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{ Ashton }

I walked into the San Diego police station and was taken back to an office. Apparently, the other kids' next of kin were here and all being talked to as well.

I was on the verge of a complete breakdown. My 14 year old was kidnapped. My 14 year old is missing.

An officer, Officer Kenny, walked in and shook my hand. He took a seat and gestured for me to do the same. He sat a folder on the desk that had Kemper's name on it. I was confused as to why Kemper had a whole ass police file.

"Mr. Irwin, we are doing everything we can to get your daughter back. We are pretty sure we know who has the kids, but there are some things you need to know" he told me,

"What do you mean?" I questioned. She's 14- what the hell could she have possibly done.

Officer Kenny flipped the folder open. There were pictures and a detailed wrap sheet,

"Kemper and her friends were involved in drug dealing and gangs. Now, it wasn't really their fault. Their parents are the ones who forced this situation. All their parents were involved with the same gang. We could never find them so we could never arrest them"

Jessica and Brian got my child involved in drug dealing and gangs. They put her life at risk,

"We know what gang has them. We just have to find them" he assured me.

I was then taken to a conference room where the other kids' families were. They gave us brief descriptions of who the guys are and what the car is, telling us that they are probably not in San Diego anymore. Then they set us home.


My drive back to LA was miserable. I was only thinking about Kemper. It's a miracle I even made it home alive.

All our bags from tour were sitting in my entryway. The guys must've brought everything when we canceled the rest of tour. I sighed and dragged them upstairs. I put mine in my room then took Kemper's to hers.

I walked into her room and put her bag to the side and looked around. It was exactly how it was when we left for tour. I put her comforter and pillows back on her bed and unpacked her bags.

I folded all her clothes and put them in her dresser. I found a lot of shirts of mine. She likes wearing them.

I opened one drawer and saw it was extremely messy. Nothing was folded and the drawer was getting stuck because of it. I knelt down and pulled the drawer out of the dresser and sat it on the ground and pulled all the shirts out.

I reached the bottom and found a notebook. I picked it up, debating if I should look at it. I didn't want to invade my daughter's privacy, but maybe there was something in here that may help find her. So I flipped it open. There was only one page with writing. It looked like a bunch of pages were torn out.

I moved to sit on her bed and began to read it,

I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to be with my mom. I just want my dad. Mom and Brian are crazy and because of them, I'm in a lot of trouble. I'm now involved in the drug world. I'm involved in gangs. I'm only thirteen. My life is at risk. I could be killed or sold at any moment. Luckily, Mom and Brian have the money for the drugs, or else they would've sold me. Sometimes I think it might be nice to get sold, then I won't have to see my mom or Brian again, but I'd never see my dad again. I can't live without my dad.

Things went bad at the deals today. I gave the wrong thing to the wrong buyer. The next thing I knew, I was being chased. I ran and I ran as fast as I could. They were both in gangs, so if they caught me, they'd kill me. I ran home where both Brian and my mom were smoking God knows what on the porch. Brian asked then what was up and they told them. I will never forget the look Brian gave me. So, he took me inside and to the basement, and as an apology or replacement, he let the two guys do whatever the hell they wanted.

I can't sleep now. They hurt me. One pinned me down and let the other hit me. Then they switched, except the other didn't hit me. He undressed me and held me down as he touched me. I screamed and I cried, but nobody helped me. He pulled his pants down and he raped me.

I stopped reading. I couldn't read anymore. My tears were streaming my face and I couldn't breathe. My daughter was raped. She's probably been raped who knows how many times.

I tossed the notebook to the side and sobbed. How the fuck did I not know that there was something going on with my child? I'm her dad for god's sake. I'm supposed to protect her from the bad guys.

I failed.

I can't begin to imagine how Kemper feels and how she goes through life. I knew she had been abused by Brian and his friends, but I never knew she was raped a year ago.

As soon as Kemper is safe and home, I will make sure that she can never be hurt again.

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