21. Epilogue

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play The Party from Coraline

It has been a month since we brought Annika home. Me and Shadow on the living room floor playing with her. I even started playing peek a boo. I was rolled up in my ball form. "Where's the hedgie? Peek a boo". I said and peeked through my quills so she could see my eyes. Annika immediately started giggling! Shadow and I joined her as I uncurled. "Maddie did you get that on camera"? I heard Donut Dad asked with quiet excitement. "Yep capturing the best moments is now practically a reflex". Pretzel Mom replied confidently. "Ooh can I see it"? I asked as Shadow continued to play with Annika and ran over to Pretzel Mom. "Sure thing sweetie". Pretzel Mom said and showed me the video on her phone. "Yep definitely a perfect moment". I said once it was over.

Shadow's P.O.V.

As I was playing with Annika, I heard her say something! Her first words! "Shady, Sonny"? Annika said repeatedly. "Guys she said her first words"! I said excitedly as I watched my family run over to us. "Oh say it again Annika"? Mom asked gently as she turned her camera on. "Shady, Sonny"! Annika said as she giggled and clapped her hands. "Awe she's saying your names boys! She's already growing so fast"! Mom said as she put her phone away.

Sonic's P.O.V.

"She sure is. In fact, despite not related by blood, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. After all, I'm a fast learner too". I said as that realization came to me. Then I saw her starting to yawn. "Awe looks like it's time for your nap little sis". I said as I carefully picked her up. Annika instantly nuzzled into my chest fur. "I'll be right back". I said quietly as I stood up. Then on the way to her nursery, I hummed a lullaby Longclaw sang to me when I was a baby.

Play Soaring from iMovie Music

Then I put her in her crib and carefully placed the blanket over her little shoulders. "Good night Annika. I love you". I said right before kissing her on the forehead and sneaking out of the room. Once I was downstairs, I wondered what was going to happen next in our lives for I knew life keeps going even when life seems that perfect.

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