14. The First Ultrasound

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play The Hanging Tree (From The Hunger Games) - Violin Cover - Taylor Davis

When we arrived home, Pretzel Mom had an excited look on her face. "Hey boys glad you're back we have exciting news that's this weekend besides my first ultrasound". Pretzel Mom said as we followed her to the dinning table. This got me and Shadow excitedly curious. "Oh really what is it"? I asked excitedly as we began to eat. "Rachel and Jojo are finally moving to Green Hills"! Pretzel Mom said happily and this made me and Shadow gasp. "That's great we're helping them move in right"? I asked hopefully. "Yep they'll be here Sunday morning. My ultrasound is Saturday afternoon". Pretzel Mom replied happily. "Well I hate to dampen the mood but there's something we have to tell you. Well I confessed my feeling to Marina and she feels the EXACT same way! So then we kissed and it caused this symbol and these scratches to disappear but obviously only temporarily. Zim asked The Tallest about it and told us why that happened. I...have to be...possessed when she kisses me, so that the virus and it's darkness is removed from me all at once". I said nervously for I knew they'd freak out. "A-Are you serious and sure about that"? Pretzel Mom and Longclaw said in unison as tears fell from their eyes. "Yes I'm afraid so but not to worry it WILL work out in the end especially now that we know Marina and my love for her will free me from it". I replied as reassuringly as I could. Thankfully they all calmed down.

Zim's P.O.V.

Play Ariel Cutscene Music 2 from Disney Princesses Enchanted Journey

I was just about to call it a night when my computer stopped me. "Sir in coming transmission from The Tallest, should I patch them through"? My computer asked urgently. "Of course compture". I replied as I rushed to the main computer room. Just as I arrived there, The Tallest appeared on the screen. "Zim we forgot to tell Sonic a very important warning"! Tallest Purple exclaimed as ran up to the computer. This news got me nervous. "Well if you tell me, I'll tell him. So what is it"? I asked seriously. "Sonic mustn't use ANY of his powers for the rest of phase 2! Sonic won't be able to predict what will happen if he does". Tallest Red explained seriously. "Got it thank you my Tallest! Invader Zim signing off". I said as I saluted and the transmission ended. Thankfully I got Sonic's phone number on the way back from Irk. So I called him and Sonic picked up. "Hey Zim what brings you to call at this late hour"? Sonic asked curiously. "The Tallest just contacted me about something to do your virus. Do not use your powers until I give you the okay to do so got it? You'll won't be able to predict what they'll do if you DON'T heed my warning". I explained very seriously. "Okay got it Zim thank you". Sonic said seriously and I hung up.

Normal P.O.V.

Play Something's Wrong by Myuu

Meanwhile Sonic was having another dream. "Hehehe, oh Sonic you think you're too strong to fall for anything up my sleeve to push you over the edge?! Well you're wrong"! Tamisra said as Jade, Veronica, and Dr Robotnik appeared on every side of him so now he was surrounded! "NOO GET AWAY FROM ME"!! Sonic screamed as he started to panic! Then Dr. Robotnik revealed a hypodermic needle filled with the very serum that G.U.N. injected him with. "NO NOT AGAIN"!! Jade then punched him in the face and Veronica yanked on his quills. Sonic was warn out from the pain. That's when Dr. Robotnik injected Sonic with serum! "See I told you! you're weak! Soon you'll be my little puppet! HAHAHAHA"!!!! Tamisra exclaimed as she slapped Sonic!

Sonic's P.O.V.

I woke up in a cold sweat and noticed that my face and quills were sore! Just like in my dream so I went to the bathroom at normal human walking pace. Yeah I took Zim's warning deadly seriously. When I got into the bathroom, I looked myself in the mirror. That's when I saw two bruises on my face from Jade and Tamisra, and another one group of them where Veronica yanked on my quills. That's when I broke down more than ever. I couldn't help it, I just felt so helpless for I couldn't stop those monsters from doing this to me!

Longclaw's P.O.V.

I woke up suddenly knowing something was wrong with Sonic. So I flew out of my room and found Sonic in the bathroom in his ball form. I immediately flew over to him. "Shh Sonic it's going to be alright. I'm here sweetie". I said gently as my instincts really took over. Thankfully Sonic uncurld and looked up at me. "Oh Longclaw it was awful! All my enemies since coming to Earth surrounded me and hurt me"! Sonic cried as he hugged me for fear life. I hugged him back. "Don't worry Sonic justice will be served. And don't forget the first ultrasound is tomorrow. I love you so much and we all will help you through this". I told him trying to cheer him up. "You're right Longclaw thanks I needed that and I love you too". Sonic said with the biggest smile on his face. "That's the spirit! Well let's get you back to bed". I said lovingly in relief. Sonic nodded and we headed to his bedroom where I watched over him until he was asleep peacefully.

Normal P.O.V.

Sonic decided to no longer wear the bandages since his stomach wounds have scard over and then walked down stairs to see Shadow wagging his tail in excitement for Maddie's first ultrasound. However when Sonic entered the dining room, Shadow gasped as he saw Sonic's bruises. "Sonic what did she do this time"? Shadow asked feeling rage at Tamisra rise to his boiling point. "She slapped me, Jade, punched me, Veronica yanked on my quills, and then....Eggman injected the....serum into me"! Sonic replied shakily. Shadow's jaw dropped for he wasn't expecting to hear that Tamisra's allies helped her WHILE in Sonic's dream like that. Shadow immediately but carefully hugged Sonic. "Don't worry Sonic Marina will be able to save you when the time is right remember"? Shadow said reassuringly. 

Play Jay Jay from Youtube Audio Library

"Oh yeah that reminds me I have a song to write to celebrate the start of my relationship with Marina"! Sonic replied happily. "Oh and Zim said I can't use my powers for the time being. So yeah it's gonna take the whole morning to write"! I added sheepishly. "Huh really well I'll help you out with the power thing when it comes to your lighting and dark Sonic forms". Shadow offered happily. "Thanks Shadow I'd appreciate that"! Sonic said happily as the family began to eat breakfast.

Two hours later, Sonic walked over to Shadow. "Hey Shadow the song is finished what do you think"? Sonic asked as he handed Shadow the sheet music. "Humm it's beautiful she'll love it! Who knew you were the romantic type". Shadow said casually. "Thanks Shadow but I'll save it for Monday. Since we're busy this weekend". Sonic said bashfully. "Good thinking". Shadow said in agreement.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Finally it was time to go to Pretzel Mom's first ultrasound! So we got in the car and headed to the hospital. When we got there we had to wait a half an hour. It was already bad enough that I couldn't use my powers but being the Fastest Thing Alive, comes with powerful impatience. "Calm down Sonic will see our baby sibling soon enough". Shadow soothed playfully. "Sorry this just comes with being The Fastest Thing Alive. I just hope it's healthy". I said as I attempted to calm down. "Maddie Wachowski"? A nurse called and made me sigh in relief. Then we followed the nurse to the ultrasound room. Then another woman came in as the nurse left. "Hello Maddie I'm Luna and I'll be your midwife. Now please lay down and lift you shirt off your stomach and we'll begin". Luna said as Pretzel Mom did as instructed. "Now first let's check the baby's heart beat. Alright it sound strong and healthy. Now the jell is cold so brace yourself". Luna said right before putting this strange jell on Pretzel Mom's stomach. Pretzel Mom let out a shiver as Luna did this. Then Luna turned on a Monitor and rolled the monitor stick on Pretzel Mom's stomach and images appeared on the Monitor. "Okay let's find and see your baby Maddie". Luna said as she moved the device around and a few moments later Luna's face lit up. "Alright Wachowskis there is the baby and is looking healthy". Luna said as she pointed out the baby's silhouette! We all gasped in delight! I even wagged my tail. "Oh Tom it's so beautiful". Pretzel Mom said tearfully. "It sure is". Donut Dad said and kissed Pretzel Mom on the forehead. "It's so cute already am I right Shadow". I said happily. "Yep just imagine how much cuter it'll be when it arrives". Shadow said as tears of joy fell. "I totally agree my beautiful goddchildren". Longclaw said as she wrapped her wings around me and Shadow. "Would you like to know the due date"? Luna asked curiously. "But of course Luna". Tom said excitedly. "It's due on November 16th". Luna said enthusiastically. "Alright now I'll be counting down the days". I said excitedly as we left the hospital.

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