15. Rachel And Jojo's Arrival

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Grandioso from Vampire Knight

I was having another nightmare. I saw Tamisra and a cage next her. The thing inside it was shrouded in shadow except for growing red pupils with no irises whatsoever! "What is that Tamisra"?! I demanded shakily. "HEHEHE that is your doppelganger! That's right your on the peak of phase 3! You can thank your breakdown in the bathroom for that! So keep those emotions in check or else it'll be free from its cage"! Tamisra explained darkly. Then I woke up. However I stayed calm for I knew Tamisra was right about keeping my emotions in check. Then I fell back asleep.

The next morning, I immediately went to Shadow's room. "Shadow I had another dream. This time it was different. She didn't try to hurt me but she had a cage next to her and it has my doppelganger inside it! I'm on the peak of phase three". I told Shadow seriously. Shadow lost his words as his jaw dropped in horror. "We have to call Zim now"! Shadow finally said as he grabbed his phone. "You're right but remember Aunt Rachel and Jojo are coming today remember"? I asked to remind him. "Yes I remember but I'm still calling Zim to let him know about this. I'll meet you down stairs". Shadow said seriously as he dialed Zim's phone number. "Okay see you down there". I said as I left Shadow's room and went down stairs to the ktichen.

Shadow's P.O.V.

I thankfully heard Zim pick up. "Hello Shadow what is it now"? Zim asked seriously. "Sonic had another dream last night. Tamisra apparently told Sonic he is on the peak of phase three! Sonic also told me that his doppelganger was in a cage next to her. However all he could see, when it came to what the doppelganger looked like, were it glowing red pupils with no irise whatsoever"! I explained frantically for this was scaring me! "Oh no! How soon can you come over"? Zim asked shakily. "I'm honestly not sure exactly. You see our Aunt and cousin are moving into our previous house today and we're helping them move in". I replied nervously. "Ah I understand. Just call me when you're on your way over". Zim said calmly. "Will do Zim bye". I said right before hanging up. Then I went down stairs.

Normal P.O.V.

Play Change from Rozen Maiden

As Shadow was coming down stairs, Sonic realized three important things. "Hey Pretzel Mom I have three questions about Aunt Rachel and Jojo's arrival. Did you tell Aunt Rachel about your pregnancy? Do they know about Longclaw and Shadow? And what am I going to do when they see me like this"? Sonic asked as he gestured to the crescent moon symbol on his forehead and the scars on his stomach. At that point he started sweating nervously. "Yes I told them about my pregnancy, Longclaw and Shadow. As for your other question, it depends on their reaction. But don't worry I'll calm Rachel down if she overreacts. After all you know how she can be sometimes". Maddie replied as Shadow sat down at the table. Lonclaw came not too far behind him. "Morning Longclaw, did you sleep well"? Sonic asked confidently. "I sure did Sonic I'm so glad we're under the same roof again". Longclaw said happily which cheered Sonic right up. Then Tom came in. "Well boys are you ready to help your Aunt and Cousin move in today? They'll be here around 10:00". Tom said excitedly as they all started eating. "I was born ready Dount Dad"! Sonic replied confidently. "Yep with us helping it'll be a piece of cake"! Shadow added enthusiastically.

Jojo's P.OV.

I couldn't wait to see cousin Sonic and meet Shadow and Longclaw! We have just passed the Green Hills sign. "Mom are you excited to meet Longclaw and Shadow too because I can't hide my own excitement"? I asked Mom hopefully. "Yes I am sweetie I also wonder how Sonic's been since we last saw him". Mom replied happily as we arrived at the house. Which filled me with relief since she could be harsh about these kind changes. When we got out of the car, I was instantly greeted by Sonic. "Hey Jojo I missed you so much Jojo! I'm so happy you'll be living here now". Sonic said as we hugged each other. "Same here Sonic. So where is my other cousin"? I asked as I looked around in excitement. Then a black and red anthropomorphic hedgehog that was a little taller than Sonic, which equals to taller than me, walked up to me. Aunt Maddie wasn't kidding! "Hi Jojo I'm your cousin, Shadow Wachowski The Hedgehog. It's an honor to finally meet you". Shadow said enthusiastically which made me giggle happily. "The honor is all mine Shadow". I said playfully as Uncle Tom and Aunt Maddie came over. "Uncle Tom, Aunt Maddie"! I said as I ran over to them and hugged them happily. "Hey Jojo how are you"? Uncle Tom asked happily. "I'm doing great! So where is Lonclaw"? I asked excitedly. Then I saw a large owl land in front of me. "That would be me Jojo it's so wonderful to meet you". Longclaw said sweetly. I then ran up and hugged her lovingly and she hugged me back. "It amazing to meet you too Longclaw". I said as we ended the hug.

Normal P.O.V.

Play A Narnia Lullaby (The Chronicals Of Narnia) - Flute Cover (w. Sheet Music & Scene)

Once all the adrenaline from greeting family members calmed down, Jojo and Rachel looked at Sonic in shock as they noticed his scars and the symbol on his forehead. "Uh Sonic what happened to you"? Rachel asked nervously. "It's a long story. But Eggman is back and has teamed up with a twisted evil alien named Tamisra. She placed a curse called The Possession Virus. These are the result of that. Good news is, I know what to do about it. Bad news I have to wait until the time is right. Speaking of which, Me and Marina are romantically together"! Sonic replied seriously. "Wow I'm so sorry to hear that Sonic. But wait since when did you love Marina"? Rachel asked excitedly. "For several months now but we told each other our feelings just this previous Friday". Sonic said happily. "So how do you guys feel about having another sibling"? Jojo asked as we began the unpacking the moving van. "I'm absolutely stooked"! Sonic said enthusiastically. "It's going to quiet interesting to experience a human baby in the house let alone my youngest sibling"! Shadow said in agreement. Hours later they finished. "Well we'll be right back we have to talk with Zim ASAP". Sonic said right before Shadow preformed Chaos Control.

Sonic's P.O.V.

We appeared in front of Zim's base and went in. "Hey Zim we're here". I said as we looked around for Zim. "Oh good let's call The Tallest just in case they have something that's important we need to know". Zim said as we went to the main computer room. When we arrived, The Tallest appeared on the screen. "Greetings my Tallest! Sonic got signs that he's on the peak of phase three. So do you have any advice for Sonic"? Zim told The Tallest nervously. "Yes now Sonic you'll need to plan the timing for the next time you use any power that's tied or triggered by your emissions, carefully. As for the rest, it's safe to use them now". Tallest Red explained seriously. "Wait why do I need to do that"? I asked nervously for I didn't like where this was going. "It will allow the doppelganger to gain enough strength to break free and phase three can officially be gotten over with. Just trust us on this one". Tallest Red replied reassuringly. That allowed me to the connect the dots. "Oh because the doppelganger feeds on sad and depressing emotions! Thanks for the advice it's all clear to me now. But I'm not going like it". I said sadly as tears fell down my face. "Oh Sonic I wish there was another way too". Shadow said as he hugged me. Then we went home to prepare for the inevitable.

Normal P.O.V.

Later that night, Jojo was asleep. Suddenly a hand covered her mouth as Jojo woke up with panic in her eyes. "Shh little one you're coming with me"! A female voice said sinisterly! Then they disappeared into a dark portal!

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