Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Thabani POV

When Noxolo lost the baby Thabani found it as a good opportunity to perform a DNA test luckily he had a friend at the hospital so it was very easy to do it. All he had to do was get Thabiso DNA and that was easy. Thabani wanted Thabiso to feel the pain of losing a baby that he rejected first before feeling the pain of loving the baby that isnt his and loose that baby too. Thabani is still thinking of the punishment for Lungile but since he loves her too much he will think of something small.

I thought I was hurt when all the things that have been happening in my life happened. But when I lost my child it hurt 10X worse. I was so looking forward to having this child. I was looking forward to being a mother , I guess guess God had other plans for my child. Lisa came to get me after I got discharged and I could see she did not know what to say to me anymore because she has tried everything to make me understand that it's not the end of the world. But I just wanted my world to end, once and for all.

Lisa: I made some food for you. I know I'm not the best cook but you still need to eat
Me: I'm not hungry
Lisa: please Nox, you need to get all your energy back.
Me: Angilambanga Lisa, ngizodla masenglambile . Ngcela ukuyolala
- I'm not hungry Lisa, I'll eat once I'm hungry . Can I please go sleep.
Lisa: Yes I prepared your room , I also put on the extra blanket "
She suddenly hugged me and I tried to push her away
Lisa: everything will be okay friend.
I cried, cried and cried for everything I have lost . Everything I love I loose it everything . Sooner or later I'm also going to loose Lisa.


Thabiso was at his work place when Lungile came to him during his lunch hour . She bought a pizza with her.
Thabiso: Thank you for pizza baby. But I've been eating pizza for this whole week now. I miss home cooked meal. Please cook tonight
Lungile: Thabiso you know that I hate cooking. We'll eat with your parents tonight ao you'll get it. I actually came here for something very important
Thabiso: You know I dont want to eat there without telling them I'm coming.
Lungile: Thabiso just focus on me for a moment. Baby your brother is giving me problems
Thabiso: Thabani? What has he done now
Lungile: He touched me inappropriate baby and when I threatened to tell you he said he will lie about me and say I'm the one that wants him. Now he is saying you will believe anything he says because you are brothers and I only know you for a few months
Thabiso: Are you okay? I'm gonna kill Thabani. Today he is going to know me .
Lungile: I'm okay baby, and please dont do anything to him . I will manage on my own. I'm just telling you in case he says some lies about me.
Thabiso: dont worry baby I wont believe anything he says. And I trust you .
Lungile: Ngyabonga sthandwa sami ngokungethemba. Ngyakthanda kakhulu Thabiso futhi ngingenza noma yini ukuthi ekugcineni ngigcine nginawe
- Thank you my love for trusting me. I love you so much Thabiso and I can do anything to end up being with you
Thabiso: I also love you MaNdlangamandla
Lungile: okay . I saw a beautiful shoe baby can I please have the card so i can buy it.
Thabiso: it's at home baby i will give it to you tonight .
Lungile: have you heard anything about Noxolo?
Thabiso: I dont care about that one baby. And I'd appreciate it if we dont ever mention her name again. She pretended to be holy holy while she knew that she also cheated. I'm sure she used to prevent having babies with me. Up until she found her lover. I despise that girl so please let's not talk about her
Lungile: But what If she was telling the truth. What If the baby really was yours?
Thabiso: The baby wasnt mine. I have nothing more to say on this issue"
Thabiso hasn't thought that far about it. He didnt even want to think about what ifs at this point.

A week later

Thabiso was at his office when he received a nameless package. He opened it and it was the DNA test between him and someone and they were 100% a match. When he looked inside the envelope there was a letter there telling him that he just lost his real heir.

He threw that paper away and decided to call Noxolo. It rang and rang until she answered
Noxolo: Ngingakusiza ngani Thabiso ?
- How can I help you Thabiso?
Thabiso: manje bewucabanga ukuthi mawungthumelela lento lokho kuzongenza ngishintshe umqondo ngalrngane yakho engasekho?
- So when you sent me this thing you thought that will make me change my mind about your baby that is no longer alive?
Noxolo: ukhuluma ngani?
- what are you talking about ?
Thabiso: Ngkhuluma ngale DNA test ongthumelele yona . Lalela ke noma ungathi yindlalifa yami leyo ngane yakho kodwa anginendaba nayo.
- I'm talking about the DNA test you sent me. Listen even if that baby of your was my heir I still dont care.
Noxolo: DNA test I sent you? Hayi you are crazy Tee. I did not send you anything. Bengzosthathaphi mina lesoskhathi? Futhi awungyeke nje ngoba nami ngikuyekile
- where would I have got the time? And leave me alone just like I've left you.
Thabiso : You will regret what you said . Nxx

After that Thabiso dropped the call and he couldnt concentrate on his work anymore so he decided to just go home he also wanted to talk to his wife about this issue as he has learned early that she hates being kept in the dark and she also hates secrets

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