Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Wedding day

The whole week has been a nightmare with the preparations and the hipe around the whole yard while I was licking my own wounds and locking my self in my room. I did not want to see anyone and I was mourning the loss of my marriage . Because as of today he is no longer mine. Not even a little bit cause we are divorced and I honestly thought that he was gonna say we will remarry soon but hey he didnt. He still doesnt believe that the baby is his and hhayi I cant convince him another wise he is a grown man he can use his brain.

I was listening to Miley cyrus goodbye. I was feeling a whole lot right now and music made me a little bit better. Especially the sad one. Like I was remembering every little good thing me and Thabiso went thru. And I wish I had fought for us, i wish i had stopped the wedding. I wish I had not agreed to divorce him.
"I remember when we kissed
I still feel it on my lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing
I remember those simple things
I remember till I cry . "

I wish I had agreed to be even the maid of honor at this moment just so i can see him . I dont know if it were the homornes or what. I wish I did not give him such a hard time. Maybe just maybe we would have came to a certain compromise. I tried calling him and I think he answered it by mistake because all I heard was silent . I dropped the call I guess Lungile won. She should be happy now I'm gonna be giving birth to a fatherless child and I will be a newly divorced single mother.

There was a hard knock on the door and I honestly did not want to open up.
Lisa: Open up Noxolo , I will keep on knocking until you open this door.
Me: Go away.
Lisa: open up , open up, open up,..." she said as she continued to knock
I opened the door because she was getting irritating.
Me: what do you want.? I'm sleeping .
Her: go and bath we are going to this wedding. Let not make them see that they are breaking you and I'm not leaving you here alone, did you even eat? Remember you are not eating for your self only"
She looked at me and I remembered that I have had nothing to eat today and i then felt sorry for my baby then I burst out crying
Lisa: friend please stop crying, all this will pass and you will one day look at this day and be like thank you Lord for that day because it helped shaping the person I am today.
Me: I even forgot to eat Lisa , what if I forget to feed the baby once he's b..born?
Her: I know you will be a great mother so please dont doubt yourself. Now go bath we have a wedding to attend . Do not worry about anything I have your dress out in the sitting room so you are sorted"
I know she is not going to take no for an answer so I might as well get ready .
Me: Kulungile Lisa ngzohamba nawe , I'm not even going to try talk you into not going with me
- it's fine Lisa, I will go with you
Her: I will wait for you in your kitchen while you get ready, I saw your delicious looking scones .
Me: okay .

I finished getting ready. I was wearing a black strapless dress that was long. It was a beautiful dress if I can say so my self and it really looked good on me. Lisa really chose well. She also did my make up then we were ready to go.

We got to the venue and it was packed. We couldn't find any parking space so Lisa parked outside. The decorations was really beautiful and looked really expensive. It looks like we arrived late cause they are already married so we got into their reception and sat down.


Its finally my wedding day and I'm so happy I'm so in love with my husband. I think I made the good choice when I dumped Thabani, I'm still a little worried about how he just accepted everything and did not fight me.The only thing that is stressing me right now is this baby , what if Thabani talk and say this baby is his?. I think as soon as I give birth to this I should try getting pregnant and this time for Tee. Ever since I admitted my feeling to Thabiso every thing has been going very well. I even saw him for who he really is. I'm also happy that he is so in love with me just as much as I'm in love with him. At this point his wife is a none factor in our lives. Another thing is that he told me that he was not gonna remarry her. So I'm gonna be the only wife. Yazi my ancestors are looking out for me. I have my big house ready for me and my beautiful dream wedding that I have to get to in a few hours.

Mom: Lungile mntanami, mawufika emzini ngcela uziphathe kahle, uhloniphe abantu basemzini uphinde uhloniphe no sister wife wakho, ingenxa yakhe ukuthi namuhla uyoshada umnyeni wakhe ngoba wakuvumela.
-Lungile my child, when you get to your in laws please behave , respect your in laws also respect your sister wife , she is the reason why today you will be marrying her husband because she allowed it.
Auntie: I trust your mother taught you everything you need to know about domestic work so I know you will not disappoint us. You have to accept that you share a man baby so allow your husband to be with his other wife and dont get jealous . "
Me: ngyabonga Ma no Aunty. I will try my best to be the best wife ever. I think its time now to go to the church
Mom: Masambeni ,nezimoto sezifikile
- let's go, the cars has also arrived


my wedding was so beautiful If I can say so my self, Thabani was one of the groomsmen and surprisingly he didnt make any scene. He pretended to be happy and smile. But I knew better his smiles were fake. I think what I did really hurt him but hey I'm sorry, not sorry. I think leaving him was the best thing I have ever done. I was listening to my friend Thobeka speaking on behalf of friends when I saw Noxolo walking in with some girl . They sat down at the back and I couldn't care much. I mean I had the guy so nje . Then a song came on and we had to have our first dance as husband and wife so Thabiso stoop up and held his hand out to me . I saw Noxolo with a corner of my eye holding a tissue to close to her eyes. I guess she is gonna cry more once she see us dancing .
We got to the centre stage then we started our thing. We didn't rehearse so we were just holding each other
We were having too much fun I didn't even notice when Noxolo stood up and came over to us .
Noxolo: can I please cut in? "
I did not want to honestly but since I did not want to make any scene and people had to think that we get along so I let her have her very last dance with Tee. Also people thought they were still married .


When Noxolo asked to dance with me I was shocked but I saw that Lungile did not have any problem with it so I also allowed it.
Me: I saw your calls
Her: I wanted to say congratulations, the best lady has won. " she said this while we were dancing
Me: kuqhamukaphi konke lokhu?
- where is all of this coming from ?
Her: I just want to thank you for all you've done for me, you giving me money so I can continue with my studies and for also loving me for those 3 yrs we were together. I'm letting you go, I'm setting you free Tee. I love you but I've decided to also love my self more and also this baby I'm carrying. Once you've accepted him if you will. You will be allowed to see him as I know that you will be a great father and I'd never poison the child against you. But if you do not want to see him that will also be fine. Oh and you can also do a paternity test if you want. These last two months have been a nightmare they proved that the person I thought I knew was just all in my imagination. You changed right in front of me. You even went as far as having your now wife disrespect me in my own house. But now there is nothing holding me back here anymore I mean we are basically divorced so what's the use of me staying? I'll be leaving your home , after you come from your honey moon you wont find me there. That's all I wanted to say. I wish you the best of luck.
Me: Noxolo no one is throwing you out. That is your home too. Since you are the orphan and all, just dont leave
Her: you dont have to pretend as if you actually care. And me being an orphan doesnt mean that I should stay even where I see that I'm not wanted
Me: but I want you . I do
Her: who are you trying to convince? I mean when last did you tell me you love me straight to my face? Do you even love me, I swear If you can tell me you love me right now I will stay
Me: I.. I.." I couldn't do it.
Her: See ,you cant even look at me straight to my eyes. I have to go your wife and her friends are giving me a stink eye. "

I looked at her as she left for the last time. She was wearing black. I think she was mourning the end of our marriage. Well I did not care much because I had a new wife and a baby coming . So I shouldn't stress mu self much about her. Even thou I couldnt help my self with stressing about her. I got off the stage and went to look for my wife. I think I saw her going out of the hall.

" how does it feels like to loose" I heard my wife asking someone. I decided to stand there and eavesdrop
" and what did I lose?" I knew the voice belonged to Noxolo
Lungi: Thabiso ofcourse
Noxolo: Oh dear I did not loose Thabiso. But he lost me. Look at me, I lack nothing I'm pregnant right now and I'm happy as I can be. So he took nothing of mine baby girl.
Lungi: oksalayo I have his ring on my finger
Noxolo: And that's good for you. But how you got him is also how you're gonna loose him. I wish you both good luck. Oh I'm still gonna be in your lives . Hes gotta father this baby I'm carrying too."

I haven't told Lungie about Noxolo's pregnancy yet and I honestly wasn't planning on telling her. I decided to come out of my hiding place cause their voices were getting high .

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