7. A Chaotic Lunch Break

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Gracie The Mermaid from H2o Just Add Water

I was able to calm down as we arrived at the music room knowing Shadow knew about Jade and Veronica's return. My only hope was that they changed and learned their lesson. "Hey Marina, you're going to believe what just happened in gym class". I said as we walked over to her. "Really?! Try me and tell me every single detail". Marina said excitedly and challengingly. "Zim is here! He was in my gym class and he was everything Dib said he is". I replied and then told her the rest of what happened. "Whoa so you did pretty much what you did at the Piston Pit"? Marina asked with an amused look on her face. "Pretty much yeah I did. Dib said Zim IS stubborn, so it was the most effective way to tell him his disguise wasn't necessary". I said confidently. "Well let's try out that new song"! Marina said dramatically. "Well I wanted to keep the title of it a surprise but let's wait till after school so we can do it with Shadow and show Dib and Gaz". I added quickly. "Oh yeah my bad heheh"! Marina replied sheepishly in agreement. "So did you know that Jade and Veronica are back"? I asked carefully. "Yep Jessica texted me too. But don't worry Sonic we won't give them any unintentional chances to do that crap to you nor Shadow ever again we promise". Marina told me reassuringly and full of determination. "Thanks guys I don't know where I nor Shadow would be without you and our family". I said as I started to hug them into a group hug.

Then we headed to lunch. When we got in line, we saw Jessica, Dib, Gaz and Shadow waiting for us. "Hey guys how you all doing"? I asked as we walked up to them. "Well I'm nervous about Jade and Veronica. They seemed like they haven't changed at all". Jessica replied shakily. "Wait who are they"? Dib asked curiously. "They're Jessica's ex friends. They're the reason I met Shadow by getting me captured by the government and taken to G.U.N. Headquarters, where Shadoew was being held captive. Then when we returned they harassed us! As punishment they were arrested and expelled". I explained seriously. "Oh I see. I understand why you're freaking out. But don't worry we have your back". Dib said full of determination. "Thanks Dib we appreciate this". I said in relief.

Zim's P.O.V.

As I entered the cafeteria, my eyes fell on Sonic and ANOTHER ANTHROPOMORPHIC Hedgehog! He looked more like something I shouldn't mess with compared to Sonic. So I ran up to the table they were sitting at. "Who are you ZIM DEMANDS TO KNOW"! I screamed angrily. "I'm Shadow Wachowski The Hedgehog, The Ultimate Life Form, and Sonic's Older Brother. So you're Zim huh? You're defiantly as loud as Dib said you were. And I've got my eye one you"! Shadow said very intensely. This guy was intimating to say the least! So I instinctively backed away. "W-Whatever you say Shadow". I said as I left.

Dib's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe it! Shadow actually scared Zim! "Whoa that's the first time I seen him be scared off like that Shadow"! I said in astonishment. "Yeah I just got major chills bro". Sonic added playfully. "Yeah it's a gift". Shadow said confidently. And we all laughed in amusement.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Stepping Out by iMovie Music

As we calmed down our laughter, I saw Jade and Veronica heading towards us from the corner I of my eye! "Uh oh here comes trouble". I said begrudgingly. "Well look who's back the two jerks"! Jessica said furiously. "You know it! So Sonic are you and Shadow scared because you should be! That was only the beginning"! Jade said darkly. And there went my hopes of them learning their lesson! "Uh don't you remember seeing my Dark Sonic form last time you messed with my brother don't you? It's not a threat by the way, it's a warning! I don't have control over it! So please don't because despite everything, I never want to hurt you"! I said with dead cold seriousness. "Wow that means your a coward and a hypocrite! I mean didn't you BANISH Dr. Ivo Robotnik"?! Veronica said victoriously, thinking she won this argument. "Donut Dad and Pretzel Mom would've DIED if I didn't do that"! I screamed in frustration at their stubbornness. "And besides there's another alien in our school that you REALLY should be worried about. Trust me I've been the only thing, up to this point, that's kept the planet safe! His name is Invader Zim. In fact there he is right now". Dib said as he pointed Zim out to them. I wasn't sure that was the best move. "Dib are you crazy these girls are more insane than you ever could imagine! They knocked me out and tried to break my legs for crying out loud"! I said seriously. "Oh oops sorry guys my bad". Dib said as he shrunk in his seat.

Normal P.O.V.

Then Jade and Veronica ran over to Zim with dark smirks on their faces. "Well so there's another alien trying to fit in to where he doesn't belong! Zim get ready to get a taste of what we already put Sonic through"! Jade said darkly. Veronica looked curiously at Zim's pak. "Huh this is the strangest backpack I've ever seen". Veronica said as she grabbed it. "HEY DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY PAK! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FILTHY HUMANS"!!! Zim screamed in horror and started to sweat nervously. This commotion caught Sonic and Dib's attention. "Oh no you were right Sonic they're gonna kill him! He can only survive for ten minutes without that pak"! Dib said in a panic. This made the group gasp. Sonic felt strong anger and allowed lighting to flow through his quills. "I'll stop them for NO ONE deserves to die"! Sonic said as he got up and headed to where  Zim was.

Play Cold Shivers by Myuu

Zim's P.O.V.

I started hyperventilating as I was desperately looking for a way to escape these savage girls! "Why would we do what you say invader"?! The black haired girl said as she pulled my pak off!! "NOO YOU STUPID HUMANS GIVE IT BACK I'LL LITERALLY DIE WITHOUT IT"! I screamed in absolute dread. "HEY JADE AND VERONICA"! I heard Sonic say as I saw him with electric blue lighting flowing through his entire body and even his eyes were glowing in an electric blue light with a terrifying look of rage on his face! That's when I realized he must have been the one behind Dr. Robotnik's disappearance! "What now Sonic you're interrupting our fun"! The black haired girl said angrily. "YOU HEARD ZIM! HE'LL DIE NOW GIVE IT BACK TO HIM NOW"!!! Sonic demanded with a very different and angry sounding voice as his irises and pupils disappeared, his fur turned to such a dark blue it was almost black, and levitated in the air! I've never seen anything like it! "Whoa careful Sonic IT'S happening again"! Shadow told Sonic nervously. I was lost on what was going on! "What's going on here I'm confused and freaking out here"?! I asked desperately hoping to get an answer. "I AM DARK SONIC! NOW VERONICA I SAID GIVE ZIM HIS PAK BACK NOW"!!! Sonic said in an even more intimating voice than a moment ago.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Finally Veronica returned Zim's pak to his back. Then I started to float back down to the ground as I felt my eyes and fur turning back to normal. However when I was halfway to landing on the ground, I got a very quick vision Dr. Eggman! "Huh AAAHHH"! I said as I felt a powerful jolt of pain and started plummeting towards the ground! Then Shadow caught me in his arms. "Thanks Shadow". I said shakily as tears fell from my eyes. "No problem Sonic. It's going to be okay". Shadow said gently as I could tell it was from the sight of me in vulnerable state like this. But can you blame me after seeing that MAD MAN in an unexplainable vision?! "No Shadow I saw HIM in a vision just now! Something's not right about it"! I said frantically as my panicked state got worse. "Sonic you don't REALLY mean that mad man do you"? Shadow asked nervously. "I'm afraid I do Shadow". I replied sadly as I hugged him tightly and sobbed uncontrollably.

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