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{ Kemper }

I slowly woke up. My body was in so much pain. I opened my eyes to the beeping sound, groaning as the light hit them. I looked around and saw my dad standing by the door, talking to a doctor. I was at the hospital?

"Daddy" I called, my voice super raspy. I watched him spin around and rush over,

"Hey princess" he kissed my head, "Hey Kemps. You okay?"

"How? When did I get here?" I panicked, trying to get out of the bed. I honestly don't know how I got here. The last thing I remember was being thrown on a bed and knocking out,

"You got here a couple of days ago. You've been in and out of it" he pushed my hair back, "You don't remember anything?"

I shook my head and I felt tears fall,

"Okay okay. It's okay" he pulled me into him as he sat down, "I will tell you what you don't remember but I need you to let the doctor check you over"

"Stay" I whimpered,

"Kemper, I promise I will not leave you" Dad assured. I nodded and the doctor walked over.

He checked everything. He literally looked at my entire body. I was freaking out still so they made my Dad hold me to keep still.

"Are you feeling sick Kemper?" the doctor asked,

"My stomach hurts. So does my head" I answered. He nodded,

"That's from the concussion and the fact you probably haven't eaten in a long time," he told me, "How about you and Dad look over the menu and find you something to eat"

I nodded and Dad grabbed the menu,

"I'll be back in a little bit to check on her," he told my dad and left,

"Okay. What do you want?" Dad took a seat showing me. I turned my nose up at all the options,

"I know it's not the best but please pick something. I'll have one of your uncles bring us some dinner later"

I nodded and settled on a grilled cheese. Dad kissed my head and called my order in.


After I had eaten and taken a nap, they finally allowed me to get up and out of bed. There was a bathroom in my room and I was still dirty from being taken and held so I was going to take a shower, but I could barely move on my own so my dad was having to help me. They told me I could get a nurse to help if I was uncomfortable with my dad, but I didn't want anyone else but my dad.

I stood but had to hold onto my dad and the wall. My legs were weak and they hurt. My head was all foggy too.

I got out of the shower and Dad helped me into a pair of baggy sweatpants and a big t-shirt that Michael brought for me. I didn't put a bra or underwear on- the bra I didn't care about and the underwear was hurting me,

"You okay Kemps?" Dad questioned as he helped me back to the bed. I nodded and he sat behind me and braided my hair,

"Uncle Luke and Aunt Si are going to bring us dinner. Caleb, Hunter, and Logan want to know if they can come too and see you" he spoke, moving away and pulling my blanket on me,

"That's fine" I grinned, "I want to see them"

"I'll let Uncle Luke know. They'll probably eat here with us" Dad kissed my head and took a seat as my doctor walked in.

My doctor did a check-up then hooked my IV back in making me whine a little,

"I'm sorry. We have to keep these antibiotics in you to get rid of the infection" he sighed. I nodded and let my head fall back watching as he now left the room.


I was insanely bored. All I've done is lay here and watch Netflix. So I was really looking forward to seeing my cousins.

The knock on the door made my dad stand up and walk to it. He opened it and stepped to the side- Luke, Sierra, Caleb, Hunter, and Logan all walking in,

"Kemper!" Hunter beamed and ran to me, hugging me. I laughed and hugged him back, followed by Caleb and Logan,

"Careful boys" I heard Luke scold,

"I'm okay" I assured him. I moved over in the bed and let Caleb sit next to me while Hunter and Logan sat at the end.

"Hi sweetheart" Sierra kissed my head, then Luke, "We brought Chick-fil-A. I hope that's okay"

"Thanks" I smiled, grabbing the bag she handed me. I pulled the food out and Dad put my drink next to me,

"Just eat as much as you can" he kissed my head.

Logan, Caleb, and Hunter told me all about what I had missed. They literally told me the scores of every soccer game that had been on.

"Okay boys, I think it's time to go" Luke called out. I hugged each of them before they followed Sierra out,

"Let us know if you need anything" Luke whispered. I nodded and thanked him as he left.


I was about ready to fall asleep when my dad laid down next to me,

"Do you want me to tell you what you don't remember?" he asked, pulling me close,

"Yeah" I sighed,

"Okay, so the police got a call about a suspicious house. Neighbors said that they heard kids screaming and that the people were acting odd. Apparently, the people who had you all got wind of it and dipped. They drugged you guys before they took off. The police found you all and ambulances came and brought you five here. They called me when they said they found you. I got here a few minutes before you. You were freaking out. You cried and you were fighting off the doctors. When they finally got their exam, they saw your injuries and how much pain you were in. They put enough medicine in to knock you out for a while" Dad explained and kissed my head,

"Are my friends okay?" I asked,

"They are about the same as you" he whispered. I nodded and let my head rest on his arm,

"I'm tired" I yawned. He let out a laugh and got up, helping me lay down and cover me up,

"Then get some rest. I love you princess" he kissed my head,

"I love you too Dad"

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