16. The Possession Part 1

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Sonic's P.O.V.

Play Malicious by Kevin MacLeod

I was in another dream. "HAHAHAHA! You will join me as my Puppet tonight! That is if you want to save her"! Tamisra declared coldly as she revealed a vision of the inside of her base. There was Jojo chained to the wall with heavy tears in her eyes! "NO JOJO!! LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS"!!! I demanded as tears fell while my anger grew stronger! "You want her back? You can find us at my base! Remember there's only one way to save her! HAHAHAHA"!! Tamisra laughed cruelly. But before I could wake up, I felt something brake the skin on my back! "AAAAAAHHHHHHH! WHAT WAS THAT YOU DEAMON"?!!! I screamed in the most agony I ever felt. Then I saw what it was...A WHIP!!! Tamisra did it two more times!

Play Rumplestiltskin In Love from Once Upon A Time

That's when I woke up. I was sobbing the heaviest and loudest I ever did in my life from the burning pain on my back. I couldn't move it hurt so much! Which made me panic even more since I had to save Jojo! But how could I do that when I couldn't even move an inch?! "SHADOW LONGCLAW PRETZEL MOM DOUT DAD! PLEASE HELP ME"! I screamed at the top of my lungs which was so painful to do with the wounds on my back.

Shadow's P.O.V.

I woke up instantly when I heard Sonic cry out for the whole family in the most unbearably agonized voice I've ever heard. Then I ran into Sonic's room as I turned on his light so I could see clearly what was wrong. However I quickly wish I hadn't, when I saw the horrible sate Sonic was in! As I gaped at what I was witnessing, I heard our parents and Longclaw coming towards the room. Sonic had multiple lashes on his back that were bleeding! "OH MY POOR BABY"!!! Mom cried as she ran over to his bedside. "No Pretzel it's not just this! Tamisra has Jojo! She's using her as a ransom! But I-I can't AAAHHHH move". Sonic cried in a panic. "Slow down Sonic, we need to tend to your wounds first then we'll get Jojo back okay"? Mom soothed seriously as she very carefully carried Sonic out of the room and we headed down stairs. Then Mom placed him carefully onto the counter on his stomach. Now we all could see the lashed even more clearly now! No wonder he was in such horrible pain. Mom pulled out her first aid kit shakily. Sonic was so lucky she's a veterinarian. "Now Shadow I need you to hold Sonic's hand for the procedure required for this type of wound is very painful. So please keep him as calm as you can". Mom instructed me. I quickly nodded and took Sonic's hand securely. "Shadow I've never been so scared in my entire life because a wound this severe is happening at the same time as our cousin is being held captive. I feel so AAAAAHHHHH helpless"! Sonic cried as Mom disinfected the lash wounds. "Shhh it's going to be okay Sonic. Me and Longclaw will even go with you to save Jojo. But we can't have you charging in there with wounds like these. It would've been suicidal! I've got you little bro". I told him lovingly as to sooth him.

Tamisra's P.O.V.

Play Countdown by Myuu

I pacing impatiently Sonic was taking to long for my taste. "Tamisra, so how much longer do I have to stay low? Because I've been fixing my drones for the last week and they're ready". Dr. Robotnik asked carefully for he could tell I was in no mood. "Less than an hour it depends on when Sonic shows up. But it WILL be tonight"! I reassured him as I stopped my pacing and looked over to the little girl. "You won't get away with this you monster"! Jojo said shakily. It was so pathetic honestly, did she really think she could intimidate me? This set me off so slapped her. "SHUT UP YOU PATHETIC HUMAN"! I spat as I walked away.

Normal P.O.V.

Play Kodoku Na Kokoro from Rozen Maiden

Finally Maddie finished tending to Sonic's wounds. However, Sonic passed out in exhaustion from the overwhelming pain. This gave the family the time they needed to release their tears they were holding back so that they could help Sonic immediately. "So when will he wake up"? Shadow asked shakily. "I don't know but he will he just needs rest". Maddie replied reassuringly. But suddenly Sonic woke up. "Or his speed could just do that for him". Tom commented in shock. "Guys we have to go to Tamisra's base. In return for Jojo's safety, I have to become her puppet tonight"! Sonic said frantically. "Whoa but how are you going to do that exactly"? Shadow asked seriously.

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