9. Here Comes Trouble

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Walking Into Darkness by Myuu

Later that night I started having a dream about Eggman! I was in a black void and my legs were chained to the ground by smoke-like vines. That's when Eggman came towards me and someone else! She looked like she was the same species as Zim! I could feel a VERY dark aura from her that shook me down to my core! "W-Who are you"? I asked shakily as tears brimmed my eyes. "You'll find out soon enough! However what can tell you is this! I have the power to enter the dreams of the victims of my most dreaded curse! So I am actually here! And that the two of us will be on Earth VERY soon! So get ready for the living nightmare that awaits YOU! HAHAHA"! The dark girl said as she vanished!

Play Level Theme from Blob's Story

"NOOO"! I screamed as I shot up in my bed and started hyperventilating shakily, it a cold sweat! Than I heard someone running to my door. "Sonic are you okay"?! Shadow said as he rushed to my side. "N-No I-I'm not! Someone along with Eggman is coming to Earth and I'm completely terrified"! I said right before hugging Shadow for dear life as I sobbed. "Shhh please calm down Sonic, now tell me what happened okay". Shadow said lovingly. "Okay well I was in a black void with my legs chained to the floor. Then I saw Eggman and a strange girl who looked like she was the same species as Zim! She said they're coming to Earth! Also that she can enter the dreams of the victims of her most dreaded curse! That's when I woke up". I told Shadow as calmly as I could. "Wait if she was in YOUR dream, doesn't that me she's placed that curse on you"?! Shadow asked fearfully. I don't know how I didn't think of that myself! "You're right Shadow! If only we knew what it actually does and how to lift it"! I said in fearful frustration. "Humm maybe Zim can help us. Do you think you sketch out what this Irken girl looks like"? Shadow said as he brought over some art supplies. "Yes I can"! I said with a new confidence. Then I did just that. "Yep she's definitely Irken". Shadow confirmed with an angry glare as he stared at the drawing. "We'll discuss this with everyone tomorrow. I know you don't want to worry Mom, Dad, nor Longclaw with this, however, they need to know. Trust me I've now watched enough shows, movies, and read books that did this plot point to know that it will make things ten times worse if you don't tell them okay"? Shadow told me very seriously but still reassuringly. "Okay I'll tell them in the morning". I said as I yawned tiredly. "Do think you can go back to sleep on your own now"? Shadow asked carefully. I nodded and laid back down as my eyes drooped. "Good night Sonic I love you". Shadow whispered lovingly. "I love you too Shadow". I said right before falling alseep.

Tamisra's P.O.V.

Play Respectless Epic Version from Hazbin Hotel

Once Dr. Robotnik was on the other side of the portal, I pulled out my base designer device. "What is that Tamisra"? Dr. Robotnik asked in fascination as I sketched the base's design out. "You're about to find out"! I said as I allowed the device to drill into the ground. "Now come on we have to take cover while the device does it's thing". I said hastily as I pulled him along to a near by bush. A few minutes later, the base was up and running. Looked over to Dr. Robotnik who had his mouth a gapped as he stared at the glorious base I made. "Welcome to my base Dr. Robotnik, now come on let's hurry inside before someone sees us. I don't want anyone to know we're here quite yet". I said as I gestured for him to follow me. Thankfully it went smoothly. Now to pick my disguise so I can do some reconnaissance on Sonic and Zim! Computer bring me the disguise machine"! I said gleefully! "Yes Ma'am". My computer said as the disguise machine came down in front of me. Then I found the perfect look to fit in with these ugh humans. Then I activated the machine.

"Well this is perfect! Don't you think so Dr

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"Well this is perfect! Don't you think so Dr. Robotnik"? I asked confidently. "Yes no one will suspect a thing". Dr. Robotnik said in agreement.

The next morning, I put Dr. Robotnik in charge of the base while I headed to school. When I got there, I easily found Sonic as we had gym class together. "Well everyone we have anther new student meet Tamisra". The gym teacher said casually as I walked in.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Destined Twins from Vampire Knight

I got a strange feeling from this girl but then I realized why. She was wearing the EXACT same outfit as the Irken girl from my nightmare! But I decided not to mention it until lunch. Now we were playing volleyball. Dib and Crystal were on my team. Zim, Jessica, and Tamisra were on Joey's team. Soon we were at the point of needing a tie breaker. "Alright time to show you who the true volleyball champion is"! Tamisra said confidently and yet something was off with the look on her face as she said it. Man I couldn't for it to be lunch period. Then before I knew it, we lost! Thankfully nothing really happened after that.

Zim's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe it! Tamisra was another Irken! And an Irken with that name is too much of coincidence to NOT be HER! I could tell the way she was looking at me and Sonic, that she was targeting us. And that shook me down to my core. Especially with me having the knowledge of what she's capable of! Thankfully she was keeping a low profile and that meant she wasn't going to mess with us here.

Sonic's P.O.V.

As me, Joey, and Crystal were walking to music class, I texted to Shadow that a girl that looked similar to the Irken girl from my nightmare. Shadow replied almost instantly. He said that we'll discuss this at lunch and to stay calm. Then my thoughts went to earlier that morning during breakfast.


"Morning boys, so how did you sleep?" Pretzel Mom asked curiously. I took a deep breath and explained everything to her just as soon as Donut Dad arrived. I even showed them my sketch of the Irken girl. "Oh Sonic, this is horrible! Maybe Zim knows something that can help stop this". Pretzel Mom said hopefully as she hugged me. "I see what you mean Maddie but how do we know we can trust him? I mean he's an Invader who want to conquer Earth right"? Donut Dad added cautiously. "I know Dad but we honestly have no choice let alone any other ideas". Shadow replied reassuringly. "Wait where's Longclaw"? I asked when I noticed her absence. "She went for a morning flight". Pretzel Mom replied reassuringly. That's when we left for school.

End of Flashback

Play East Ender from iMovie Music

Then we walked over to Marina, when we heard Tamisra's voice. "Huh you're into music too Sonic how interesting". Tamisra said playfully as she passed us. That's when I knew my suspension was correct! She has the same voice and the Irken girl and THAT'S a voice I could never forget. "Hey Sonic are you okay you look like you've seen a ghost". Marina said nervously. "Oh sorry I just got a lot on my mind. I'll tell you more during lunch". I replied as I shook myself out of my daze. "Okay if you say so". Marina said casually. Then the teacher got the class's attention. "Alright everyone, we have a new student meet Tamisra. So do mind singing for us"? The teacher said happily. "But of course". Tamisra replied and proceeded to sing Queen Of Mean From Descendants 3.

Once She was done she looked at me with an all knowing smirk! I was more than ready for lunch period and to tell everyone about this girl.

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