10. New Alliances

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Ouranos Island - Sonic Frontiers [OST]

Finally we arrived at a lunch table. Everyone except for Zim were there. This made me a little disappointed because he needs to here about this the most. "So what's on your mind Sonic"? Marina asked curiously. "I had a terrifying nightmare last night involving Dr. Eggman and an Irken girl. Only she said she was ACTUALLY in the dream with me. She also said she can enter the dreams of the victims of her most dreaded curse and that She and Dr. Eggman will be on Earth very soon". I replied seriously as I showed them my sketch of the Irken girl. "Wait so you're cursed now"? Dib asked nervously. I nodded sadly. "That's not all I know that Tamisra IS this girl! She is wearing the EXACT same outfit, and she keeps giving me this sinister look". I added seriously as I tried to find Tamisra in the crowded cafeteria. "You're right Sonic. So what do we do now"? Dib said as he realized it too. "I know this sounds crazy, we need to talk to Zim and ask for his help". I replied seriously. "That is crazy but you're right after all he would know something since he's Irken too". Dib said happily. "I know let's look for his base and talk to him there". Shadow suggested hopefully. "Oh yeah I've been meaning to look for it! Let's do it". Dib said excitedly.

Tamisra's P.O.V.

Play Who Are They from Bratz Live Action Movie

I was on my way to the cafeteria when I heard two girls talking about Sonic and Zim. "Jade are you okay you seem on edge more than usual". The blond haired girl asked. "Sorry Veronica, I just want to destroy Zim and Sonic but I'm out of ideas. Do you have anything"? Jade replied in frustration. "I'm afraid not Jade". Veronica said sadly. This got me intrigued so I walked over to them. "I believe I can help you girls you see I've already begun a brilliant plan to torture Sonic! You want in"? I asked as I walked up to them. "First of all, who are you"? Jade asked me skeptically. "I'm Tamisra I am also Irken BUT I betrayed them along time ago! So I am on your side. I do not wish to harm Earth". I explained seriously as I briefly showed them me out of my disguise. "Okay Tamisra we're in! So what is this plan anyway"? Jade asked as we headed to the cafeteria. "Meet me after school and then all will become clear". I told them deviously.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Haunted Childhood from The Haunted

School was over and as I was heading out to meet the others in front of the school, a realization that I couldn't believe didn't happened until now, came to me. If Tamisra is here, that means Dr. Eggman is here too!! That's when I carefully used my super speed to exit the building as fast as I could. So in an instant, I was standing right in front of my friends and Brother. "Whoa Sonic, what's wrong"? Shadow asked out of major concern. "Guys since Tamisra is here, Dr. Eggman is here too and not to mention they must have teamed up"! I said frantically in my panic. "Whoa Sonic I know you're scared but you need to just take some deep breaths and calm down". Shadow told me gently and I did as he instructed. "Sorry guys, and you got all of that right"? I asked sheepishly and they all nodded. "Oh good now let's find Zim"! I said filled with more determination than ever before. "Humm Shadow do you think you can teleport us there"? Dib asked hopefully. "I'm not sure, I've never teleported this many people before and what will happen if it doesn't work". Shadow replied seriously. Then I hugged him lovingly. "Hey I believe in you Shadow, you can do this! After all you're The Ultimate Life Form". I said supportively. "Oh yeah, you're right Sonic! What was I thinking? CHAOS CONTROL"!! Shadow said confidently and we appeared in front of the strangest house I've ever seen!

Zim's P.O.V.

I walking back to my base when I saw Sonic's gang in front of it! "Hey how did you find my GLORIOUS base and what are you doing here"?! I demanded as I stormed over to them. "We need to talk to you about Tamisra". Sonic replied with the same seriousness that he had at lunch yesterday. "Well I know she's Irken since I am able to see through an alien's disguise. Also that name is very rare, unique, and uncommon so it's a slim chance that it's a coincidence". I said as I allowed them into my base since I knew this conversation was going to take a while and was important. "I knew it especially when I realized the Irken girl from my nightmare and this 'human' girl are wearing the same outfit! So that means Dr. Eggman really is back"! Sonic said as we went to the lower part of my base. "Wait back up Sonic please don't tell me she went into your dreams"?! I said shakily in panic. I was praying that this situation wasn't as serious as I realized it was. "I'm afraid that's EXACTLY what he said Zim. I was there comforting him when he woke up from it last night". Shadow replied sadly. "Oh this is REALLY bad thank Irk you came to me! Computer pull up all the information about Irken Invader Tamisra's Possession virus". I said the moment we were in the main computer room. "Yes Sir". The computer said seriously as the information appeared on the screen.

Sonic's P.O.V.

When I heard the name of this condition, I of course freaked out! "Wait what?! P-Possession virus? So this virus is some sort of mind control"?! I asked frantically as I started hyperventilating. "Whoa calm down Sonic. We'll fix this I know it". Shadow said as he hugged me which was working a little bit. "T-Thank you Shadow". I said shakily as I hugged him back. Then he scratched the back of my ears and that helped me breathe normally again, after letting out the purring of course. "Ahh Thanks Shadow I'm completely calm". I said out of relief 

Play Junan no Hibi from Rozen Maiden

when suddenly, a was knocked to the floor! "Ooh it's a blue porcupine"!! I heard a high pitched voice scream as I saw it was little robot who crashed into me. "Uh I'm actually a hedgehog and can you please get off of me"? I asked in annoyance. "Okki dokie lokie"! The robot said as he got off and I got back to my feet. "Are you okay Sonic"? Shadow asked as he and the others were stifling their laughter. "Yep all good. So who are you little guy"? I asked curiously as my tail wagged in excitement for this was the first robot I met that WASN'T trying to kill me the moment it saw me. "I'm Gir". Gir said happily which reminded me of myself.

Play You'll Be Queen One Day from Game Of Thrones

 "Look here's all the answers we'll need however, I can't sugar coat it. You're in the first of three phases of it which is the random dreams that are either loosely or strongly connected to the person who infected you. The second phase, is they're always strongly connected, try to physically harm you, and put the virus's symbol on your forehead. And phase three is were the possession part of the name will come into play. A doppelganger that feeds on every sad and depressing emotion you ever experienced since you've been infected, will show itself and try and take you over, kind of like that form I saw you in yesterday but much worse". Zim told me very seriously with a sad look on his face that I knew all to well! "Zim did you know someone in this condition before me? Trust me I know that look! I had it for ten years when my thoughts turned to think about how much I missed Longclaw". I said very seriously. "Yes that's how Tamisra already knows me! She took the love of my life away from me"! Zim screamed as tears fell down his face! "I'm so sorry Zim. But wait what did you mean by trying to physically harm me"? I asked as I hugged him to comfort him as he calmed his sobbing down. "Thanks Sonic and what I meant was that if Tamisra hurts you in the dream, she's hurting your body in the real world and the only way to heal those injuries is through the slowest method possible; manually"! Zim explained cautiously as I could tell he didn't want this information to intentionally upset me.

Shadow' P.O.V.

Play World Selection from Kingdom Hearts

Then I heard my phone rang and saw it was Mom. "Hey Mom what's up"? I asked happily. "Hey Shadow. Before I continue, can you put me on speaker phone"? Mom asked happily. "Sure thing Mom". I said and did just that. "Hey  Pretzel Mom? So what do you want to tell us"? Sonic asked once he was next to me. "First off, my first ultrasound is this  weekend! And second of all where are you guys"? Mom replied casually. "We're at Zim's base with the others and we've got the answers for Sonic's problem. I'll explain all of that when we get home in a little bit". I explained reassuringly. "That's good to know well I'll see you two at home then". Mom said happily as I was about to hang up. "Wait I have two things to say. First off have you seen Longclaw at all today? And I thought of a name for the baby if it turns out to be a girl; Annika"! Sonic said hastily. "Wow Sonic I love it what about you Shadow"? Mom asked me curiously. "Same here, it's a beautiful name". I replied confidently. "Then it's settled if it's a girl her name will be Annika. Me and Tom will choose a name for if it's a boy. 

Play Lumpy's Death from Bratz Desert Jewelz

As for Longclaw, no I haven't. I think she's missing"! Mom told us  seriously as I saw tears fall from Sonic's fear filled panicked eyes.

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