19. A Song For Marina

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Welcome Home by Adrian Von Ziggler

Today's the day I finally sing the song I wrote for Marina. So I texted her to meet me in the music room after school. Then I went down stairs filled with a whole new energy. For the Possession Virus crisis was finally over. "Morning my amazing family did you all sleep well? Because I certainly did. In fact, I haven't slept peacefully for what feels like forever"! I said as I sat down at the dining table. "Morning Sonic. That's such a relief to hear. I slept well too". Shadow with a huge smile on his face.

Normal P.O.V.

Play Vusal Zeinalov - Nagorno Mist

Jade and Veronica woke up in a jail cell with no memory of their team up with Tamisra. "Huh what happened? Where are we"?! Jade said as she took in her surroundings. "I don't know Jade but it looks like we'll be here for awhile"! Veronica said as she let out a defeated sigh.

Meanwhile at Tamisra's base, Tamisra finally woke up from her unconsciousness. "Ugh what did that princess brat do to me"? Tamisra asked herself as she got back to her feet. "I took your magic and powers away". Sapphire replied as she revealed herself. "WHAT THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE! And why didn't you kill me when you had the chance"? Tamisra asked in horror. "Because I want to give you a second chance. Despite everything, I don't think you deserve to be punished in such a way. In fact, I know the perfect way for you to make up for what you did to me, Zim, and Sonic". Sapphire replied confidently. "Oh and what's that"? Tamisra asked with an arched eyebrow. "Something tells me The Blue Angels will need you to fill in if one or two members go out of town for vacation. So do you think you can do that if it comes up"? Sapphire explained confedantly. "I guess so. My evil goals mean nothing to me now". Tamisra said with a small smile but frowned when she realized something. "Wait did you talk with The Blue Angels about this yet, because I don't think they'll be too happy about that idea"? Tamisra asked hastily. "Well no but don't worry I'll be able to calm down their fears. It will be fine I promise. That is, if you truly want to take the choice of this fresh start"? Sapphire replied seriously. "Oh I do Princess". Tamisra said with pleading eyes. "Good then let's get going". Sapphire said as the headed towards the school.

Play Que Tal Instrumental by Bratz

Meanwhile Tom was in the Sharif's station. "So what do plan on doing with me Mr. Wachowski? I'm still an important person who works for the government". Dr. Robotnik asked with a confident smirk on his face. "Actually that's where you'd be wrong. The government removed all evidence that you even existed. As for my sons Sonic and Shadow, they met up with the President and cleared their names. So they're as much American citizens as we are". Tom explained seriously. "No way! You're lying, do you really think I'm stupid"! Dr. Robotnik said shakily in disbelief. "It's true alright! In fact they're best buds with him. Sonic even has him in his contacts. But if you want infinitive proof, here's the broadcast of their interviews, including: me, Maddie, and Sonic's friends from school". Tom said right before playing the broadcast. As Dr. Robotnik watched it his jaw dropped. "So in other words YOU'RE the terrorist now and are out of a job. So I can hand you over to G.U.N. Headquarters, where they hold the biggest threats to the country". Tom explained with anger all over his face because of what Dr. Robotnik tried to do to his new anthromophic family members. "So what's stopping you"? Dr. Robotnik asked in confusion. "I'm gonna leave that for Sonic, Longclaw, and Shadow to decide since you're targeting them". Tom said as he left that part of the station to focus on other work that needed to be done.

Play Will and Bella's Theme from H2o Just Add Water

Sonic's P.O.V.

We were now on our way to lunch, and I couldn't wait to explain how I was back to normal. Too bad I didn't get a real chance to tell them during gym. The strange thing was, that Tamisra and Sapphire were in our music class. I wasn't worried since both her powers were gone and Sapphire was there to keep an eye on her. But still why was she here? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Marina waiting for us at a table with Crystal, Joey, and Jessica. "Hey guys are you ready to finally get answers"? I asked dramatically as me and Shadow sat down. "Yeah please spill the beans! Especially about Tamisra and that Irken girl Sapphire was it"? Joey asked curiously. "Yep that's her name. She's the love of Zim's life that Tamisra took away from him". I said happily. Then me, Shadow, and Marina explained everything. "Whoa that's amazing! But why is Tamisra here"? Crystal asked cautiously. "I have no idea. I'll ask Sapphire when I get the chance". I replied sheepishly.

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