also means, I won't get to see my dad like I'm supposed too.

My door slammed open this morning and my mom and Brian walked in. My mom launched my phone on my lap,

"Tell your 'good morning' and that you're fine. Then get ready for school" Mom spoke.

I just nodded and unlocked my phone, going to messages,


Dad: [ Good Morning. Princess,
what's going on? You okay?
You haven't called and
you're getting marked absent ]

[ Good morning. I'm okay.
Haven't felt the best.
I'm sorry I haven't called.
I'm going today]

Dad: [ It's okay. You know you can
tell me if something's wrong.
But, have a good day. I love you]

[ Love you too ]


"Okay you're done" Brian took my phone,

"Get dressed. Then come down so we can cover up your eye" Mom spoke, then they both left my room.

I got dressed fast and walked down, sitting at the kitchen table. Brian slid a bowl of oatmeal in front of me and handed me a spoon,

"Eat it" he demanded. I nodded and took a bite. It tasted funny, so I knew there were drugs in it. But the drug relieves the pain I'm in so I don't complain.

Mom grabbed my face, turning it to face her. She grabbed makeup and started covering up the bruises,

"Make sure it doesn't come off" she spit. I nodded.

When they let me leave, I decided to walk instead of skate. I was way too woozy to do that. My pace was slow. I was definitely going to be late.

When I got to school, I was already 10 minutes late for my first class. So I awkwardly walked in and took my seat.

I wasn't paying attention. I felt like I could pass out in seconds. Even with my head down and eyes closed, everything was spinning.

The bell rang and I walked out into the hallway, loosing my balance and grabbing onto the lockers. I steadied myself and started walking again.

Next thing I knew, my eyes rolled and it was all black.

{ Ashton }


Jessica: [ Kemper won't
be coming this weekend.
She's sick ]

[ Then why is she going to
school if she's sick? ]

Jessica: [ Because she is Ashton.
She's staying home and that's final ]


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