Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 Not Edited


We have decided that we will be going to the doctor because Noxolo still doesnt believe that she is pregnant. I suggested that she just do a pregnancy test at home but she told me she wants to be 100% sure so we will be going to the doctor.

We woke up in the morning and showered together , I could see that she wanted us to have sex because she was all over me kissing me and I wont lie I was tempted because my girl is so fucken hot and she knows her stuff. She was giving me a hand job and my dick was rising in attention. Fuck..

I quickly took her hand away and literally ran away from the shower. I heard her laughing I think she thinks I'm playing but I'm not. I will not be having sex with her cause I can see that instead of disciplining her it makes her to be more mischievous.
I took out my clothes and hers for me white sneakers ,chinos and a white tee. For her a simple summer dress to make her stomach easily accessible when we get to the doctor
Her: Baby we haven't have sex in two days yini?
Me: Really? " she just looked at me.
Me,: ngikukhiphelile izimpahla
- I took out clothes for you
Her: Thanks boo" she then unwrapped a towel from her boy and damn , I turned around
Her: baby come on I'm horny
Me: and remember that when you lie to me.
Her: so this Is a punishment?
Me: you can call it anyhow you want .
Her: mmmh.


He is punishing me I know him. Well he can dream on cause very soon he will be the one that doesnt stick to his punishment. Tonight he will be the one begging for sex.
Me: let me go and prepare us something to eat
Him: no baby you also cooked last night , let's just go we'll grab something on the way
Me: I just dont like us eating out even if we have food in the house it's just a waste of money
Him: move in with me
Me: what?
Him: I've been thinking about it besides you are always here so please?
Me: I'll think about it
Him: that's all I ask. .

The doctor confirmed that i was truly pregnant and Njabulo was just over the moon and i was also very Happy now I'm going to have a child of my own , finally. We were doing a scan
Njabulo: will we be able to know the gender?
Me: I want it to be a surprise
Dr: it's still early to know the gender.
Me: what about sex?
Dr: You can continue doing sex akho inkinga.
Me: okay.
We finished with the doctor and went to work .
I texted lisa and told her my good news and she was also happy for me , very happy infact she called and was rambling about when she Is going to throw my baby shower and where I ended up dropping the call because she was that loud..
NJ: shes happy for you neh?
Me: Yea , I'm also happy sthandwa sami. I'm hoping that I'll enjoy this pregnancy
Nj: you will. I'll be with you every step of the way
Me: Ngyazi babe and I appreciate that, a lot.
Nj: can we do dinner with my mother and Bongeka? This is going to be my first child so I'm so excited
Me: it's fine babe. Its just that I haven't met them before and manje I'll be meeting them because I'm pregnant
Nj: I dont think they will mind. Besides you are the one that has been postponing seeing them
Me: i know i thought it was too early
Nj: okay. " we got at work and went to the office.
Me: baby yazi I cant find the Biyela receipt and now I dont know what their car came here for. But I wi call and ..
Nj: but that's just unprofessional Noxolo, how did you loose it.?
Me: I dont know. It was here yesterday before we went to lunch but when I came back it was no longer here. Look I told you before that you should lock up here but no you told me you trust your workers
Him: I trust them vele and nothing like this have ever happened before.
Me: so I sabotaged my own work?
Him: I did not say you stole it baby. I want it by the end of today because I have to start working on that car, maybe you threw it away kwazi bani
- who knows
Me: I didnt . You know that they..
Him: Noxolo sthandwa sami. I know you just started and mistakes like this can happen but please it must not happen again, this is my work and I want my customers to trust me that I can be professional.
Me: aaarg just go I dont want to look at you right now cause you aren't listening to me.
Him: I'm sorry baby but I'm just.. I dont want anything snaks to happen here. "

He finally left after giving me a cold kiss. I know someone stole that paper where I wrote all the details of the car problem and all the things they wanted to buy from the shop also about when they are gonna fetch it. I think it's that cleaner girl trying to mess up with my job and since Njabulo trust all of his workers it's up to me to store a lock for that office cause mina I dont trust them.

Lungile ☆

Its been a week now since I've went back to work and it's been a month since I last saw Thabiso. From time to time Thobeka visits me I mean we are still friend and I guess I understood where she was coming from.
My parents are still angry at me and I've decided to give them their space as I find being home very draining and when I'm there we are always fighting about the fact that they want me to go back to Thabiso. I don't know why they are so hell bent wanting me to go back cause I have nothing there . I haven't heard from Thabani since I was at the hospital and honestly I want nothing to do with him. He ruined my life I hate him.

I have been back at work its going great but everyone here is giving me stinky eye because i lost everything. My child , husband , parents. Like everyone is judging me and I know ,I now know how much wrong I was. I wish I could help Thabiso get back together with Noxolo just to clear my consciousness cause I know that all he wants right now, to get back together with Noxolo. Mmmh yes I will do that. And if she has a boyfriend I will just get him out of the way with my famous ways.. mmh yes I will just do that. But first I have to know everything there is to know about her and her boyfriend now.. Thabiso you are about to get your person back .

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