11. Where Are You Longclaw

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Last Christmas (Sad Version) by Myuu

When Pretzel Mom said Longclaw was missing I froze in shock as I felt tears falling down my muzzle. "N-No WE HAVE TO FIND HER BUT HOW"?! I exclaimed once I found my voice and started panicking again. "Mom I have to go, Sonic is panicking again! I promise Longclaw will be with us when we arrive at the house". I heard Shadow say as he hung up his phone. This news allowed me to calm down. "Sorry for freaking out Shadow. It's just she was my first friend". I said apologetically. "No worries bro. And we'll find her. We just need to know where to look. Humm I'm afraid to say this but there's a possibility that Dr. Robotnik took her". Shadow said carefully as to not freak me out again. "I'm afraid to say this Gaz Dad might have taken her for scientific study. You know how he is about his job as a scientist". Dib said hesitantly. I could tell from the look on Dib's face that Gaz gets set off very easily. "You're right Dib". Gaz said sadly. Then a scenario popped into my head. "Or maybe she hurt her wing and couldn't fly back". I told them nervously. "Alright I have a plan. Dib and Gaz head to home, Sonic look in the woods, and Shadow if you're good with stealth, you and I will look for Tamisra's base". Zim said seriously. "Wait why are you helping us with Longclaw's disappearance? I thought you hated this kind of thing"? Dib asked skeptically. "I-I don't know. But until both Longclaw, and Sonic's Possession Virus is gone for good, we'll be on a truce". Zim replied nervously, like as if he seemed unsure of himself. "Humph well it's a brilliant plan I say we do it and quickly". Shadow said seriously in agreement. "Yeah let's do this! Also whoever finds her, contact the others and meet at Pretzel Mom's place". I said full of determination. "I wish we could help but all we can do is wish you all luck". Marina said as she, Jessica, Joey, and Crystal left the base. "Okay let's get moving"! Zim said and with that, I dashed off towards the woods.

Shadow's P.O.V.

Play Ares Island (6th Mvt.) - Sonic Frontiers [OST]

Then I turned to Zim. " I have a hunch you won't be able to keep up with me so, I'm gonna have to carry you hope you don't mind". I told Zim sheepishly. "Fine Shadow but only to be more efficback ". Zim said reluctantly as he walked up to me. So then I picked him up bridal style. "Now hold on tight"! I advised right before dashing off. A few minutes later, we found a similarly strange house. "This has to be it Shadow". Zim said as I put him back on his feet. Then I wrote down the address in my phone notes just in case we needed to ever come back here. "Alright Zim let's carefully look through that window". I said as I pointed to a window on the left side of the front door. "Right let's hope they don't see us". Zim said in agreement as we walked over to the window and looked carefully inside. "I just about had it! I want to find Sonic and boast about my return! I'm so tired of laying low while Tamisra gets to do the fun stuff"! We heard Dr. Robotnik say as he paced in the living room! However this meant Tamisra wasn't there so I knew they didn't have Longclaw. "Zim Tamisra isn't here so thankfully Longclaw isn't either". I said quietly as not to alert Dr. Robotnik about our presence. Zim simply nodded as I picked him up again. Then I ran back to Zim's base to wait for news about Longclaw's location.

Sonic's P.O.V.

I was running through the forest with no sign of Longclaw! "Wait I showed her where my old cave was! She must have gone there for safety after hurting her wing"! I said as started running in the direction of my old cave. However when I got there, it was empty. 

Play Sparrow - Miika Mettiainen

That's when I fearfully realized that she was captured by one of the two scientists in Green Hills! I immediately called Shadow as started running back into town. "Shadow I can confirm that Longclaw WAS taken! Please tell me you found her"? I said hastily as was now by the school. "I'm afraid not. So she must at the house of Dib's Dad! Don't worry Dib sent me the address so I'll send it to you and me and Zim will meet you there". Shadow said right before hanging up. Then almost immediately after that, I got the address. "Huh that's not far from here perfect"! I said and dashed towards Dib's house. "Don't worry Longclaw we're coming"! I said full of determination.

Dib's P.O.V.

We we're almost at Dad's house when I felt a strong breeze blow by me and suddenly saw Sonic next to me and Shadow and Zim next to Gaz. "Dib I'm sorry to tell you this but it was your Dad who took Longclaw". Sonic told me sorrowfully. Me and Gaz gasped in horror! But we knew he was right. "Well then let's hurry because who knows what methods he's using to study her or something"! I said as we changed to a sprinting pace. "Me and Shadow will go ah ead". Sonic said right before they dashed off.

Sonic's P.O.V.

We were now in front of Dib's house. "So what's the plan Shadow"? Shadow asked me seriously. "One will distract Professor Membrane while the other frees Longclaw". I replied seriously back. "Well let's get in there". Shadow said as I nodded and then we burst inside the house. I almost fainted at what we saw. Longclaw was strapped to an examination table and Professor Membrane had a scalpel in hand! "Chaos Spear"! Shadow screamed as he shot the spear and it knocked the scalpel out of the professor's hand. "PROFESSOR MEMBRANE STEP AWAY FROM OUR GODMOTHER"! I shouted for this outraged me. I could even feel the electric blue lighting flowing through my quills. "What the?! There are more of you"?! Professor Membrane said shakily in shock. I signaled to Shadow to set Longclaw free. Shadow nodded and dashed over to Longclaw.

Shadow's P.O.V.

I immediately started removing the restrains. "Don't worry Longclaw, we'll get you out of here in no time". I said seriously as I did this. "Thank you guys. I'm so proud to be the godmother of such brave and wonderful hedgehogs". Longclaw said sweetly with tears of relief in her eyes. Finally Longclaw was free just as Dib, Gaz, and Zim barged in. "Dad stop! Huh oh looks like you already saved her"! Dib said as he looked ready for a big battle.

Sonic's P.O.V.

I was so busy glaring at Professor Membrane that I didn't notice that Longclaw was free nor that Zim, Dib, and Gaz came in. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN"! I screamed as I finally became aware of Longclaw being free. "Longclaw thank goodness you're alright"! I exclaimed as me and Shadow hugged her lovingly. "Well come on Zim we'll need your help to explain the Tamisra situation to Longclaw and our parents. So stand close to me". Shadow said happily. Zim then came over. "Chaos Control"! Shadow exclaimed and we appeared in front of our house.

Dib's P.O.V.

Dad just stood there in shock so I decided to snap him out of it. "HEY EARTH TO DAD"! I screamed and Dad jumped in surprise. "Son why did you do that for"? Dad asked as he recovered. "Because you were in a state of shock and HOW COULD YOU!? I am ashamed to call YOU MY FATHER"!! I replied in a growling tone for this set me off more than I've ever been before. "Yeah Dad that was just plain cruel! I feel so betrayed right now! I can't even look at you"! Gaz added angrily as she stormed to her room and slammed the door.

"I don't understand I thought you hated anything non human! You go on and on about it"! Dad demanded in confusion. "That's because they're different and are my friends unlike Zim, they want to protect humanity! As for Zim, I told you so but, we're on a truce while he's helping Sonic with a problem only HE knows how to fix". I explained as calmly as I could, which was not easy. "Oh sorry Son. So where's their address so I can go apologize to them properly"? Dad asked sounding genuinely guilty. So I decided to give him the address. Then he left to go apologize.

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