20. The Birth

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Sunny Samoa from Spongebob

Finally the nine month wait was almost over! Pretzel Mom's baby would be born any day now. We couldn't find out the gender yet. So it was going to be a surprise! Pretzel Mom and Donut Dad agreed on a boy's name; Derek.

Zim had told us that he's going to just live on Earth. Saying that now that he has Sapphire back, he doesn't see the point in conquering Earth. He and Sapphire even offered to help  protect the town when we leave for vacations and the like! As for Tamisra, were friends now! It turns out that her dark magic was corrupting her the whole time. As for Dr. Eggman, we all agreed G.U.N. Headquarters was where he should live out the rest of his days.

We already had the baby's nursery set up and the walls were painted purple. "Good Morning Shadow! I can't believe I'm gonna be a big brother myself soon"! I said excitedly as we headed down stairs for breakfast. "Yep time flew by fast". Shadow replied enthusiastically.  "So Pretzel Mom remind me why the midwife meant by any day now? I mean she gave us a very specific due date"? I asked curiously as we began eating. "Well that's only a scientifically guessed date. So we must be alert all the time now". Pretzel Mom replied seriously.  "Whoa that's nerve racking huh"? I asked shakily. "Yep but with all of you hear I'm more calm than I'd usually be". Pretzel Mom replied reassuringly.

Zim's P.O.V.

Play Through Heaven's Eyes Instrumental from The Prince Of Egypt

I was inventing something when I heard Sapphire come in. "Hey Zim what are you doing"? Sapphire asked with a raised eyebrow. "Oh I was inventing a device to help the Wachowskis find out exactly what day the baby will be born on. It's almost done and It'll be way more accurate than the Doctor's prediction". I replied as I was putting the finishing touches on it. "Wow that's amazing Zim! I'm sure they'll love that". Sapphire said as she hugged me from behind. "Thanks Sapphire. This is one of the reasons I fell in love with you, you understand me better than anyone has had before. Aha it's finished! Would you like to come with me to present it to them"? I asked curiously. "Sure after all, I want to know what it says too"! Sapphire replied enthusiastically. "Alright then. Computer, Gir, keep and eye the base while we're out". I said as we headed out the door.

Shadow's P.O.V.

I was making a list with Mom's help, of the things we'll need to bring to the hospital with us, when I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it". I said as I went to answer the door. "Oh hi Zim and Sapphire. What brings you here"? I asked happily when I saw them. "I invented a device that will tell you the most accurate due date of the baby. It's way more precise than a doctor's". Zim replied confidently. "Whoa that's just what we needed. Come on in". I said happily as I lead them to Mom. "Hi Zim and Sapphire. What is that device"? Mom asked curiously. "This will tell you the baby's due date. Now observe". Zim said as he activated the device.

Sonic's P.O.V.

The moment me, Donut Dad, and Longclaw heard Zim say that, we were bye Shadow's side in seconds. "Alright guys it will be...tomorrow"!! Zim said dramatically. We all gasped in shock! And I couldn't hold in my excitement and dashed around the house, rambling. "I can't believe it! I got to tell our friends ASAP"! I said as I pulled out my phone and went to face time. I set it so I could call all of my band mates at once. "Hey guys, I have great news! You see Zim and Sapphire came by with a device that tells you when the baby will be born. Anyway it's coming tomorrow"! I said enthusiastically. "Whoa congratulations Sonic"! Dib said excitedly. "Thanks Dib". I replied confidently. "Well tell your Mom we wish her good luck"! Crystal said happily. "That is except for me. My parents gave me permission to go with you guys". Marina added quickly before I could accidentally hang up on her. "Whoa that's great! I'll come get you after Pretzel Mom and the stuff is in her hospital room". I said happily as my tail wagged. "Alright see you then love". Marina said and then I hung up.

Normal P.O.V.

Play Immortal Soul from Reader's digest The little mermaid

The next afternoon, Maddie was reading a book when she felt something wet go down her leg. "Oh boy, Zim was right! GUYS MY WATERS JUST BROKE IT'S TIME! AAAHHHHHH"! Maddie hollered as she began feeling the painful contractions. At that moment, Tom carefully picked Maddie up while Sonic gathered everything on Shadow's list in the living room. "Alright I got everything guys". Sonic said frantically. Then they gathered around Shadow. "Chaos Control"! Shadow exclaimed and they appeared at the front desk. "Excuse me, my wife is having a baby as in it's coming"! Tom said frantically as what in a panicked state along with the rest of the family. "Right this way Sir". The nurse said and lead them to a room.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Once me and Shadow finished putting the things in the room, I dashed out of the hospital and towards Marina's house. Then I rang her doorbell. Annalise answer the door. "Oh hello Sonic. What brings you here"? Annalise asked curiously. "Hi Annalise, is Marina home? You see the baby is coming". I asked hopefully. "Yes  she is let me go get her". Annalise replied and went to get Marina.

Marina's P.O.V.

I was sketching Sonic when Mom came in. "Oh hey Mom, what's up"? I asked curiously. "Sonic is here". Mom replied excitedly. "Alright thanks Mom. I'll be back by dinner". I said as I ran towards the front door. "Hey Marina, are you ready"? Sonic asked happily. "Yes I am Sonic let's go"! I said excitedly. "Alright hold on tight"! Sonic said as he picked up bridal style. Then I securely held on to him. "Okay let's go"! I said once I was sure I was holding onto Sonic tightly. Then Sonic dashed off towards the hospital.

Once we were inside the hospital, Sonic put me down as Shadow walked up to us. "Hey Shadow, long time no see"! I said happily. "Hey Marina it's great to see you too. Well come on, Longclaw is already in the waiting room. Dad went with Mom to coach her through the birthing". Shadow said as we followed him. "Hey Longclaw how are you doing"? I asked as we sat in the waiting room. "I'm doing great! I just can't wait to see the little one". Longclaw replied sweetly.

Normal P.O.V.

Meanwhile, Maddie was ready to begin. Tom was holding her hand, ready to help his wife any way he can. "Alright Maddie get ready to push". Luna said encouragingly. Then Maddie took a deep breath and pushed. "Good Maddie. Now push again"! Luna said encouragingly. Then after three more pushes, the baby was born! "You did it Maddie congratulations, it's a girl"! Luna said as she cleaned the baby. "Way to go dear"! Tom said as Maddie laid back in exhaustion. She was sweaty and panting. "Here she is"! Luna said as she carefully handed the baby to Maddie. "Oh Tom she's so beautiful". Maddie said as tears fell from her eyes. "I'll go get your family members, so be right back". Luna said as she left the room.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Man if it weren't for Marina, I would have been pacing. Just then Aunt Rachel and Jojo ran in. "Sorry we're late traffic was a nightmare". Aunt Rachel said frantically. "No worries Aunt Rachel, we're still waiting". I told Aunt Rachel reassuringly. However just after I said that, we heard something. "Wahhhhh"! It was a baby crying! That's when Luna came over to us with a huge smile on her face. "Maddie gave birth to a healthy baby girl"! Luna told us excitedly. "Can we go see her now"? I asked curiously. "Yes go on in". Luna said happily. Then we headed to Pretzel Mom's room.

Play The Cider House Main Title

When we got into the room, I ran over to Pretzel Mom and carefully sat on the bed. I could now see that she had black hair, tan skin, and blue eyes. "Well guys meet Annika Wachowski". Pretzel Mom said as Annika reached out her little hand toward me. So I let her grab onto my finger. That's what broke me into joyful tears I could no longer hold back. "H-Hi little Annika, I'm your big brother Sonic The Hedgehog". I finally said softly. Annika started to giggle, which made my heart explode. Then Shadow sat next to me. Annika reached out for his hand now. "Why hello there Annika, I'm your oldest brother Shadow The Hedgehog". Shadow said as he shead tears as well. This was amazing because, she liked already! This was the start of a whole new generation. "She's so beautiful! And where did you come up with such a beautiful name"? Marina asked happily. "Actually Sonic came up with it"! Pretzel Mom replied casually. "Whoa you're good at giving names aren't you Sonic". Marina said as she kissed my cheek. "Yep  I guess so". I said sheepishly. "Well everyone, Maddie and Annika need to rest so say goodbye". Luna told us seriously. "Bye Pretzel Mom, bye Annika see you later". I said softly and kissed Annika on the forehead. Then we left the room.

Author's Note: Alright guys next chapter is the Season 2 Finale! And yes there will be a season 3.

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