6. Zim Arrives

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Zim's P.O.V.

Play Majestic Vampire from Vampire Knight

Finally after 10 hours of flying later, we arrived in Green Hills. "Alright Gir do you see a good spot to set up our new base"? I asked as I looked around as well. "Ooh what about that empty cul-de-sac"? Gir said as he pointed to just that! "I never thought I'd say this to you but that's brilliant Gir"! I said as started to descend onto the empty cul-de-sac. "Alright Gir let's see humm". I said as we got out of the voot cruiser and I got out the base designing device. I decided to make it look just like the original base. After a few minutes, the base was up and we went inside. "Whoa that went a LOT more smoothly than the first time! Isn't that very odd Gir"? I asked curiously. "Yes...maybe..I don't know master". Gir replied with confusion. "Oh well. I better attend the school tomorrow to lead off any suspension just in case". I said as I went to a lower part of the base. "Computer give me information about the school in town"? I commanded for I was curious on what this new school is like. "Well it's a very pleasant school compared to the previous one. Also it seems they're hiding something about two students because I can't get to their information". The Computer replied nonchalantly. "Huh how interesting! This should be a lot easier than the last school! Thank you Computer, I'm gonna get some rest". I said as headed to my sleeping quarters.

Dib's P.O.V.

Play A Town in Maine from Once Upon A Time

Alright it was time to call Agent Dark Booty so I booted up my computer. "Hello Agent Mothman, you seem really excited". Agent Dark Booty said happily. "Yeah you're not gonna believe this! There's three anthropomorphic alien animals living in Green Hills! And I solved the mystery. It turns out that a blue hedgehog named Sonic Wachowski accidentally caused the black out and he sent Ivo to a planet full of mushrooms to save not only himself, but also his, now, parents and the whole town! So he's a cool guy along with his adoptive older brother Shadow; a black and red hedgehog! They're even gonna help me if Zim shows up isn't that great"?! I said as calmly as I could with the hugest smile on my face. "Whoa that's amazing but didn't you say there was a third one"? Agent Dark Booty asked curiously. "Oh She's an owl named Longclaw and is their godmother". I replied reassuringly as I was returning to my calm composure. "Well I'm glad things are looking great for you". Agent Dark Booty said happily. "Yeah me too well I have to get some sleep. Agent Mothman out". I said as I closed my computer and then I went to bed.

Sonic's P.O.V.

I woke up the next Morning with a strange but very strong feeling that something weird was going to happen today. "Huh that's strange. Maybe Shadow will know what think". I said as I put my shoes on and made sure my quills looked well kept. "Hey Shadow did you sleep well"? I asked happily as we walked down stairs. "Yes but are you okay you seem on edge again". Shadow said in concern. "I have a strange yet very strong feeling that something weird is about to happen is all but this is a first for me so what do make of this"? I explained hopefully. "I say we stay alert for now I'm sure you'll know it when you see it". Shadow replied enthusiastically. "Thanks Shadow I needed that". I said as we sat down.

We finally arrived at school and saw our friends, Dib, and Gaz waiting for us. "Hey guys I have great news! I have a new song"! I said as I took out the sheet music. "Alright I predict it's the best one yet"! Marina said as I handed them out. "I sure hope so it took me longer than usual to put it all together". I said happily. "Wait are you guys in a band together"?! Gaz asked excitedly. "Yep we're The Blue Angels". Shadow replied casually. "Whoa that's awesome what do each of you do"? Gaz asked curiously. "Well me and Shadow are the main singers, Crystal plays the keyboard, Joey plays the drums, and Sonic plays the electric guitar. Speaking of which, Jessica how would you like to be our official videographer"? Marina explained enthusiastically. "I would be honored thanks Marina"! Jessica replied confidently. "Whoa do you prefom for a crowd anytime soon"? Gaz asked excitedly. "Yep there's a school dance coming up in a few weeks that we'll be the opening act for, then the school DJ takes over. That way we get to dance and just hang out for the rest of it". I explained confedantly. "Great well I for one wish you good luck with that song". Gaz said as we headed of to our classes. "Thanks Gaz bye see you, Shadow and Marina later". I said and headed to the gym with Joey, Dib, and Crystal.

Play Stronger Together by Myuu

Normal P.O.V.

Crystal turned to Sonic with concern. "Hey Sonic are you okay you seem on edge"? Crystal asked cautiously. "I woke up with this weird feeling that something big is going to happen today I'm just not sure what". Sonic explained as they entered the gym. "Oh really"? Dib said with interest. Sonic only nodded.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Jasmine Market Music from Disney Princesses Enchanted Journey

Boy did I realize Shadow was right! "Well class we have a new student joining us". The gym teacher said enthusiastically. That's when we saw a poorly disguised non-human enter the gym. "Hello fellow human worm babies it's a pleasure to meet you all my name is Zim"! Zim said dramatically. I internally gasped. We needed to tell the others as soon as possible. "Dib is that him"? I asked quietly. But before he could answer, Zim interrupted him. "HUH WHAT ARE YOU"?!!! Zim screamed in a panic. "Oh I'm Sonic Wachowski The Hedgehog. It's cool to finally meet you Zim, Dib told me and a few friends of mine all about you"! I replied confidently. "Well he lies and his head big! Stupid Dib stink"! Zim exclaimed with hostility.  "Yeah keep telling yourself that". I said as I rolled my eyes sarcastically. Then they went to get in their uniforms. The PE teacher went with Zim to get him fitted with his. So I decided text Shadow.

Sonic: Hey Shadow Zim is here! Looks like you were right. He is even in the pathetic disguise. Do you think I should tell him that it's not necessary because I'm not sure what to do here?

Shadow: Yeah you should tell him.

Sonic: Thanks Shadow!

Play Morning Stroll from Youtube Audio Library

Then I used my speed as everything came to a stand still. I then found Zim; who looked like he was talking to Dib. Then I nabbed his wig and contact lenses and left the room and through them in a near by trash can!

Zim's P.O.V.

After I got my uniform on, I came back to the main locker room. "So Dib why are you associating with that Hedgehog freak"? I asked for I didn't get it! I didn't know why I cared about this but I was curious anyway. "Because he wants to protect this town unlike you"! Dib replied defensively which caught me off guard. "Wow Dib you are such a hypocrite! I thought you didn't trust anyone non-human"! I said out of my shocked reaction. Suddenly I felt a breeze go by. "Huh what was that?! What just happened and whyyyy are you looking at me that way"? I said frantically in fearful confusion. "Your weak disguise is gone. Although it wasn't fooling anyone". Dib said casually. "AAAHHH who dares mess with Zim"! I demanded as I fled with Dib and another boy followed me. Then I saw Sonic on the ground laughing like crazy. "HAHA Oh man that was priceless". Sonic said as he began to recover from his fit of laughter. "Wait that was you who did that?! How did I not see you"?! I demanded in furious shock. "Oh he's the fastest thing alive". The boy replied confidently. "Yeah ain't that the truth Joey buddy". Sonic said happily. "Why did you do that"?! I demanded angrily. "Well that disguise wasn't necessary. It's obvious this town knows about aliens if they know about me and two others. Also that disguise wasn't fooling anybody anyway so it was kind of pointless". Sonic explained happily. "Oh well okay then". I said simply as we lined up for warm ups. "Wait what do you mean by two others"? I asked hastily out of nervousness. "Oh you'll see later especially at lunch. And just so you know, we've got our eyes on you". Sonic told me playfully. "Oh great it's Dib 2.0"! I said as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Dib was right about this guy! Well at least life is getting more exciting everyday. "Whoa he's exactly what I imagined an alien would look like! And he really does like to yell a lot. I wonder what the other's will think of this". Crystal whispered to me and Joey. Me and Joey nodded in full agreement. Then as we were walking to music class, I got a text from Jessica.

Jessica: Code Red! Jade and Veronica are back!

I almost dropped my phone when I saw it as I started to shake violently. "G-Guys their back in school! Jessica confirmed it". I told Joey and Crystal full of dread. "You mean Jade and Veronica"? Crystal asked cautiously. "Yes I-I have to warn Shadow". I said as I texted Shadow the news.

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