2. The Wachowski's New House

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Aquarium Park (Act 1) - Sonic Colors [OST]

It was the first day of school after winter break and I was so excited! "Come on Shadow it's our first day back and breakfast is waiting no doubt". I said to urge Shadow to wake up and man is he NOT a morning person! "Okay I'm up sorry I just wish school didn't start so early in the mornings". Shadow said as he got ready for the day as fast as he could. "Hehe Oh Shadow you ironically hilarious sometimes"! I said as we headed to the dinning table. "Yeah whatever you say Sonic". Shadow replied with playful sarcasm. "Morning boys are you hungry"? Pretzel Mom asked as she brought pancakes to the table. "Thanks Mom so when do you go for your first ultra sound"? Shadow asked as we began to eat. "Whoa how do you know about that kind of thing Shadow"? Pretzel Mom asked with an impressed smile. " I might have studied it in my alone time last weekend". Shadow replied confidently. "Impressive well it will happen in a few weeks. So be patient the day we meet your sibling is nine months away". Pretzel Mom explained in amusement. "I know but that won't stop us from being excited"! I said as I wagged my tail. "Wait where's Dad anyway"? Shadow asked curiously. "Oh I almost forgot to tell you, a family is moving to Green Hills this weekend. He's at work calling them about the details". Pretzel Mom explained happily. "Wow really? That's amazing I wonder who they are". I said as we put our dishes in the dishwasher. "You'll have to ask your father when he gets home". Pretzel Mom said reassuringly.

Then we headed off to school. As I was walking to gym class with Crystal and Joey, my phone rang so I looked at who was calling it was Donut Dad. "Hey what's up Donut Dad"? I asked happily. "Hey Sonic I have some news for you and Shadow. We'll be moving to a bigger house to accommodate the four of us, the baby, and Longclaw. But not to worry it's one still next to the woods and we'll be bringing all the things from your cave too. So after school, I'll take you and Shadow to see it". Donut Dad explained casually. "That's awesome but quick question, who's going to own our current house once we're in this new one"? I asked curiously. "Well actually it going to be Aunt Rachel and Jojo". Donut Dad replied enthusiastically. "No way that incredible news! And don't worry I'll make sure to inform Shadow about this"! I told Donut Dad excitedly then we hung up.

It was finally lunch time and we found Shadow sitting at a table very easily. "Hey Shadow Donut Dad has important news for us. We're moving to a bigger house in Green Hills for us, the baby and Longclaw! Also Aunt Rachel and Jojo are moving into our current home". I said as we began eating. "That's great our whole family here in on place! So did he say when we're beginning the moving process"? Shadow asked me excitedly. "He's taking you and me to see it after school. However other than that, not really". I replied casually. "Sweet I bet it's even better than we're thinking it is right now huh"? Shadow said dreamily. "You took the words right out of my mouth". I said playfully.

Play Loser, Baby (from Hazbin Hotel) (Bardcore Medieval Style)

Finally it was time to see the new house. "Alright were almost there". Donut Dad said as he was driving us there. "Awesome Donut Dad I can't wait to see it"! I said as my tail wagged. "Well boys this is it"! Donut Dad said as he brought the car to a halt. "Whoa you weren't kidding about how big it is! This already is perfect in my eyes". Shadow said as we went to the front door. Well wait till you see the inside"! Donut Dad said as he opened the front door. "Whoa this place is beautiful! Show us where are rooms will be please"? I asked as the suspense was killing me! "Of course follow me". Donut Dad said as we followed him up stairs.

When we got up there, we saw four rooms in the same hallway. "You see these four rooms? Well they're yours, the baby's and Longclaw's. We're making the move this weekend". Donut Dad explained casually and I felt my tail wagging! "Now way that's amazing! We'll do everything we can to help"! I said as we left the house and went home. "Thanks boys we'll need it". Donut Dad said happily.

Finally it was the weekend me and Shadow are now helping place the furniture in the house. "Well it's time to do your rooms Sonic and Shadow"! Pretzel Mom said excitedly and we went into our chosen bedrooms and they were huge! "Whoa is that a balcony"? I said as I saw a beautiful balcony on the east side of the room. "Yep all four rooms have one. Surprise"! Pretzel Mom explained happily. "Whoa I love this house even more now". I said as we began setting every thing up. We decided to move my race car bed at the north end. The end of it was facing the door. "It looks perfect! I'll go see how Shadow's doing". I said as I left my room. When I got in there, I saw a similar set up to mine. "Wow Shadow it looks great"! I said as I walked in. "Thanks bro. Wait have you seen Dad anywhere"? Shadow said as he looked around frantically. "Whoa calm down Shadow, let's find Pretzel Mom and ask her". I said as I took him by the hand and we went to go find Pretzel Mom. We found her in the kitchen. "Hey Mom have you seen Dad anywhere"? Shadow asked curiously. "Oh he's helping the new family move into their house at the moment. Why don't you go find Longclaw and show her the finished room that's especially for her". Pretzel Mom explained reassuringly. "You're right Pretzel Mom! Come on Shadow let's go"! I said and we went to look for Longclaw. After literally ten seconds, we found her! "Hey Longclaw, we have a huge surprise for you! Follow us"! I said excitedly as we headed back to the house. "Whoa what is this place"? Longclaw asked curiously. " It our new home! So follow us and you can see your new room". I said very enthusiastically. "Really thank you Sonic"! Longclaw said as we led her up stairs. "Alright just open that door". Shadow said as he pointed to the door on the right side of his; mine is on the left side. Then Longclaw went in. "Oh my gosh it's beautiful! I love it"! Longclaw said as she looked around her room. "That's great! Welcome home Longclaw". I said as my tail wagged. Then we gave her the grand tour and she loved the whole house! Now we just had to wait for Donut Dad to get back.

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