3. Moving

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Dib's P.O.V.

Play Ariel Minigame Music 3 from Disney Princesses Enchanted Journey

Finally I have finished packing. "Hurry up Dib Dad's waiting"! Gaz yelled angrily. "I'm coming Gaz". I said reluctantly and got into the car. "I honestly hope Zim follows us so I can still stop him from conquering the world. Oh well for now I have a mystery to solve"! I said full of determination! "Uh Dib what do you mean"? Gaz asked in confusion. "Oh I'll tell you later.I promise". I replied nervously as I remembered Dad was in the car. So it wasn't the time to talk about the paranormal. "Good because it already sounds insanely interesting". Gaz whispered to me.

Play A New Beginning by Esther Abrami

Finally we made it to the airport and were on our to Montana. I decided to call Agent Dark Booty. "Hello Agent Mothman, how can I help you"? Agent Dark Booty asked with concern. "I'm both excited to solve the Green Hills Mystery but I can't get Zim out of my head! We're on the plane right now as you can see. I will call you with new updates on my situation if that's okay with you"? I explained sheepishly. "Of course it's fine after you're my favorite agent to talk to". Agent Dark Booty replied casually. "Thanks Agent Dark Booty! Agent Mothman out". I said and ended the call. I wonder what my new school will be like. I hope it's nothing like my old school. I'm so tired of being an outcast!

Finally we arrived at the Montana Airport. "I'm glad that plan ride is over! That was one long and boring flight". Gaz said as we went to the baggage area. "Don't worry Daughter, when you see the house it'll all be worth it"! Dad said enthusiastically as we grabbed our luggage. "So how are we going to get there Dad"? I asked skeptically. "Sharif Tom Wachowski is giving us a ride since he helped me arrange everything". Dad said reassuringly as we walked up to a car. "Hi Tom thanks again for all of this". Dad said as we got in the car. "No problem Professor Membrane. Trust me you guys are going to love Green Hills. I've lived there all my life". Tom told us as we left the Airport. "Really? That's fascinating Tom". Dad said happily as they started talking about each other's jobs.

So I tapped out and turned to Gaz. "Hey Gaz, I'll tell what I was talking about now, if you still want to hear it". I said seeing that Dad would be too busy to hear us. "Duh Dib now spill before I change my mind". Gaz replied seriously. "Well there was a massive black out in this area caused by something stronger than a electromagnetic pulse! So they sent a brilliant man named Dr. Ivo Robotnik to investigate it. However when he did, he disappeared without a trace"! I explained seriously. "And now you want to investigate it and find this man"? Gaz asked skeptically. "Yes this is why I'm now excited about going to Green Hills". I replied confidently. "Well good luck with that but be careful". Gaz said quietly. However I heard her. "Thanks Gaz and I will". I said as we noticed that we were driving passed the town sign. "Well kids take a look at the town that's our new home"! Dad said dramatically. So me and Gaz looked out our respective windows and saw a very humble town compared to where used to live. "Wow it's cute". Gaz said nonchalantly. "This is going to be great"! I said excitedly which I'm not sure why. Finally our new house came into view. "Whoa that's our new house?! It huge"! I said in awe as me and Gaz gawked at it. "Yes it is son now come on we have a lot of unpacking to do. Thanks again Tom". Dad said as we got our bags out of the car. "No problem Professor Membrane in fact, let me help you set up the house". Tom said as he got out of his car. "Really thanks Tom we would love your assistance". Dad said as we went into the house.

"Okay Dib, I get the master bedroom, you get the second biggest room since you have a lot of stuff that's going in there. And Gaz you get the final room". Dad explained and we went to check out our new rooms and set them up. When I saw mine, I already could tell that it was much bigger than my old one! "Whoa this is amazing". I said as I set it up. Once I was done, I decided to call Agent Dark Booty. "Hi Agent Mothman, how can I help you"? Agent Dark Booty asked curiously. "I just wanted to tell you we've officially moved into our new house and man is my room huge"! I replied confidently. "Well I wish you luck with your investigation". Agent Dark Booty said happily. "Thank you! Agent Mothman out". I said before hanging up. I planned to start the investigation after school on Monday.

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