Chapter 35

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Noxolo ☆

It's the next day and I just arrived at work. I told Njabulo not to fetch me so he gave me the directions.
I didnt want him to fetch me because I was too nervous and also i dont know how I'm gonna find things there.
I was wearing a skinny jean ne all star and a golf t shirt, because why not .
I arrived at work and met a guy by the door
" sawubona bhuti"
- hello brother" I greeted him when I was near him
Him: Yebo sisi unjani?"
- hello sister , how are you?"
Me: ngyaphila, uNjabulo ukhona? "
- I'm fine, is Njabulo here?
Him: yebo ukhona ufike 10 minutes ago.
-yes he's here ,he arrived 10 minutes ago
Me: thank you.

I got inside the shop and it looked good , very modern . I saw a sign on top of the door saying in big bold letters " OFFICE" and I knocked on the door and went in. I know my boyfriend is in here.
" hey babe, I didnt know you had company" he was with a lady and she did not look happy to see me. She then excused her self and left .
Him: my love I'm sorry about that, she is just bitter because she did not get the job. Shes a cleaner here so she thought that she was gonna be promoted when I bought the shop
Me: oh babe, why did you hire me if you've already promised someone the job?
Him: angimthembi mina babe ngalo msebenzi. Ayehluleka ukwenza umsebenzi wakhe kahle kodwa ufuna ukwenza lo msebenzi cha angivumi
-babe I cant trust her with this work. She fails to do her work properly yet she wants to do an office work no I disagree
Me: first day at work but it looks like I've already made an enemy
Him: dont worry about her , come sit down so I can show you what you have to do.
Me: you're a life saver , but I want my kiss first. I last saw you last night babe
Him: you will get it after this. I still have to give you some work, plus I'm leaving soon
Me: okay. Let me familiarize my self with this place .

I received the message from Thabiso while I was deep in my work " hey , I would like to take you out this afternoon for some dinner, please agree" I did not respond to his message, I mean I had nothing to say to him. Again he sent me the another message " you don't have to worry about what you'll wear. You look good on anything and everything "
I deleted those messages same time. I do not have the time to entertain this moron
I carried on with my work and it was an okay day. Njabulo has been out most of the day and that girl has been giving me stinky eye ever since I came here . But I really dont mind hey at the end of the day I'm not getting paid by her .

Lungile ☆

I was out doing grocery shopping with Thobeka when we met with Noxolo's friend, the one she came with to my wedding . She looked at us and laughed, well I think she was looking at me .
Thobeka: what are you laughing at?
Lisa: just thinking about how stupid you are.
Thobeka: hhaybo sisi askhulume ngaphandle "
- let's talk outside" she said and I knew that it's about to go down..
Lisa: phola! Wena Lungile wawuthi kogcinaphi? Wawujabula uthatha indoda kamngani wami manje bheka nawe isikushiyile
- stop! Lungile where did you think this will end? You were happy that you took my friend man and look at you Now, he has left you"
Me: you dont know what you're talking about, I suggest you keep queit " she laughed again
Her: angazi ngikhuluma ngani ? Oh please . I know exactly how you seduced your man brother while pregnant , I know everything. Also please tell your ' husband' to stop harassing my friend. She has moved on and she's nobody's rebound. "
- I dont know what I'm talking about ?
Thobeka: friend let just leave this hooligan here " she said as the people have stopped what they were doing and starring at us.
Lisa : run along sweetheart. But if I were you I'd be careful on who I let be next to my man. I mean your friend here has a very colorful history with taking other people man. Goodluck "
She said this and left us. Nx and she said this just while Thobeka is sceptical around me being next to her man.
Thobeka: "ngcabanga ukuthi kuzomele ngikunike imali uyoRenta uthenge ukudla. Wena uyongkhokhela uma usubuyele emsebenzini wakho . "
- I think I should give you money so you can rent and buy food. And you'll pay me back once you are back at your job. "
Me: ngabe lokhu kumayelana nalokhu akushilo? "
-" is this about what she said? "
Her: cha akunjalo . Mawufika wathi uzohlala izinsukwana. Kodwa sekuyophela iviki manje"
- No it's not. When you first arrived you said you are only staying for a few days. But it's been close to a week now. " what did she mean close to a week now . I mean a week is only 7 days . TF . I've only been here for three days .
Me: it's been 3 days
Her: exactly. Plus Mandla is coming back this weekend so I need some alone time with him , I'll help you look for a place dont worry .
Me: its fine I'll manage on my own.
Her: I'm not chasing you away. And you must not move out if you have not found the place yet. That's why I'm offering to help. We'll be driving , rather than walking It will be quicker "
Me: okay thank you.
After that little talk I was not in the mood for this shopping anymore. I wanted to just sleep my sorrows away. And what was that with Lisa telling me that Thabiso have gone back to Noxolo? I dont believe it cause Thabiso made it clear that he hates Noxolo .


In the Cele home there was a sangoma at the gate grunting and saying 'makhosi' over and over again he got inside. He was circulating around the yard and kept on grunting. MaNdlovu saw him first so he quickly told her daughter Nomvula to prepare amacansi and put them kwaRondo so that the sangoma can get in and sit down. Thabiso already knew that his guy was coming today so he pretended to be shocked just like everybody else. They got inside the rondavel and sat down. The sangoma also followed them..

Sangoma: ngithunyiwe, ngithunywe izinyanya zako Cele" -I've been sent to come here by the Cele ancestors .
Bab'Cele: but we have our own sangoma, why wasn't he the one being sent ?
Sangoma: angazi basebenza kanjani abangasekho "
- I don't know how those who have passed operate.
Bab'Cele: okay ke ndoda khuluma
- okay, talk
Sangoma: I've been sent here by your ancestors. They told me that your son should bring back his wife , the first wife because she is his soul mate and he will never find happiness if she does not come back. What happened to him with the second wife is because they were punishing her for divorcing his wife, his soulmate. A person that was made for him
MaNdlovu: habe! What do you suggest we do Makhosi? Thabiso doesnt love that girl anymore
Sangoma: you should bring her back and call a family meeting. She is recognized by the ancestors ngoba wathelwa nangenyongo when he married your son. The ancestors want her back otherwise things will start falling apart in this house hold. "
Thabiso: if my ancestors believe that I have to be with her than who am I to disagree with them. But I'm afraid it wont be easy as she has already found a boyfriend
Sangoma: That's easy I will give you the water to bath with and also some herbs to mix and drink, so that she will be all happy when she sees you and get all your love back
Bab'Cele: I'm not comfortable with that, my son wronged that girl so he should work for her love again just like he did before , if we make things easier for him then kfana nokuthi uyadlala cause he will never learn to appreciate woman.
MaNdlovu: I think Its the good idea that Makhosi is proposing , Thabiso should just take these herbs and water .
Thabiso: I dont know, I mean I guess I can use them ."

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