Chapter 3

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I ended up falling asleep without studying , the way things are going , I'm gonna end up failing. While Tee is successful and living his best life ngala mina I'm stressing about the old ass man. I still had some cramps and I decided to go to the clinic the next morning.

The next day I woke up too early about 6 AM. And I couldn't fall back to sleep so I decided to wake up and bake some biscuits because I have been craving for them for a while. And its been such a long time since I last baked something.

I washed my face and hands first before I went to the kitchen and it looks like Thabiso slept on the sofa again. But hey I do not care. He deserve to sleep there.
I took out the stff I needed for baking , rama, eggs, flour,sugar ,bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and milk .

I started baking and they were coming out very nicely . When I finished baking it was 6 AM and I was exhausted I wanted to sleep real bad. I packed the biscuits nicely in the 10l bucket and went to sleep a little.

By 8 I was awake and ready to go to the clinic. I took my card and my phone and put it inside my handbag.
Tee: where are you going
Me: clinic
Him: why,?
Me: monthly check up.
Him: oh okay, can I take you there?
Me: no thanks , I want to take a walk and clear my mind.
Him: oh , can I atleast fetch you when you are done?
Me: No. I'm meeting up with some friends at the library , hence the laptop bag I'm carrying.
Him: ohkay go well.

I nodded my head and left . It was only a fifteen minutes walk to the clinic but I ended up walking for close to an hour because on the way I met up with this child that was lost so I waited with him for his parents to find him first before i continued with my Way to the clinic. When I got there the line was long , luckily I wasnt sick so I was gonna be just in and out in a jiffy.

I registered my name then I went to sit down . The line was going so slowly but after about an hour It was my turn.
Me: Goodmorning
Nurse: Hello" I gave her my card " so how can I help you with today"
Me: I think I'm pregnant so I'm here to do a pregnancy test
Nurse: Okay " She gave me a small cup
" can go to the toilet and pee on that cup please"

I took the cup and went to the toilet. I pee'd and came back. She took the preg test and checked . Then I went back to the toilet to put the cup in a bucket full other cups.

Nurse:" seems like you are really pregnant "
She took my weight, height and checked for BP
Her: so when last did you go to your monthly menstrual period.?
Me: my periods are irregular nurse so when I didnt see my periods coming for two months I wasnt worried much because I'm used to not seeing them sometimes for even 3 months.
Her: okay so you'll have to go to scan if you aren't sure when you conceived.

She also asked me a lot of questions while doing my file. Then she told me to go to room 4. Luckily there was no line there.
That's where they checked for lot of things. I had to take of all of my clothes and do a thorough check up.

All in all everything was perfectly fine with me I got my vitamins and I was kinda happy that I'm pregnant. But on the other side it will look like I'm lying that I'm pregnant because Lungile is pregnant too. So it will look like I'm taking the spotlight from her for my self which I'm not.. I then went the corner to hike so I'll go to the library for some quiet studying.


Lungile was at her home waiting for Thabiso . He left here promising to go buy her biscuits as she was craving for them. He came back with the Tupperware full of delicious looking biscuits.
Lungile: where did you get them because I'm sure no shops sell biscuits with Tupperwares.
Thabiso: My mom baked them baby so why waste money when there are available at home.
Lungile: Good idea my love. So when are we going to buy the building materials baby? Luckily we'll get married once I've delivered this baby
Thabiso: we'll be done building by then my love. Let me go I have some things to take care of.
Lungile: you mean your wife?
Thabiso: No not my wife . I just have some things to sort out"

Lungile knew that he meant his wife nonetheless and she didnt want him to leave because she felt like he was going to forget about her and fall in love wit his wife all over again and change his mind about him marrying her

Lungile: so when are you divorcing your wife. You know that you have to change your marriage first before we can sign and I honestly cant marry you if we cant sign
Thabiso was so tired of talking about divorcing Noxolo with Lungile because ever since Lungile learned that they cant be married legally unless Tee and Noxolo change their marriage . Lungile has been nagging him about it. Also he was stressed on how he will start bringing this matter to Noxolo because Noxolo was already struggling with accepting the fact that he is gonna marry someone else. What if she divorces him and refuse to marry him again? What would he do?.


When I finished up at the library it was late . Like 4pm late and I haven't had anything to eat so I was really hungry. I passed by chicken licken to buy some hot wings then I went to the rank for taxis to take me home.

I got home and it was getting chilly so I told my self that I'm gonna just have some few biscuits and tea. But when I got to the kitchen my bucket of cakes wasnt where I left it . I searched every where I could think for it and it wasnt there . I took out my phone from my bag and called Thabiso

Thabiso: Hey baby.
Me: Where are my biscuits?
Thabiso: ummm my mother took them. She thought they were for them since you usually give them whenever you bake.
Me: What was your mother doing in my house Thabiso?
Him: she came to talk to me and she saw the bucket ontop of the cabinet. I'm sorry baby I didnt know that they were not for them.
Me: obviously they were for me . Did you even leave some for me? Because I didnt even eat them this morning. I want my biscuits Thabiso.
Him: I'll...
Me: I dont need any excuses . I want them back."
I then dropped the call. I began pacing up and down . First he cheats on me. Then impregnate someone. After that the big bomb he want to marry her . Okay fine I accepted that. But now he gives my biscuits that I worked so hard for to his hypocrite family? Hell No.
I began feeling like something was closing in on my throat and I sobbed so loud. Tears kept on pouring. It's just more that the biscuits now. I'm crying for everything that has been going on and I just cant take it anymore.
30 minutes later i was done with my crying and i had a splitting headache i think it was because I'm hungry plus I was crying.
I decided to cook spaghetti with mince since it was easy and quick to make because hey I'm really hungry..


Thabiso got home and rushed to his family house
Thabiso: mother it looks like I gave you the biscuits that were not meant for you
MaNdlovu: What do you mean? MaDlamini always gives me biscuits every time shes baking. Today I was woken up by the smell of her delicious biscuits.
Thabiso: I think shes still angry about what has been going on. She wants them back mama. Are there any left,.?
MaNdlovu: No we finished them all. I had visitors today , but if I recall I saw you putting some on her Tupperware saying they were for her. So where are those?
Thabiso: Eish Lungile was craving for some so I just took them to her because I thought I was gonna get back quickly and replace them.
MaNdlovu: hhayi you are whipped my son. I have never seen you this in love.
Thabiso: aw come on Mama. You know I also love my wife.
MaNdlovu: Who are you trying to convince cause your actions speaks differently.
Thabiso: hhayi You are just seeing things Mama. I have to go and talk with Noxolo. I dont know how I'm gonna start talking to her about us divorcing first otherwise I wont marry Lungile legally. But I'll wait for her till she finish writing first before I tell her about it.
MaNdlovu: Eat first. I know your wife doesn't cook for you anymore.
Thabiso: I understand why she doesnt because she hates me now.
Mandlovu: But you're the one buying that food shes eating. When she came here she was wo humble. I wonder what happened to her."

Honestly ever since MaNdlovu learnt of Lungile she started to compare Noxolo with Lungile appearance wise and she liked Lungile because she was beautiful young lady that had a beautiful body and big beautiful legs . He wondered what her son saw in plain Noxolo because she was zero compared to Lungile. According to her view.
She wished that Thabiso saw Lungile first. Adding the matter of the pregnancy she was over the mood with happiness and she was sure to rub it in Noxolo's face every chance she gets . She never liked her anyways. But for her son sake she pretended to like her just for peace sake

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