18. Tamisra's Downfall

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Normal P.O.V.

Play The Opening Instrumental for On My Father's Wings from Quest For Camelot

Shadow was about to close in on Tamisra with Sonic, Zim, Dib, Longclaw, and Tom, when he realized he needed to get the others to a safe place for he could see the danger this final battle would be bringing with it. So he gestured for Jojo, Rachel, Maddie, and Marina to come over to him. "Chaos Control"! Shadow said quietly and teleported them to Zim's base, feeling they would be safe there with the help of the base's security procedures. "Stay here, the base will keep you safe. I'm going back to help Sonic. Chaos Control"! Shadow explained seriously and then reappeared next to Sonic.

Play determination from Vampire Knight

Tamisra backed away with a wild smirk on her face. "HAHA YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME?! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU'RE DEALING WITH"! Tamisra said as she began to glow with dark magic and floating in the air. "Zim what's happening"?! Dib asked nervously. "Oh no this isn't good! She's turning into her fully powered form"! Zim explained shakily. She was now as tall as the tallest, which is a few inches taller than Tom. She had long black hair, she was now wearing a more extravagant uniform, and finally purple smoke was flowing from her eyes!

 She had long black hair, she was now wearing a more extravagant uniform, and finally purple smoke was flowing from her eyes!

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Play I'll try instrumental from Peter Pan 2 return to Neverland

"HAHAHAHA! Now you all parish! But first come here Sapphire"! Tamisra said as she gestured to an Irken in the shadows. "W-What but I thought you killed her! S-Sapphire is that really you"? Zim said shakily as he trembled like a leaf. Then she revealed herself.

 Then she revealed herself

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"Yes master". Sapphire said as she stood next to Tamisra. "Wait Zim is that the love of your life you told us about"? Sonic asked in shock. Seeing this made Sonic even angrier! "Yes this is Sapphire. In fact she's a princess from one of the last Irken kingdoms. That was until Tamisra seemingly destroyed it"! Zim said as tears fell from his eyes. "We can save her Zim just like Marina was able to save me! Let's show them the real power of team work"! Sonic said reassuringly as they all got back to their battle stances.

Sapphire's P.O.V.

When I saw my beloved Zim for the first time in ten years, I finally started to fight against my vine bindings! "What do you think you're doing weaker self!? You were silent for ten years, why are you only fighting me now"? My doppelganger demanded with amused disbelief. "Because I see Zim and he needs me"! I cried as I fought even more. I even felt my bindings weakening. "NO I AM IN CONTROL OF THIS BODY"!! My Doppelganger said angrily as she tried to keep me from breaking free." I know you don't I am the one in control. And I won't let you keep me from the one I love anymore"! I screamed as I finally broke free.

Zim's P.O.V.

I saw that something was happening within Sapphire's mind she looks like she was fighting with herself mentally. "Zim, go to her we'll take care of Tamisra". Sonic instructed me reassuringly. So I ran over to Sapphire as fast as I could. "Sapphire can you hear me"? I asked Sapphire gently, for I still couldn't believe she was alive this whole time! " Z-Zim hurry I have been her puppet for a whole decade! I can't hold her back much longer"!  Sapphire said with tears falling from her eyes. So I quickly put my lips against hers. Then she opened her beautiful eyes and looked up at me in relief. "Oh Zim I missed you so much"?! Sapphire cried as she embraced me tightly. I could also feel her sobbing in relief. "Shh it's finally over. And oh Sapphire, I missed you too! I thought Tamisra killed you! I'm so glad that I was wrong! I love you more than anything, my beloved Sapphire". I said as began sobbing in her arms as well. "Heh right back at ya my amazing Zim". Sapphire said once we ended the tear filled hug. "Well let's finally make Tamisra pay for what she's done to all of us"! I said full of determination. "Actually I have a better plan". Sapphire said as she ran up to Tamisra, with her powers at the ready in her hands.

Sonic's P.O.V.

It seemed that we and Tamisra were at an impasse. "Stand back guys, I got the perfect punishment for her"! Sapphire said as she stood in front of us. "Are you sure Sapphire"? I asked for I was concerned about her safety. "Yes I am. Tamisra you shall pay for what you've done"! Sapphire said right before firing her hand beams at Tamisra. Then we were all blinded by a white light. When the light vanished, Tamisra was back in her normal form and knocked out. "What did you do exactly Sapphire"? I asked in confusion. "I took away all her powers. She's as harmless as any other human er, if you know what I mean". Sapphire replied confidently. "Whoa that's amazing. So what do we do about Dr. Eggman Donut Dad"? I asked curiously. "For now I'll take him down to the Sharif's station. I want all of you to head to Zim's base. That's where you took the others right Shadow"? Donut Dad replied seriously. "Yep let's go guys. Gather around me and we'll be there in a flash". Shadow said confidently. Then me, Zim, Sapphire, Dib, and Longclaw, gathered around Shadow. "Chaos Control". Shadow said and then we appeared in the living room of Zim's base.

Play Legends from Surf's Up

Normal P.O.V.

The moment Sonic and Shadow saw their Mother, they ran over to her; ready to give her a big hug. "Pretzel Mom"! Sonic cried as he was the first one to reach her. "Sonic thank goodness you're alright"! Maddie said as she hugged Sonic. Once the hug was finished, Shadow hugged her next. "Oh Mom it's finally over". Shadow said happily. "So tell me what happened". Maddie asked with excited curiosity. Then together with Zim and Sapphire's help, they explained every detail to Maddie, Rachel, Jojo and Marina. "Whoa that's wonderful! Congratulations on getting Sapphire back Zim". Marina said happily. "Thank you Marina and I'm happy you were able to save your soulmate too". Zim said confidently in return.

Sonic's P.O.V.

Then I turned to look at Marina. "Hey Marina I remembered what you said to me when I was possessed. I loved you since that moment too"! I admitted happily. "Oh Sonic"! Marina said right before we fell into a passionate kiss, with everyone cheering for us. "Well let's get home and sleep because it's very late". Pretzel Mom announced seriously. Then we went home. The moment I was in my race car bed. I went out like a light.

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