17. The Possession Part 2

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Normal P.O.V.

Play Long Ways To Go Yet instrumental from Lord Of The Rings

Dr. Robotnik found Longclaw, Maddie, and even Rachel since they went to Rachel's house to hide. With his drones, the three were forced to cooperate with him and they went back to Tamisra's base. "It's a good thing you cooperated because Tamisra has your daughter Jojo at her mercy". Dr. Robotnik said with dark enthusiasm. This made Rachel gasp in horror. "She won't see the light of day if she lays a single hand on my little girl"! Rachel spat furiously. "Calm down Rachel it's going to be okay. You're just gonna have to trust me". Maddie said to sooth her sister right as they arrived at Tamisra's base.

Meanwhile with Zim he was gathering all his battle weapons in his pak. "Oh Tamisra you will pay for putting another innocent person through this torture"! Zim said as he was doing this. He was so ready to avenge his girlfriend's death. Finally he was ready and headed to Tamisra's base.

Marina's P.O.V.

Ten minutes of driving later, we arrived at Tamisra's base. "Look we beat Sonic here"! Dib announced as he was already peaking through the window. "Who do you see in there Dib"? I asked quietly. "The only other one missing is Dr. Robotnik". Dib said seriously. This made me worried as I realized something. "Tom where's Maddie, Shadow, and Longclaw"? I asked Tom nervously. That's when Dib gasped getting our attention. He was pulling us towards a bush within seconds. Then we saw Dr. Robotnik walk up to the base with his egg snapped drones, surrounding... Maddie, Longclaw, and Rachael! Once they were inside the base, I turned to Tom. "Do you know where Shadow is right now"? I asked hopefully. "He was fighting a now possessed Sonic at the time I left to find you guys". Tom replied reassuringly as one could with this set up.

Tamisra's P.O.V.

I looked out the window for only a moment and saw Dib's big head. "Veronica and Jade they're here so sneak up on then and bring them in here". I told Jade and Veronica seriously. "Yes master". Jade and Veronica replied in sync.

Jade's P.O.V.

As we made our way to the front door, I hushed Veronica and grabbed a frying pan from the kitchen that happened to be on the way to the door. Then we used out stealth skills to sneak up on them. Then I knocked them out with the frying pan. With Veronica's help, we brought them before Tamisra.

Shadow's P.O.V.

Possessed Sonic finally arrived at Tamisra's base. So I carefully entered the base with him. Then I realized it was a trap! I saw all of our family, Marina, and Dib chained to the wall next to Jojo! "Well well well, look who decided to join the party"! Tamisra said playfully as I got into a fighting stance. "You sick scum release them now"! I demanded seriously. "HAHAHA nice try my pathetic brother! Now I let you off easy last time now prepare to die"! Possessed Sonic declared right before we heard someone barge into the room.

Normal P.O.V.

Zim rushed into the room and aimed his weapon at Tamisra before anyone could do or say anything. "You'll pay for what you did to my beloved Sapphire at long last"! Zim declared harshly. "Ha, lay a hand on me and they'll die! It's safety mechanism I put into Sonic's doppelganger's mind". Tamisra said victoriously as she gestured to Sonic's loved ones. "Oh I don't think so Tamisra! Zim help Marina, I stall Sonic"! Shadow said seriously as he began to tackle Sonic to the ground.

Shadow's P.O.V.

Once I had Sonic pinned to the ground, Zim aimed his weapon at the chains holding Marina to the wall. However Sonic was still physically stronger than me while like this so he threw me off with ease. "Sonic please don't do this! It's me your brother. The same brother who helped you back at G.U.N. Headquarters remember"? I said thinking if I talked to Sonic, I could get through to him enough to give Marina the chance to kiss him without getting hurt in the process.

Sonic's P.O.V.

The moment I heard Shadow's comforting voice, my eyes fluttered open slowly. "S-Shadow"? I asked as I my vision cleared. I was still trapped by the vines. I then saw a eyeball snapped screen in front of me. It was showing me what my doppelganger was seeing while in control of my body. I knew I had to fight the vines as I remembered what the doppelganger was planning to do first and I REFUSED to let that happen. "Oh no you don't weaker self! I am in control of our body"! The doppelganger said in frustration. " You're one to talk FAKER! This was OUR body it is MINE AND MINE ALONE"!!! I said confidently!

Normal P.O.V.

Marina finally made it over to Sonic. "Hurry guys I may have given the doppelganger too much strength when I forced my self to set him free and I can't hold him back for much longer"! Sonic screamed as his eyes kept switching from the doppelganger's to Sonic's normal ones. "Shadow what do we do"? Marina asked as tears fell from her eyes. "You have to get through to him! Love is his only hope! And that's you! It worked temporarily when you first kissed him". Shadow replied enthusiastically. Then Shadow went to distract Dr. Robotnik. Zim freed Longclaw and she went to help Shadow. Then Zim freed the others. Zim left to fight Tamisra. The others went to take care of Jade and Veronica.

Play Brothers Instrumental  From Full Metal Alchemist

Marina's P.O.V.

I had a strong feeling I'd need to tell him how I feel in full detail this time, if I wanted to get through to the one I loved. So I nodded, took a deep breath and walked over to Sonic. "Sonic I've loved you since the incident with G.U.N. Headquarters. The moment you were taken away, was the scariest moment in my life! I realised I don't where I'd be without you! I never want to lose you like that again! Please come back to me? I love you!" I said as tear wzrterfalled down my face. I was deep down afraid I had already lost him. "Marina I...AAAHHH"! Sonic said with tears in his eyes too. I could tell he was loosing control again! So as quickly as I could, I kissed him with all the love in my heart! Once I ended the kiss, Sonic fell to his knees holding his head in pain.

Sonic's P.O.V.

I felt my strength giving out when suddenly the vines disappeared! "Yes! Now to destroy you doppelganger"! I said as I marched towards the doppelganger in full rage for he tried to hurt the ones I love and THAT is unforgivable! "What no this can't be happening"! The doppelganger screamed desperately in denial. Then I spin dashed him like no tomorrow! That's when I opened my eyes to see my beloved Marina hugging me! "Oh Sonic thank goodness you're back"! Marina said tearfully as I hugged her back. "Shh don't worry Marina thanks to you it's over". I said as we ended the hug and I whipped her tears away.  "Sonic look the scars and symbol are gone! You really are cured"! Marina pointed out excitedly as I looked down and saw that she was right! "NO THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE"! Tamisra screamed furiously as she looked and saw I was back to normal. "Well it's not over quite yet! Time for some payback"! I said as I got into a fighting stance and activated my Lighting Form.

Play Frozen Wonderland (Eternal Winter) From Kingdom Hearts 3

Normal P.O.V.

Sonic then remembered about the blood contract. "WHERE IS THAT BLOOD CONTRACT TAMISRA"?! Sonic demanded furiously. "It's right here"! Tamisra said as she showed it to Sonic with a confidant look on her face. Then Sonic used the lighting in his body to destroy it. That made the symbol on Jade, Veronica, Dr. Robotnik's palms disappear. Then Tom took the opportunity to handcuff the twisted teenagers. "You're going to jail for a LONG time"! Tom said aggressively. Meanwhile with Shadow and Longclaw, they had destroyed all the egg drones and had Dr. Robotnik in a corner! "It's over Dr. Robotnik! No one messes with my little brother"! Shadow declared coldly. "Wait you and Sonic are brothers"?! Dr. Robotnik asked in shock. "Well adoptive but yes and you should never pick a fight with me for I'm The Ultimate Life Form"! Shadow replied confidently and then proceeded to knock him out. Then they hurried over to the others. With her minions taken care of it was time to bring down Tamisra  herself!

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