Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Thabiso ☆

As much as I want Nox back in my life I must give her a little space , her boyfriend meant business when he said I should stay away from them. I'm not saying I have given up, but I'm just gonna wait for a perfect moment to strike again. I'm hoping that he messes up soon. Also I can always play the ancestors card. I mean she is still my wife traditionally. She is still a Cele. The ancestors still see her as their own.
Oh now I know exactly what I am gonna do. I will consult a sangoma and confirm this thing first. But who does he thinks he is? He also doesnt know me . I have an advantage thou, I know all about Noxolo likes and dislikes so If I can be her all and do all the things she liked then she will be back to me in no time. She will come back to me herself. First thing tomorrow morning I'm going to the sangoma, Noxolo will be coming back home sooner or later. I'd prefer sooner thou.

Noxolo ☆

Njabulo finally stopped sulking and joined me in eating our dinner.
Me: nali khadi lakho sthandwa sami, ngyabonga
- Here's your card my love , thank you " I said giving him his card back
Him: did you enjoy?
Me: Yes , a lot
Him: I'm glad, there is something I want to show you, come " he held my hand and led me to his room
+Sex scene +
Not Edited

He led me to the bedroom
Me: ubufuna ukungikhombisa ini?
- what did you want to show me.
Him: wozohlala la embhedeni "
- come and sit on the bed "
I did as told , he then connected his phone to the sound system and searched through his songs and then he found the one he was looking for ( Chris brown Back to sleep)
Him: bengfuna ukukculela
- I wanted to sing for you
Me: uvinjwe yini manje?
- what's stopping you now?
Him: you just look too appetising right now, sitting on my bed
Me: ( I smiled and looked down)
Him: "baby when I wake you up (up , up) just let me ride ,
sex you back to sleep girl" he sang
Him: looking at you sitting like that in my bed turns me on so so much
Me: you know theres a lot more you can do to me rather than to look
Him: Take off your clothes
Me: what?
Him: GUMULA " he said it so slowly as if he was talking to the little child.
Me: okay" I took off my top
Him: slowly
I started to take off my clothes very slowly and he seemed to be enjoying it too much so when i got to the bra he told me to stop and he came close to me. And unhooked it himself then he kissed my back. And all the way to my neck. I moaned , the neck is my sensitive place . My bra was down and out and now I was only left with my Lacey panties. I turned around so I can look at him and kiss him, right now I wanted his lips on mine , badly.
We started kissing and I tried to take off his shirt and he held my hand.
Him: get ontop of the bed and play with your self "

This was a different side of Njabulo I did not know, the whole dominance Male thing and I had to submit to him as my man . I took the panties off and the way he was looking at me was turning me on too much . I was dripping wet. I then got got ontop of the bed and he slapped my ass and it was as if he opened the floods between my legs because I felt like I was getting wetter . I started playing with my self just like he instructed and he started taking off his clothes and his eyes were all over me, I enjoyed his eyes on me cause I felt like i was the center of his universe right now and i could see that he was enjoying looking at me playing with my self while my juices were dripping in my hands
Him: dont cum
Me: I'm gonna cum
Him: wait for me.

His dick sprung out of life when he took off his trouser together with his underwear . The precum was oozing out of his dick then he gave himself a little hand job . Honestly there was no time for foreplay anymore because we have just turned each other on too much.
He inserted his dick in my punani and y'all know how those first seconds feel it's like you've been waiting your whole life for it it's just too great. He slammed into me and I screamed

" you love me?" he said
"Yaas daddy " I responded in a whisper
Him: you love this? " he said pounding me
Me: yes baby
Him: whose is it?
Me: it's yours " I half mouned as he was kissing me while pounding into me slowly now
Him: so am I?
Me: yes baby
Him: nobody else's.?
Me: no one baby
Him: say it out loud
Me: yours " I said screaming he then turned us around and I was now on top of him
I started riding him while Chris brown's song was playing softly in the background
He slapped my ass while I was riding him
Me: yea ... " the emotions that were going thru my body as he slapped my ass was just out of this world. And it was doing something to my already approaching orgasm .
Him: just like that. " he then held me very tight and moved in the same pace as me, we moved in sync for a little while then he held me really tightly and pounded into me left right, left right really quickly and my orgasm just came in a blast and shortly after me he also came.
I remember after we finished having thee best sex ever that we did not use a condom

We were now lying ontop of the bed naked, sweaty and tired after our steamy session
Him: do you think you'll ever get married again?
Me: I dont know babe. I mean my first marriage was not what I had in mind when I was growing up . I really dont know besides I just came out of the horrible marriage
Him: so uqonde ukuthi awuzimiselanga ngokushada anytime soon?
- so you're saying you aren't prepared to get married anytime soon?
Me: yes, maybe after 3 years I'll be ready . What's with the marriage talk is the cookie that good " I said smiling
Him: to me you're it and I would like to marry you in future , ngfuna ukwazi nje ukuthi unawo wona ama plans wokubuye ushade futhi.
- I want to know if you have plans to re-marry
Me: oh if you say so
Him: so I went to see my mother the other day and she told me that she wanted to sell the shop because she was in debt, so she wanted to pay that debt.
Me: why didnt she tell you this in the first place?
Him: ngcabanga bekasaba ukthi ngzomu- Judger or something, I'm still angry at her thou. She bet all the money and now she is broke.
- I think she was scared I was going to judge her .
Me: I think your father passing made her too lonely and she ended up doing things without thinking, cut her some slack. The only thing you should be angry about is her wanting to sell the shop , otherwise get her help that she needs.
Him: I've gotten her some help dont worry, the issue now is Bongeka. I told her that I'm not gonna be giving her any money because she is now starting to act too old for her age but my worry is that she is gonna go and look for money somewhere else.
Me: true , you should continue paying for her accommodation and also giving her money for food and toiletries. Maybe punish her by not giving her pocket money.
Him: okay. I want something to drink , would you like some?
Me: Water please "
Him: okay. "
He got out of the bed and went out naked.
Me: shake that ass.


Ì woke up very early the next morning because I wanted to go to this sangoma I knew. He is praised all over so I know he will not play me and tell me lies.
His house is very beautiful modern house. I think we all think that Sangoma's houses are supposed to be scary and dirty and just dark. But that house looked really beautiful,
They led me to a rondavel house and I think that's where he works
Me: Makhosi
Him: Yeeeeeh ( grunting )

Me: I need something that will help me get back together with my ex wife. Noxolo Dlamini q
Sangoma: "kwakungeyena owakho kwasekuqaleni . Manje usenombambo lwakhe . Yekela intombazane ihambe nawe uzothola olwakho maduzane "
-she was not yours to begin with. Now she is with her soulmate. Let the girl go you're still gonna find your own.
Me: Kodwa angeke sakwazi ukwenza lendoda yakhe imzonde ukuze ezobuya kimi? Noma ithande amantombazane, ngiyazi uNoxolo angeke amelane nalokho uyomshiya njengoma nami angishiya"
-But can't we make her current boyfriend hate her so that she will come back to me? Or maybe he should want every girl I know Noxolo would never accept that so she will leave him just like she left me
Sangoma : angisiye umthakathi mina angeke ngidlale ngengane yabantu ngoba futhi wena usazothola umaqondana wakho bese ephenduka inhlekisa futhi ezweni.
- I'm not a witch and I'd never do that to that child because you're still gonna meet the person made just for you and she( noxolo) will turn into a laughing stock again
Me: Amadlozi ami ngyazi asamgadile njengoba samthela ngenyongo nje
Sangoma: Your ancestors never really accepted her because they knew that she wasnt made for you. She is not recognized by Cele ancestors. " after that I thanked the sangoma and left.
What am I going to do now because even my ancestors are against this?

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