Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 ( Natalie Taylor -Surrender )

Lungile ☆

What have I done?? What kind of a person have I become in just a matter of months? How can I betray brothers like that? How can I betray my husband like this? I'm a bad person . Now look I've lost everyone that's in my life right now, I've just lost my baby, my husband. I'm sure I'm also gonna loose those friends of mine , they will say they cant get mixed up with a cheater, a cheater being me. My parents , oh my poor parents I cant even describe the paid they will be feeling. I'm the one that asked to get married in the first place even though they kept telling me to wait for atleast a year so that we will know each other better.

I think what I did also was because of the fact that I never really loved Tee, I was just too excited about him wanting to marry me and I sacrificed my happiness for money. I hate Thabani so so much for wanting me to prove my love to him by sleeping with other men. I hate him with passion. I'm sad I lost my baby but it was also a blessing atleast now I have nothing holding me to Thabani. But I have wronged Thabiso in the worst possible way ever and I have to apologize to him and I will tell him everything , he deserves to know the truth.

I was startled by a person who opened the door without knocking. Its Thabani
Him: please tell me it is not true
Me: what?
Him: That you lost our baby
Me: our baby? Ukhuluma ngani Thabani?
-( what are you talking about)
Him: You were whoring around and you ended up loosing my baby, i dont know what i saw in you in the first place
Me: so i lost my child because I wa.. you know what? I dont have to explain anything to you for all I know you might be the one that hired that Moscow guy to come after me and rob me, so if theres anyone to blame it's you. " he kept quiet and I could see guilt flashing in his eyes but he quickly hid it.
Him: I dont know what you're talking about but I'm telling my brother everything. I will tell him how you came up with this idea of robbing him and pretending that the baby was his.
Me : oh please , I didnt know anything about Thabiso in the first place . When I first told you that I was pregnant you told me to abort, and when I didnt agree you told me to seduce your brother because he was desperate with his wife not falling pregnant so he wanted the baby and then you kept on wanting money from me, you even suggested that we kill him and frame Noxolo, so don't come here with your crocodile tears and pretend as if you wanted this baby.
And even if you tell Thabiso i dont care hes your brother after all.
Voice: what??? " no doubt it is Thabiso. I wonder how long he has been standing there for. He was with his parents and mine
Thabani: Tttt..thabiso ufike nini lana?
( when did you get here)
Thabiso: Long enough to know that this has been a scam all along, you even wanted to kill me Thabani , your own blood, and that baby was yours all along and you pretended as if you did not know Lungile kanti she is your partner.
Thabani: This is all Lungiles fault, she is the one that has always said I dont have money and when she heard I have a rich brother she... " he stopped when his father gave him a mean punch in his face
Bab'Cele:after everything you're still lying Thabani . Pushing the blame to someone else? All these years we have been babying you but it stops now. Angthi wena uyiNdoda usufuna nokubulala umfowenu . "
-you're the man right? You even want to kill your brother )
Thabani: Baba ngyaxolisa kodwa ngsuke ngalingeka futhi ngi....
My father : nina boCele I'm sorry, I'd understand if you want our daughter to come back home she has tarnished our name by scheming and cheating.
My mother : ungumntwana kabani Lungile ngoba mina angizalanga i cheater ne fraudster yengane "
-whose child are you Lungile cause I didnt give birth to a cheater and a fraudster of a child
Me: I'm so sorry Thabiso nakini mama no baba , I was greedy and I did things I'm not proud of .
Thabiso: I never ever want to see you both again you deserve each other. Wena Lungile my lawyer will contact you I'm done with you. "
He then left us like that, I was a sobbing mess and MaNdlovu has been quiet all along looking down .

Thabiso ☆

We let the waters rise
We drifted to survive.
I needed you to stay
But I let you drift away
My love where are you ?
My love where are you ?

Whenever you are ready
Whenever you are ready
Can we , can we surrender
Can we , can we surrender

I surrender

No one will win this time
I just want you back
I'm running to your side
Flying my white, my white flag
My love where are you ?
My love where are you ?

I stormed off the hospital and went to my car. I dont know what I did to God to deserve all of this wrath. Why would my own brother, the person I share the same DNA with betray me in a way like this. Why would he do this , what so bad that I did to him for him to play me like this ? I dont think I will ever look at him the same way ever again.

I thought of the life I had with Noxolo before all of this, she was always good to me. She supported me and my hustle. She should've have been the one who lived a very happy comfortable life ,instead I looked for comfort outside of my marriage and then I got conned . I was stupid. I'm still stupid. But even thou I'm stupid I want to fight for Noxolo's love. I want her to come back , I want her back.

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