12. Meeting The Tallest

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Allowed To Be Happy from The Last Of Us Part 2

We were in the kitchen and me, Shadow, and Zim had just finished explaining The Possession Virus to Longclaw, Pretzel Mom, and Donut Dad. "Oh Sonic! Zim how do we stop this"? Pretzel Mom asked desperately as tears fell down her face. However before Zim could reply, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it". Shadow said as he exited the kitchen.

Normal P.O.V

When Shadow opened the door, he saw it was Professor Membrane! Seeing him caused a scowl to form on Shadow's face. Shadow was still furious at the Professor for what he did. "What do you think you're doing here! And how did you get our address"? Shadow demanded hostilely. "I came to sincerely apologize for trying to study that owl". Professor Membrane said seriously. "Very well come in". Shadow said reluctantly as he allowed for the Professor to enter the house. "So Shadow who was at the door"? Sonic asked nervously. "It was Professor Membrane and he has something he needs to tell us". Shadow explained reassuringly. Sonic instinctively got behind Longclaw since he was freaked out by what Professor Membrane attempted to do. "Look guys I'm so sorry for what I almost did. I didn't realise you guys were innocent. However is there I way I could still learn about you all? I just can't help but be fascinated by you"? Professor Membrane explained seriously. Sonic thought about it. "Alright we'll tell you what we know so far because I'm still learning about myself! Like for instance, I discovered a new ability a few days after my 14th birthday. I also am still learning to control the powers I already had before that, let alone this new". Sonic explained enthusiastically.

So once the Professor was satisfied, he said good bye and went back home to reconcile with Dib and Gaz. "So Zim, what were you going to say before the Professor showed up"? Sonic asked seriously to get back on topic. "Well I can't do it physically but some doctors on Irk might. Meet me after school tomorrow and you'll get to meet Irk's AMAZING leaders; THE ALMIGHTY TALLEST! All of you should be there so the information will only need to be explained once". Zim explained confedantly. "Whoa that's going to be interesting"! Sonic said excitedly as Zim left the house.

Play Bogs attack Music from Disney Princesses Enchanted Journey

Later that night, Sonic started having another dream about Tamisra. Tamisra was in the main room of her base with Dr. Robotnik, Jade, and Veronica. "Alright time to make your partnership with us official. You must sign this blood contract and you'll officially be in the club. That includes you Dr. Robotnik; I need a guarantee that your loyalty lies with me". Tamisra said as she handed the contract to them. "So do you mean a literal BLOOD contract"? Veronica asked shakily. "Yes I do. There's no turning back unless you're backing out now". Tamisra replied deviously. "Of course not". Veronica said seriously and used her blood to sign it. Then Jade and Dr. Robotnik followed suit. "Welcome to the club". Tamisra said playfully. Then they screamed in horrible pain as ominous red crescent moon symbols appeared on the palm of their right hand. "Huh what did you do to us"?! Jade demanded fearfully. "It's just part of joining me. So don't even DARE and try to back stab me or else those symbols will cause you to feel horrible pain! Now meet after school tomorrow and we'll discuss our next move". Tamisra said seriously as Jade and Veronica left her base.

Play Deadly Sorrow by Myuu

That's when Sonic woke up. "Oh no I've got to tell everyone about this"! Sonic exclaimed a little too loudly. Shadow was woken up by it and dashed to Sonic's bedside. "Sonic what is it"? Shadow asked seriously but gently as well because he could see Sonic was shaken up again. "Tamisra was in her base with not only Eggman but also...Jade and Veronica! They wanted to join Tamisra and signed a BLOOD CONTRACT! Then once it was signed they screamed in pain as a red crescent moon symbol appeared on their right palms. I get a bad feeling from that symbol. I think it's going to be the very symbol that Tamisra is planning to mark me with during phase two of this virus". Sonic explained nervously as tears fell from his eyes. "Oh you're right everyone DOES need to be told about this. Shhh it's going to be okay Sonic we'll cure you of this way before it goes to phase two". Shadow said as he comforted his little brother in the only way he could.

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