4. Dib Meets Sonic

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Ariel Minigame Music 2 from Disney Princesses Enchanted Journey

It was finally Monday morning and I was so excited to meet the new kids that moved in two days ago. "Sonic Shadow breakfast is ready". I heard Pretzel Mom say as I got my shoes on. "Coming Pretzel Mom". I said as I headed down stairs. "Morning Shadow, did you sleep well"? I asked curiously. "Yep I can't wait to invite our friends to come see it after school". Shadow replied as we arrived in the kitchen. "Morning boys I hope you're hungry". Pretzel Mom said enthusiastically. "Morning Pretzel Mom. And yes we are". I said as we all sat at the dining table. We saw that it was pancakes. "Mmm so good as usual Pretzel Mom"! I said happily as I ate them. "Yeah Mom you did it again". Shadow added in agreement. Then we headed off to school racing each other of course.

Zim's P.O.V.

Play Plucky Daisy by Kevin MacLeod

It was finally time to go to Green Hills Montana and I was just waiting on Gir again! "Computer tell Gir TO GET UP HERE RIGHT NOW"! I demanded as I tapped my foot impatiently. "Yes sir he's on his way right now". The Computer replied nonchalantly. "Good I'd like to get there by night fall"! I said as I put on my disguise and got into my voot cruiser. "WAIT FOR ME MASTER I'M HERE"! Gir said obnoxiously as he flew to his seat in the voot cruiser already in his dog disguise. "Finally, let's get out of here"! I said as we took off.

Dib's P.O.V.

Play Henry's Proposal from Once Upon A Time OST

Well this was it our first day at our new school and I couldn't wait to see if this move would give me a clean slate that would allow me to have a fresh start. "Come on Dib or we're going to be late"! Gaz screamed and knocked me out of my thoughts. "Oh right sorry Gaz". I said as I ran to catch up with her. "Pfft whatever"! Gaz said as we walked to School. Finally we arrived and headed to the Principal's Office to get what we needed to get us started. "Well Gaz see you at lunch". I said right before going to my first class: P.E. "Well class we have a new student who moved to Green Hills two days ago. Say hi to Dib Membrane". The P.E. teacher said happily as I waved to the rest of the class confidently. "Hi it's nice to meet you all and-". I lost my words when I saw a furry blue creature standing with the other students! The creature seemed to notice me gawking at it. "Oh Hi I'm Sonic Wachowski The Hedgehog it's very nice to meet you Dib". Sonic said happily like nothing was wrong. This caught my off guard! Most supernatural beings I've come across were hostile and aggressive towards me. But this weird hedgehog thing wasn't he was very friendly and enthusiastic! I shook my head out my confused thoughts as we went to the dressing rooms. Although Sonic didn't come with us. "Well so much for Dad moving us here because what he mistakes super observant for paranoia and insanity, is already happening in Green Hills. I'll just keep it between me and Gaz"! I told myself to calm myself down a little more. But then it hit me! Could he be what caused Dr. Robotnik's disappearance? I'll have to ask him when I get the chance. "Uuh Dude were you talking to yourself? Are you okay. My name is Joey by the way". Joey asked me with genuine concern, nothing like the students from my old school! Despite my confusion about Sonic, I loved this school already. "Oh no worries I just wasn't expecting to see a anthropomorphic blue hedgehog. Though it's not the first time I've seen something strange like this in school, at my old school an alien invader attended it to blend in and was hoping to learn earth's weaknesses so he could conquer Earth". I said as we started walking back to the gym. "Whoa no kidding! I believe you Dib. But  how come he hasn't conquered Earth already"? Joey asked me cautiously. "It's because I stopped him at every turn". I replied confidently. "That's awesome dude but with you in a totally different state from him, doesn't that mean we're doomed"!? Joey asked in a panic. "That's what I was thinking when my Dad told us about the move! Though something tells me he'll come here! Once I gave up on fighting him and he didn't even try to conquer Earth at all! Somehow I give him the drive or something". I explained seriously. "We'll I hope you're right. As for Sonic, don't worry you'll get used to seeing him in fact I'm one of his best friends"! Joey said happily as we arrived back in the gym. "Whoa hold up so you aren't oblivious to the paranormal? That's great because at my old school they thought I was insane"! I said excitedly. "Well it's a long story. But yes he doesn't need to hide from us anymore". Joey replied reassuringly. Now I was even more confused. "Maybe you and and Sonic can tell me later". I suggested hopefully. "We defiantly will it's quite fascinating". Joey said in agreement.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Jaracanda from iMovie Music

A little while later, we were playing dodgeball me and Jessica were on my team and Joey and Dib were on the other as we were the last students in the game so far. "Okay so what's the game plan Jessica"? I asked with my game face on as we dodged the balls flying at us. "Humm Let's target Joey for now". Jessica replied competitively. "Good idea! Okay Joey get ready to go down"! I said as began throwing dodgeballs at him! "Oh we'll see about that Blue Devil"! Joey said playfully.

Dib's P.O.V.

As I watched Joey and Sonic interacting with each other competitively, I was getting more confused then ever! What did Joey mean when he said Blue Devil? Why was Sonic targeting his best friend instead of me; the new kid? Suddenly, I fell to the ground from the force of a ball hitting me on the head! I must have been so perplexed that I didn't see it coming. "Oops sorry Dib! Did I over do it"? Sonic asked me sheepishly. "Nah I've been through much worse". I said awkwardly as I left the game. It was great that he wasn't torturing me like Zim did. But it still felt weird to meet something this nice instead of aggressive like Zim!

Finally it was lunch time, and I found Gaz waiting in the back of the line, so I joined her quickly. "Hey Gaz you'll never believe what happened". I said excitedly. "Not now Dib! I want to eat my lunch in peace. So PLEASE save it for after school". Gaz explained warningly. "Oh Sorry Gaz will do". I said quickly. After we got our lunch we saw Sonic and ANOTHER anthropomorphic hedgehog sitting with Joey and three girls! "WHAT THE another one"! I said in disbelief. Then I heard Gaz at a loss for words.

Gaz's P.O.V.

When I saw the furry creatures eating lunch, I froze in shock! Just when I thought we were far away from the paranormal chaos, we see these two! "Uh Dib is she okay"? The blue one asked cautiously. "Wait you know him Dib"? I asked in shock. "Yeah HE is what I wanted to tell you about. This is Sonic Wachowski The Hedgehog. Sonic meet my little sister Gaz". Dib said casually! That confused me. Usually Dib would be acting crazy from the point of view of the other students. Also I noticed the humans that were sitting with them weren't freaked out either! What was this; opposite town?! "Well I can see why but who is HE"? I asked as I motioned towards the other hedgehog. "I'm Shadow Wachowski The Hedgehog; Sonic's older brother". Shadow said casually. "So wait you're Sharif Tom's kids"?! I asked as I made the connection easily. "Yep it's a crazy amazing story". Sonic said confidently. "Well I have a question. Did you cause the black out and Dr. Ivo Robotnik's disappearance"? Dib asked seriously. "Technically yeah but it's NOT what you think. In fact it's where this whole adventure started". Sonic said reassuringly. "Why don't you two explain everything after school sound good"? Dib suggested hopefully. "Sounds great in fact, me and Shadow are planning to show Marina, Crystal, Jessica, and Joey our new house, would you like to see it too"? Sonic asked excitedly as he pointed to the students eating with him and Shadow. Which even I had to admit was adorable. "Yeah it sounds interesting"! I said quickly for I was curious about these two surprisingly. Then we finished our lunch and continued the rest of school with no more incidents.

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