Chapter 5

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(Undisclosed location )

Lungile arrived wearing a big hat and sunglasses, she looked around and quickly saw the person she was looking for.
Lungile: we are not supposed to be seen together "
She said before she even sat down.
Thabani: You're just drawing unnecessary attention to your self with all this big hat and sunglasses. "
Lungile: What do you want, more money? I haven't got it
Thabani: no calm down I'm not here for that, aren't you going to update me about the baby?
Lungile: you know I always tell you about the baby Thabani , so get straight to the point, I have places to be."
Thabani: Noxolo has agreed to divorce Thabiso, which was not part of the plan.
Lungile: You told me that I should tell Tee to divorce his wife in order for us to be married legally .
Thabani: well yes but I thought Noxolo would never agree to that madness . And now we have to come up with a new plan all together cause you can not marry him legally.
Lungile: As If I want to. You're the one that came up with all these ridiculous ideas Thabani, first you told me to seduce your brother and now this! All for what Thabani? MONEY? "
Thabani: Please dont tell, you'll upset the baby
Lungile: No, you dont think of me. At the end the person that will be casted out when all of this is out is me. Me alone Thabani. It's not my fault that your brother has money and you dont so now you want to exploit him indirectly using me.
Thabani: I know you will not get my idea right now. But once we have access to his bank account and pin then we can leave all of this behind and start our own life far from here. Baby listen I care about you and our baby please be patient we've come this far.
Lungile: But now we have a problem , so what will be your plan this time master of ideas
Thabani: I dont know I will let you know within two days . I still have to think about it.
Lungile: Okay. I have to go, we'll talk .


The next morning I woke up and went to do grocery shopping , while at the town I decided to go to the internet cafe to do a c.v . After I finished with the cv I dropped it off at multiple stores like Pep, shoprite checkers and spar. Right now I cant really be picky . I need to get a job since I'm sure now that I will never ever get a dime from Tee's money so I have to take care of my self.

I got off the taxi at the gate and just when I was about to carry my bags in , Thabani came and helped me.
Thabani: Unjani sisi?
Me: I'm fine, unjani wena?
Him: okay" we were talking while going inside the yard and inside my house. He put my bags on top of the table . I then told him to sit down and I prepared juice for him, just to thank him
Him: Thanks sisi, I hear that you agreed to divorce Thabiso.
Me: i honestly dont want to talk about my marriage or lack off, especially with you. Thank you for carrying my bags. I want to be left alone.
Him: i did not mean to offend you. But I just think that you should not let him marry his side chick legally , it should be their punishment for betraying you.
Me: Lungile did not betray me , akangazi. The only person that betrayed me is your brother. I dont know why I'm even talking about this with you cause empeleni you're also the cause of my falling marriage cause you encouraged him to take a second wife.
Him: But if you divorce him you'll lose all of the money that came with marrying him. As it will be divided to all of you .
Me: it's his money not mine. If he wants to spend it with whoever he wants to spend it with I dont care. I wonder though, why do you care so much all of the sudden? Afraid that he will no longer support you?
Thabani: No but I dont think it's fair that you will just let him get away with all of this.
Me: read my lips.. I do not care. So please Thabani just go

After Thabani left I was left alone in some deep thoughts . I do know that now its gonna be hard for me. Especially getting Tee's attention since he'll be dividing it between two wives plus his job. It is gonna be a nightmare kakhulu when lungile starts to live here. But what I dont get is why is Thabani so worried about this I mean hes supposed to be happy and to be gloating because he supported this madness of Thabiso having a second wife. No let me not think about him or his motives I shouldn't care

Thabiso arrived home late like usual these days I'm sure he passed by her place first to ask for her cravings or something ( rolls eyes) . I dished up for him and we sat around the table .
Him:" how was your day?"
Me: it was fine , between shopping and submitting my c.vs I'm exhausted .
Him: oh why ,are you looking for a job?
Me: Yes. I have a baby coming so I have to prepare you know . In less than a year there will be a baby playing around here." I was trying to tell him that I'm pregnant
He smiled a little
Him: I'm so glad that you're accepting this baby as your own , it means a lot to me. I know he came unexpected but thank you for being a good wife."
He thinks that I'm talking about his baby with Lungile meanwhile I'm talking about his baby with me. Oh well I'm not about to sit here and listen to him talking about his baby. I guess I'll just have to wait for him to find out himself.
Him: " but baby you honestly do not need to work. I will continue taking care of you just as I was doing I promise. You don't have to worry about a thing."
Oh he makes these promises alright but he also doesn't fulfill them. Like on our wedding day he promised to never ever ever make me cry or hurt me intentionally. I did not exaggerate on the " ever" that's just how he said them.
Me: I know you will take good care of me ( not) . But I also need to keep my self busy you know since I'm done with school. And just for extra cash to spoil my self
Him: okay. That's fine with me . How about instead of getting a job you open open your own small business. I mean you can start small like selling ama kota and chips. That way you will work from home and dont worry about money I'll give you the start up capital.

Honestly it never crossed my mind to start my own business but now I think it's a very good I dea. I will work my own hours and I'm sure people will love it. I did not expect Thabiso to give me this brilliant Idea. I really didn't
Me: wow thank you! I will pay you back all your money I promise."
I was honestly happy. Finally something good is coming out in all of this. This will keep my mind off things .plus I love cooking even thou I will be the unhealthy food.


Today is Saturday and it's the day Thabiso promised to buy me the things I will need for my little business so we went to town together and bought every thing I was gonna need. I already investigated about this business and told the locals that I'm gonna be opening it monday. So hopefully they'll buy. After we finished with buying everything we went to chicken licken to buy some hot wings. I was craving for something hot and they were perfect fix.
Thabiso: I guess we got everything
Me: yes thanks so much for this .


Thabani's phone rang while he was coming back from the local tuck shop . He answered
Him: Hello Hello Lungile
Her:Hey. It's been 2 days Thabani . So what's the plan ?
Him: i haven't come up with one yet. But i talked with Noxolo about the divorce thing and shes determined to divorce him. It's like she wants nothing to do with him anymore.
Her: But that's was the wrong thing you did there talking with her. I mean wont she be suspicious when all of a sudden you are on her side ? Cause all along you've been on your brothers side .
Him: I dont think she was suspicious she just told me to leave her alone , she just thinks that I'm against all this because sengibona ngathi I will no longer get any cent from Thabiso since he will be supporting two people now. Oh plus the baby.
Her: Atleast . Listen call me once you have something okay? And we should meet. I miss you
Him: I also miss you but you know we cant meet. You know how Thabiso is like if he sees us together we'll be in deep shit. Maybe we should just kill him after you guys are married and we'll pin it all on Noxolo. Say she was jealous because she is not getting money from Thabiso anymore dont you think? All you have to do is make sure that Thabiso doesn't give Noxolo money.
Her: Whaat? Are you out of your mind?
Him: it's easy baby trust me. All you have to do is make sure she doesnt get money anymore.
Her: and how am I supposed to do that.?
Him: Act as a concerned sister wife . Tell him to give you his phone so you'll transfer money your self to Noxolo or make up something. But make him think that she still gives Noxolo money.
Her: Have you done this before cause the way you're talking right now it's like it's not something you have not done before.
Him: if you love me like you claim to you will do this. Do it for us .

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