8. The Egg Shaped Threat

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Dib's P.O.V.

Play I See Fire - Flute Cover - By Kieran Davidson

I was absolutely stunned by what me and Gaz just witnessed. "Shh it's going to be okay Sonic. Come on let's get some air". Shadow said as they walked out to the outdoor lunch area. "Okay guys what just happened there"? I asked as I recovered from my shock. "That's what Sonic warned Jade and Veronica about earlier. That WAS Dark Sonic". Marina explained seriously. That's when I gasped for Sonic wasn't kidding! The look I saw in his blank eyes, looked like he was ready to attack if those girls didn't back down when they did! Now I knew It was a good thing I was already on HIS good side. I decided to see what he and Shadow were up to out there and to make sure Sonic is okay. However by accident, I over heard their conversation. "I-I'm sorry about that S-Shadow. I am just so scared about that vision. It happened so fast"! Sonic said through his tears. "Don't worry Sonic if that crazy Doctor shows his face again, I'll protect you! You're not alone in that battle anymore. Heh and know just the thing to help calm your nerves down". Shadow said as he hugged Sonic protectively. "I do too, and I could use it". Sonic said with a small smile on his muzzle. Then Shadow rubbed the back of Sonic's ears as Sonic purred loudly. It was one of the most beautiful moments I've ever experienced in my life. "Hehe Thanks Shadow I love you". Sonic said as he wiped his tears away. "Any time Little Bro, and I love you too". Shadow said as the began heading back in! It was too late to hide the fact that I saw the whole thing! So I mentally crossed my fingers as I waited for however they'd react to this.

Zim's P.O.V.

I was frozen in shock for a few moments. However when I heard Sonic said something about a vision of a man, I shook it off and went to eavesdrop on him and Shadow. After hearing and seeing what Sonic and Shadow were talking about, I felt a tear escape my eye. But since I was still confused, I recovered quickly. Just who is this mad man? Then I noticed Dib was doing the same thing. So I walked over to him. "So Dib do you have any idea what Sonic was going on about, a moment ago"? I asked cautiously. "Yes I think I do. It's Dr. Ivo Robotnik". Dib replied seriously with a large frown on his face. "Wait you mean the same Robotnik that disappeared"?! I asked fearfully. "Yes but what happened to him is not what we've thought. Wait hold on a second, is that why you're in Green Hills in the first place"? Dib replied seriously as he raised an eyebrow at me. "Yes. So do tell me what you know"? I said casually. "Alright it's a long story". Dib said and told me everything he knew. The last thing he told me was about a musical showcase. "Oh I see but um they're in a band"? I asked in disbelief because that sounded so strange to me. "Yep in fact they're practicing a new song Sonic wrote, after school. Me and Gaz are going to listen to them, if you want to join us I won't mind". Dib explained confidently. "Humm okay sure I need to see this for myself". I said thoughtfully. Then we heard Sonic cleared his throat to get our attention which caused us to jump a little.

Sonic's P.O.V.

After our conversation, we saw Dib and Zim talking so we listened in as we re-entered the cafeteria. Apparently they were too busy in there conversation, that they had no idea we were standing there hearing everything. Then I decided to clear my throat. "Hey guys we heard all of that". I said playfully. "But were you listening to our conversation because I thought I saw you staring at us when I was calming Sonic's nerves"? Shadow asked curiously. "I just wanted to make sure Sonic was okay but didn't want to intrude on your private moment". Dib replied reassuringly. "I was curious about that vision of yours because I was completely lost. Dib filled me in". Zim explained reassuringly as well. "Oh that makes since and we'll discuss this further, after school". I said as we left the cafeteria.

Play The Lost Girl form Once Upon A Time

Finally we were in the band room after school. Dib, Gaz, and even Zim were there too. "So what was with that vision Sonic"? Marina asked me nervously. "All I saw was a flash of...Eggman's face". I said cautiously as I shivered just at the thought of him. "Are you serious Sonic?! This is bad especially if he finds out about Shadow, Longclaw, and maybe even you unborn sibling"! Crystal said as she started pacing in a panic. "Whoa Crystal, just take a deep breath. I know this is bad but we can't go losing our heads okay"? Joey said as he brought her pacing to a halt. "Yeah you're right Joey. Sorry guys". Crystal said as she calmed down. "Wait why do you call Robotnik Eggman Sonic"? Zim asked in confusion. "Oh it's because his drones he used to attack me with looked like flying eggs". I said casually. "HAHAHA That's brilliantly funny"! Zim said in his fit of laughter. "Why thank you now are you guys ready"? I asked my band mates. "Yes we are"! They replied in sync. "Great! I call this song Fist Bump"! I said before playing it.

Play Dog Park from Youtube Audio Library

After finishing it, Dib, Gaz, and even Zim clapped and cheered! "Whoa that's catchy and sounded amazing! So let me guess, it was inspired by Zim's threat to Earth and we're going to work together to keep him from his goal right"? Dib asked excitedly. "Well when I was writing it yes. However that's no longer the case. Now it's to motivate us for any threat or during dark times in those scenarios". I replied confidently. "Well I certainly feel movitvated by it". Joey said happily. "Great because I needed motivation myself after the scare my vision gave me". I added sheepishly. "No kidding bro. But you're not alone this time! After all I was trained specifically for situations like that so, there's no way we'll lose that fight". Shadow said enthusiastically. "That's true but we mustn't underestimate him either". Zim said seriously. "Hmm it sounds like you had personal experiences with this before". Shadow said playfully with a smirk on his face. "Of course I have I've been around for a long time. But you can thank Dib for that". Zim said defensively. We all laughed in amusement. "Well if you excuse me, I have to go make sure Gir isn't doing anything too destructive in my base". Zim said as he left. "Hehe I kind of want to meet Gir. We might get along pretty easily". I said curiously. "Yep I can totally see it"! Shadow added in agreement. Then we headed home.

Normal P.O.V.

Play Ghost Town by Myuu

On the mushroom planet, Dr. Robotnik was looking for a way back. Then he heard a voice. "Hehe I can assist you if you join me"! The female voice said. "Show yourself first then I'll consider it". Dr. Robotnik said seriously. Then he saw an Irken girl with violet red eyes!

 Then he saw an Irken girl with violet red eyes!

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"Greetings Doctor, I'm Irken Invader Tamisra. I have business to do on Earth as well so if you agree to work for me, I well allow you to come with me. So do we have a deal"? Tamisra said as she reached out her hand. "Yes it's a deal my name is Dr. Ivo Robotnik by the way". Dr. Robotnik said as he shook her hand to seal the deal. "Excellent I have a feeling we'll make a great team HAHHAAHA"! Tamisra said deviously as she opened a portal to Earth!

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