13. Tamisra's Next Move

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Author's Note: Sorry I accidentally published this chapter before it was finished, earlier this week. Thankfully now it's finished so now enjoy the chapter.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Atatakana Kokoro from Rozen Maiden

I was lost in thought about a certain special someone as me and the family were going back to the house. I mean how would they all react when I said I was in love with...HER?! But I knew I had to tell them if I wanted to get this virus removed for good. Finally we arrived at the house and sat down in the living room.  "Okay Sonic think you can tells us who it is"? Shadow asked gently. "Alright...it's... MARINA MELODY"! I said as I felt myself blushing again and waited for their reaction.  "Oh wow no wonder it's complicated. She is a human and you're a hedgehog right"? Shadow said in realization. "Well yes but also how do I tell her? What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if I weird her out so much that she'll never speak to me again"?! I said finally unbottling these feelings I hid for several months. "Whoa calm down Sonic! Everything will be fine. Just trust yourself and you'll do fine. I suggest you tell her tomorrow". Shadow told me as he put a hand on my shoulder supportively. "Thanks Shadow I needed that". I said happily as I hugged him. "No problem Bro". Shadow said casually as he hugged me back.  "Well I better get started on dinner". Pretzel Mom said as she headed to the kitchen.

Normal P.O.V.

Play Evil Meetings from Kingdom Hearts

Later that night in Sonic's dream, Tamisra appeared with a sinister look on her face. "Hello again Sonic! It's time to get serious"! Tamisra spat gleefully as her right hand began to glow with dark purple magic. "NO PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE"! Sonic cried as he tried to back away only to hit a wall! Then Tamisra shot her dark magic at Sonic's forehead! "AAAAHHH WHAT WAS THAT"! Sonic demanded in pained voice as he fell to the ground momentarily before standing back up. "Oh you'll see when you wake up in the morning! Now one more thing before I go"! Tamisra replied coldly as her nails grew dangerously long. Then she proceeded to scratch Sonic's stomach!

Author's Note: It the same ones as the ones on Scourge The Hedgehog's.

"AAAAHHHHHH"!!! Sonic screamed in complete agony and woke up still screaming!

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"AAAAHHHHHH"!!! Sonic screamed in complete agony and woke up still screaming!

Shadow's P.O.V.

Play The Silent Forest from Kingdom Hearts

I woke up when I heard horrible screaming and knew something was terribly wrong! So I dashed into Sonic's room and turned on the light. What I saw almost shattered me! Sonic was sobbing uncontrollably as he held his stomach in pain. I could see that it was bleeding! Sonic didn't even seem to notice that I was in the room! "Hang on Sonic I'll get Mom". Was all I could say before dashing to our parents room. "Mom please wake up Sonic's hurt"! I cried as soon as I was on her side of the bed. She immediately woke up and dashed to get the first aid kit. "Oh my gosh my poor baby"! Mom said in a panic as I followed her back to Sonic's room. When we reentered the room, Sonic's were wide open and looked absolutely mortified! "Shhh it's okay Sonic Mommy's here"! Mom explained as she and I walked carefully over to him. "Can you let me see it sweetie"? Mom asked as we knelt down next to him. Sonic subtly nodded. Then with Mom's help, Sonic moved his hands away from his stomach to reveal two long scratch marks that were  deep enough to draw blood! "Oh my poor son"! Mom said as she carefully picked him up and we went to the kitchen so we could tend to his wounds more properly. "How did this happen Sonic"? I asked as Mom got to work on Sonic's wounds. For this was scaring me greatly. Then I gasped when I noticed a red crescent moon symbol on Sonic's forehead! "Tamisra hit me with her magic and then made her nails longer and sharper and scratched me and that's when I woke up. It hurts so bad Shadow, I-I'm so scared"! Sonic replied as tears fell like waterfalls now! This was unbearable to me. Then it truly hit me. "Sonic do you realize what this means"?! I asked shakily. "Yes I'm in phase two of The Possession Virus"! Sonic said seriously after calming  his sobbing down. "We'll have to tell Zim as soon as possible". I said supportively as Mom finished bandaging his wounds. "Thanks Pretzel Mom and Shadow". Sonic said as he let out a sigh of relief. "Well let's get you back to bed". Mom said as she helped sonic down from the counter. "Okay but Shadow can you stay in my room? I'm afraid to go back to sleep alone". Sonic asked nervously. "Of course Sonic let's go". I replied reassuringly and we went back to his room and fell asleep. Although I stayed up until he was asleep peacefully.

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